As someone technically LGBT+, I still feel like I don't exactly belong.

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It's hard to put my exact feeling into words. I feel like an "imposter" (was going to put the phrase "imposter syndrome" in my topic title, but looked it up and realized that phrase doesn't mean what I thought it did).

I'm bi/pan sexual. Been that way for a long time. I'm still in the closet in real life. I'm also non-binary, I guess. Still not sure what I'd call myself. I have my "male" side and my "female" side, so to speak. I've always outwardly presented as male, but in private it's different and I dress up and do that sort of thing. I feel a lot more comfortable and feel "right". Not nearly as much as I'd like since I don't live alone. If I did, I'd probably dress how I like all the time. I'm not sure if I'd call myself "trans", but I have deep thoughts about how if I didn't live in such a right wing state, would I go further?

When talking about LGBT+ things, I sometimes I feel like it's not my place to talk about them at all. I know deep down I shouldn't be having feelings like that, but regardless I have that part of me that feels that way and I don't know why.

Again, it's hard to put my feelings and identity into words and I'm basically venting because I've been thinking about this all day at work so forgive me if I'm rambling and not making sense. I don't have nobody else to talk to about it as well. Anyone else in the community have feelings like this?
When I sin I sin real good.