Does South Park offend you?

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Current Events » Does South Park offend you?
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Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
What is this, 1999?
Any gingers out there? No offense m'kay.
"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show
It doesn't offend me, but I think it feeds young men some bad messages and glorifies nihilism while downplaying white supremacists and attacking LGBTQ people with tired stereotypes.

South Park, and the mentality behind it is a sort of childish one where they make stuff so over the top deliberately provocative, and then declare any criticism as "the PC/woke crowd getting offended lolz" - and it's like ...fuck off Parker and Stone, your entire show is whining about any small inconvenience to your privileged lives while relentlessly attacking public figures that "offend" them using their own stupid metric.
Moderated for telling people not to commit illegal acts of assault and murder.09/2/23
Also moderated for not responding to obvious bait. - 10/03/23
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
Ivynn posted...
What is this, 1999?
Feels like it
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
I haven't watched it in awhile again but it seemed like it actually got better. The earliest South Parks while funny mainly were about crude humor like aliens shoving things up Cartman's butt.

Cartman is cool. He dresses up so much. He does what he wants!
"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show
Smackems posted...
Feels like it

Then let's party
Post #10 was unavailable or deleted.
Ivynn posted...
Then let's party
Party culture offends me
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Yes, I'm triggered by it
How quaint.
Kathleen, whats your vote?
More to do with the humidity than heat
Torgo posted...
It doesn't offend me, but I think it feeds young men some bad messages and glorifies nihilism while downplaying white supremacists and attacking LGBTQ people with tired stereotypes.

South Park, and the mentality behind it is a sort of childish one where they make stuff so over the top deliberately provocative, and then declare any criticism as "the PC/woke crowd getting offended lolz" - and it's like ...fuck off Parker and Stone, your entire show is whining about any small inconvenience to your privileged lives while relentlessly attacking public figures that "offend" them using their own stupid metric.
Close enough to my feelings.

It's occasionally funny, but not worth wading through.
In simplicity, utility. Through utility, simplicity.
South Park did get into this where if we offend everyone then we aren't picking sides. Surprised it has not been under more controversy these years.
"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show
Kamil posted...
South Park did get into this where if we offend everyone then we aren't picking sides. Surprised it has not been under more controversy these years.
BoTh SiDeS
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
only with how bad it's been for the last 20 years.
When you kill a man, you're a murderer. Kill many, and you're a conqueror. Kill them all, oh you're a god.
Torgo posted...
It doesn't offend me, but I think it feeds young men some bad messages and glorifies nihilism while downplaying white supremacists and attacking LGBTQ people with tired stereotypes.

South Park, and the mentality behind it is a sort of childish one where they make stuff so over the top deliberately provocative, and then declare any criticism as "the PC/woke crowd getting offended lolz" - and it's like ...fuck off Parker and Stone, your entire show is whining about any small inconvenience to your privileged lives while relentlessly attacking public figures that "offend" them using their own stupid metric.
Pretty much. It doesn't offend me, and I feel like they try have sensible takes (albeit kind of fence-sitting at times), but it also does lend itself to the "Why is everyone so offended?" crowd.
...I think I'm done here...
Myzery posted...
only with how bad it's been for the last 20 years.
The 2000s were probably the best it's been imo
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
I stopped watching South Park years ago, but no. It didn't offend me when I watched it. Definitely rolled my eyes at more than a few lame "jokes" though.
All good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my Good
I think the only way I could be considered slightly offended was with how they dealt with the whole Isaac Hayes/Chef situation. I thought that was actually mean spirited more than the usual tone of the show but even then it was only slightly put off and not really offended.
Libertarianism is offensive, yes.
"A shouted order to do something of dubious morality with an unpredictable outcome? Thweeet! "
My FC is in my profile.
I've seen most episodes up until like 2010 so of course there was stuff along the way that offended me. It's just a matter of how much shit you can stomach sometimes.

