Okay, I'm kind of now getting into BG3. *spoilers*

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Srk700 posted...
Actor is a great feat to pick if you started off with 17 CHA and even stats everywhere else, as the Deception + Performance stuff is more of a bonus to make up for it not providing +2 to stats of your choice like ASI does.
Nah, I definitely fucked up. I already had expertise in both of those skills, so I'm just missing a skill point. All well, guess I'll just have odd ability scores.

Only played like a half hour tonight to see if I could get into the moon goddess' temple in the Underdark with Disguise Self and I totally could. Shadowheart is probably quite pleased because she blew up their magic gem and stole one of their armors. I also learned that this game is very specific about armor being actual armor, so Gale now gets to wear the Poisoner's Robe with his Bracers of Defense instead of walking around in his underwear like has been for the last six hours of playtime.

I also learned that I should probably stop exploring the Underdark because the three avenues of exploration I've currently found are:
  • Garden of petrified drow with a fuck-off spectator
  • An ambush from a bullete
  • A half dozen fungal zombies
The first two TPK'd me pretty handily, but the spectator did get a surprise round and I was low on resources when I hit the bullete. Maybe if Shovel scouts ahead, the spectator won't surprise me. I can free its statue slaves, so maybe the action economy will even it up. But on the other hand, the spectator oneshot literally everyone it attacked and the bullete's AC is a thousand.

So I dunno, maybe I should go back to doing goblins lol
https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur