Do you know your own ethnic and cultural heritage?

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Current Events » Do you know your own ethnic and cultural heritage?
People who say they're part German but leave out the other 5 mixed ethnicities always confused me

Like you identify as German ethnically, keep zero German culture, and omit the fact that you're also part Irish, English. Always wondered about that.

Anyway do you identify strongly with your ethnic heritage if you do know it? How about the attached culture of your ethnicity?
everything is going to b o k
lol no. Don't give a fuck either. Fuck my heritage tbh. I'll fuck it real good, make it forget about other heritage and have my ethnic babies.
My maid will hear about this.
I don't have a clue and don't really care.
Chicken butt.
My mom is 99% Anglo and my dad was Mexican (indigenous, African, and Spanish blood).

I don't really identify as anything.
Spongebob is not a contraceptive.
Not at all. It always seems extremely confusing. Like I can understand if someone has active grandparents or great grandparents, who still live in their country of origin, and they actually have visited that country, but the people who sort of pick and choose some arbitrary heritage point and act like it means anything seem to be compensating for something.
Somewhat. Russian (but maybe Ukrainian lol), Polish and Lithuanian Jew. Don't really care about it though, and I have no personal connection to this nationalities/cultural identities. It's largely a social construct that has caused so much suffering over arbitrary things.
How quaint.
i am 2/3rd extremely big penis and 1/3 too cool for the modern era
Black American

I'm proud to be Black, and I embrace all of humanity
I just say I'm Mexican because that's what I look like the most. There's no point in mentioning the Welsh/Irish genetic ancestry as I display no phenotypes and don't observe any cultural customs or traditions and have no interest in making any room for it. Especially considering nobody in my family does.
RIP Lex Megathread
SailorGoon posted...
I just say I'm Mexican because that's what I look like the most. There's no point in mentioning the Welsh/Irish genetic ancestry as I display no phenotypes and don't observe any cultural customs or traditions and have no interest in making any room for it. Especially considering nobody in my family does.
are you pretty Mexican, culturally tho
mex-American or Mexican
everything is going to b o k
Depending how far I go back there is (outside of my own nationality) Swedish, maybe some Danish or Finish (depending on how far back we go), Russian, Germanic, French, but don't identify as such. Wouldn't be surprised if there were other ones if we go back further.

Either way, none of them are important enough for me to mention them outside of conversations like this.Unlike Americans who somehow have this whole "oh, I'm Irish/African/Italian/etc.-American" **** going.
Just when you think you see a silver lining, God makes you blind....the *****
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
of course, as far as we can tell, my whole lineage has stayed in Sweden from now and back to the point we can track
i think they tracked one guy down to 1500s or so
Kremlin delenda est
Total_Lost2 posted...
Depending how far I go back there is (outside of my own nationality) Swedish, maybe some Danish or Finish (depending on how far back we go), Russian, Germanic, French, but don't identify as such. Wouldn't be surprised if there were other ones if we go back further.

Either way, none of them are important enough for me to mention them outside of conversations like this.Unlike Americans who somehow have this whole "oh, I'm Irish/African/Italian/etc.-American" **** going.
This is what I always wonder though

Like you act like you somehow strongly identify with this heritage, like you're proud of it or something, yet practice zero cultural things. Like you're not recognizable any flavor of European, u probably don't know ur actual heritage but they always sound so... proud? idk
everything is going to b o k
Cruciferous posted...
are you pretty Mexican, culturally tho
mex-American or Mexican
I don't do that. Ethnically I'm Mexican. Nationality wise I'm American. Americans have no culture so I don't say Mexican American because I don't do anything American other than exist in America... Which I don't even do that anymore
RIP Lex Megathread
Scottish, Irish, German, & Italian are the ones I know of

and of those, the only one I identify with is Italian because my great-grandmother was the stereotypical little old Italian lady. She was born there, so she brought the language and the food over with her. Other than that I'm just an American-ass American.
SailorGoon posted...
I don't do that. Ethnically I'm Mexican. Nationality wise I'm American. Americans have no culture so I don't say Mexican American because I don't do anything American other than exist in America... Which I don't even do that anymore
and that's fair.
everything is going to b o k
White mutt.

