Half Elf Druid.or Dwarf Cleric

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Current Events » Half Elf Druid.or Dwarf Cleric
GOD himself gives you opportunity to be one of these two fantasy races and classes forever. Which one would you turn into? I obviously didn't put wizard for the simple fact of the wish spell.
Frostmourne hungers.
Fuck. I either have to be a prissy sissy elf, or short?

Tell God that this is why people go to Hell on purpose.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Omg dwarven cleric would be so metal
Go eat a pancake
Druid. I like elves. But also, free food, can turn into a bear, and still have healing abilities.

I am the Hunter of Topics. My post never fails to kill its prey.
*pounces* Nyaa!
If I choose Druid, do I still have pollen/grass/moss allergies?
It's kind of an important factor in the decision....
streamofthesky posted...
If I choose Druid, do I still have pollen/grass/moss allergies?
It's kind of an important factor in the decision....

You get %100 full access to their abilities..

But that part im not sure.. hmmm!
Frostmourne hungers.
this sucks
No clues, no trace
No hands, no face
Current Events » Half Elf Druid.or Dwarf Cleric