4 million dollars after taxes, or an 80% discount on everything for life?

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I would take the 80% in a heart beat. Give me a year, I would take that and turn it into a lot more than 5 million easy.

Start by buying up gift cards and what not and completely undercut the market until I make enough money to flip my first house and its all she wrote.

Think of me as a modern day Mansa Musa. Id crash the economy so hard. Since I cant be prosecuted, or hurt or whatever, the possibilities are endless.

And I wouldnt have to do it for very long. Id retire a billionaire in about five years, and then Id just rely on the fact that I can go on vacations anywhere I want on 80% discount.
My resolution - the next time the Eagles are in the Superbowl, I'm going!
February 10th, 2023