Our lineage can get traced back to Ireland, but they came over 400+ years ago and they definitely weren't keeping the bloodline Irish all that time. So I'm a hodgepodge of white people.
1 line break(s), 160 characters allowed
yes but my parents are first generation immigrants and raised me with their culture

I'm albanian and I have very close ties to the culture
Scottish/Irish/Austrian descent, and I don't think I do a whole bunch of "cultural" stuff that isn't culinary, short of knowing my families' tartans and mottos - and most of that is through my parents anyhow.
A beacon of Light from a burning screen.
100% Polish. Mom and dad were both born there.
Half Italian on my dad's side. Mom's of Jewish descent, but nationality is a bit of a mess. I've got roots in Austria, Ukraine, possibly Russia. I know one of my cousins did a lot of research to trace it all, but I was never that interested.
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I'm mostly Italian with some English in me. My father and his family came to this country from Italy, so we've mostly followed Italian traditions and culture growing up.
I do drawings and stuff
both of my parents are from Rwanda, so it has always been in my face.

I didn't embrace it as much, when I was a kid, but I started to do so as I got older.
Don't you agree, Zach?
100% Italian as far back as I know. Don't know much about what kind of like existed before my grandparents. My father's father had a farm in southern mainland Italy that was destroyed in an earthquake. My mother's side is from Sicily but I have no idea what they were doing there or why they decided to come to America in the first place. You'd have to go pretty far up to find someone in my family tree who wasn't Italian but based on what little onomastic research I've done he probably would have been British.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Mainly German and Irish, wit a tiny bit of I dont remember, ifgaf about genealogy.
Getting high and playing video games is the best! I swear to ducking God!
your mom
German primarily, with about 20 Irish, 20 Hispanic and the rest is a blend of stuff, Persian was the one little scrap of that test I took I found interesting, it was only like .2% or something.
I see the world through Fibonacci sequences and double dutch
gonna randomly quote a portion of someone's post and say "that explains a lot"
Roll Tide & Go Irish
I was born in Nigeria but moved to the US when I was 6. And both my parents were also born in Nigeria. That's the extent of my background. Never been interested in those generic tests.

Not really that involved culturally once I moved away from home. I can understand the language (Yoruba) but I can't speak it. And I'll occasionally make the food
haters gonna hate
My family are meticulous record keepers.

We have a forest and village named for us. Anyone with the same surname is related to me. All ~650 of them.

Tiw - Min scild, min sweord
Woden - Se ALLFAEDER he is, naes hwitra manna anra
I know enough to give a simplified version when people ask (all Irish on my mom's side, mostly Swedish and German on my dad's side), but I've never been to any of those countries and only know of some fairly distant cousins that I've never met that still live in-country in a few cases. I've never cared all that much, but my mom's family growing up liked to make a big deal of their heritage even though I can't think of a single culturally Irish thing we ever did.
Thus I became a madman.
Mom's side is all black islanders, as far as I know. Dad is a mix of black, white, and native American. Said he had his roots traced to Zimbabwe and the Mihawk tribe. Kind of disappointing to be this weird mix yet look like an ordinary, lightly-tanned white guy.
Philosophy major in the academy of Nope.
Yeah I took AncestryDNA and it matches up with what I've been told. Half Indian through Trinidad, Ecuadorian and Puerto Rican. Of course there's Spanish from Ecuador and PR, and my PR line has a bunch of small European and African percentages but I don't count those.
Proud Arceus of C.E.A.L. 3DS: 3926 5179 1229 IGN: ICanSnake (AS, Moon, UM, SW) | Jon (X)
Event List: Shiny List:
I did some digging on the family history of all of my grandparents and it seems like 99% of the time the line would end up in England. My dad's line went really far back and one direct great grandfather was a baron and friend/confidant of Henry VIII. He and some of his ancestors/kids even have wikipedia pages. Another line was some sort of baron too apparently. The only differences are some Dutch heritage through my paternal grandmother and some Belgian and Irish a bit far back.

Don't really go out of my way to gel with my heritage, but a lot of my favorite things are from England like musicians, writers, shows, etc. Some of the English food that gets derided a lot seems fine with me and some parts of English cuisine got passed down through my family in some fashion.
When I sin I sin real good.
Not really. I know more about mom's side than Dad's. According to my family, one of mom's grandfather's was a native American and married a German woman.

That's literally all I know, and that's just what I've been told.
Both my parents did a DNA ancestry test and my mom was about 98% Italian with some small amounts or random European mixed in.

My Dad, however was all over the place. Puerto Rican, Dominican, Mexican, Native American, and pretty much every Central American country as well.

Because we lived with my Mom's side of the family, I grew up more Italian/American than anything else.
It takes zero effort to be a good person.
Doesnt matter that I know or embrace it, people just judge me by my skin color
I'm only at most 25% of any one thing, so it's never been a big identity in my life. My great grandfather was an immigrant in another country before he even came to the US with his wife and that's still the most homogenous part of my background.
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
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Im mixed, white and black, and I openly identify as such. Occasionally, I will refer to myself as black, but only when that part of me is completely ignored (which does happen sometimes).
I have a general knowledge of my white ethnic ancestries, though my grandmother may have lied and left Slavic out (at least my mom believes this). However, I have no cultural practices of any of those ethnicities: Polish, German, and Bohemian.
Im incredibly antisocial, and dont value inherited ethnic culture and generally actively a non-participant in things that I have no interest in. I do practice some American Midwest cultural behaviors, though these are more me practicing those behaviors because theyre much harder to process as a culture being raised with those behaviors.
My only attachments are that I like bodegas, big butts, and my grandma's cooking. I know about my ethnic history, dated a girl who was real into it for a long time, but there's no true attachment. I have never felt a need to belong.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
I have a mix of Northern European ancestry. Mostly English with some Scottish and Scandinavian.

When I was growing up I was told our family was part Irish and even that we had a little Native American ancestry but when I got a DNA test none of that turned out to be true.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
MacadamianNut3 posted...
gonna randomly quote a portion of someone's post
That explains a lot.
Chicken butt.
Yeah, I'm Dominican. I came to the US early so I'm pretty Americanized, but it's definitely a different culture
I know that Im White English, and that both sides of my family were for the 4 generations I have any knowledge of. We probably were before that too but I dont know or care.
Born and brought up in England; but at great-great-grandparent level, my father's side of the family are Welsh and mother's side are Irish Catholics (from County Cork). I've an inherited medical condition that indicates Viking ancestry. (Those horny, colonizing scamps were busy criss-crossing the Irish Sea from the early 9th century.) But as far as I'm concerned, where I was born and brought up matters more.
The shadows are marching.
I definitly focus more on my Norwegian heritage since that is where my last name comes from. And because it is a much more clear history with my great grandfather leaving Norway in 1923

I do know the history on my mom's side . She is pretty much half French and half English both settling in Canada before the United States declared independence. With my family pretty much being on the border between New York and Canada constantly moving between. Until my great grandfather moved to Long Island New York
We're on a journey to forever! Dreams eternal in a wondrous world without walls
We are Forever, wondering what the future holds
I did one of those mail in kits, and then they never sent me the results. From my last name, I know I'm at least some German.
i7-12700F - 3080 - 64GB 3200 - 1440p Ultrawide
I'm aware of a lot of little pieces of my ethnic background but I can't say I ever give them much thought or consider them an important part of me in any way. It's just some weird mix of a few eurpoean countries and a little bit of native but it's all so far back that none of it really matters

I just consider myself culturally canadian. nothing more complex than that
Some amount of Scots-Irish, some amount of English, some amount of Dutch. None of it matters in the slightest.
Current Events » Do you know your own ethnic and cultural heritage?
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