I do fault the creators though for inspiring ignorant, right-wing sentiments among gen x and millennials (sure they attacked both sides, but that gave plenty of ammo for people already feeling inclined to not like Democrats because of what other influential figures in their lives tell them) with Manbearpig being one of the biggest offenders. I get that the creators have acknowledged they were in the wrong on that issue, but I think they should feel a moral responsibility to rest of society to actively fight against ignorance about climate issues, but that's just me and I'm sure many would laugh at me for holding them to that standard.
It's a 100% harmless comedy show that occasionally makes a good point. If you're offended, that means it's working.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
some of these "no's" are actually yes's
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
It was funny early on with its snappy pacing and charmingly-crappy art style/voice performances.

The show would lose its charm and would become super drawn-out and boring, with so many episodes just being repeating jokes well beyond their expiration date. Those jokes tend to simply be "lol these guys amirite" and not much else. You have to find the mere premise and subject to be inherently funny, and I would say that it almost never was.

The show doesn't offend me politically but I do think that it often is in poor taste with moronic, sometimes-muddled commentary. The show is nowhere near as smart or interesting or even funny as it likes to pretend to be.
The stuff with Chef did seem mean spirited. I think he just didn't want to do the show anymore because he felt it was offensive to his beliefs. So he just kinda went away. *smirks* this was like pre social media. I should just look it up but I am on mobile and eating and a little tired.

Gawd I'm such a normie
"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show
Kamil posted...
The stuff with Chef did seem mean spirited. I think he just didn't want to do the show anymore because he felt it was offensive to his beliefs. So he just kinda went away. *smirks* this was like pre social media. I should just look it up but I am on mobile and eating and a little tired.

Gawd I'm such a normie
I've heard that scientology basically made his choices for him towards the end
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
I probably would if I were a ginger. I mean it set them back an entire generation.
This is where cool people write stuff.
I know I made the ginger joke earlier, but Red Heads are cool.
"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show
LeoRavus posted...
I probably would if I were a ginger. I mean it set them back an entire generation.
I'm part ginger I'm super duper offended. Partly
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Smackems posted...
The 2000s were probably the best it's been imo
south park for me died with chef.
When you kill a man, you're a murderer. Kill many, and you're a conqueror. Kill them all, oh you're a god.
i dont know if offend is the right word. they say some really stupid shit that annoys me for sure
My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all.
I don't get offended by it because I understand what the show is and that if I didn't want to see potentially controversial stuff then I just shouldn't watch.

That said, I don't always agree with their takes, particularly when it seems like they're punching down or when it's a nihilistic "It's dumb to care about things" message.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
UnsteadyOwl posted...
I don't get offended by it because I understand what the show is and that if I didn't want to see potentially controversial stuff then I just shouldn't watch.

That said, I don't always agree with their takes, particularly when it seems like they're punching down or when it's a nihilistic "It's dumb to care about things" message.
Yeah though I love the show and it doesn't offend me, I don't always agree with their message
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
Sometimes. But mostly it's just too gross and stupid to watch.
I'm just a girl who loves games
Never offended. Its either made me laugh or gave me no reaction but never offended. I dont think I could be offended by an animated show. I cant ever think of anything in entertainment ever offending me. It either makes me chuckle or I get no reaction and it falls flat.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
Only with its equivocation and sometimes being really unfunny
"I play with myself" - Darklit_Minuet, 2018
Christmas Critters did but generally no. Im in my 40s so even if theres something intentionally distasteful on screen, I can handle it.
"Well, it's not a bad game. It's made by Capcom, so how could it?" ~ AVGN
I was done with it like fifteen seasons ago.
Currently playing: Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
Venixon posted...
Sometimes. But mostly it's just too gross and stupid to watch.

Bass_X0 posted...
Christmas Critters did but generally no. Im in my 40s so even if theres something intentionally distasteful on screen, I can handle it.
Props for admitting it

There may have been a thing or two about animals that offended me but I don't remember
Common sense says it may not taste good, but it'll make a turd.
LeoRavus posted...
I probably would if I were a ginger. I mean it set them back an entire generation.
Seriously yeah. They are legit like the only group that has an actual case for being offended about the show. Took a minor, mostly dead joke and made it worldwide popular.

As for the show, i was never offended, but the show has just lost my interest. The humor, the characters, the story telling just became repetitive and stagnant.
Link_of_time posted...
Seriously yeah. They are legit like the only group that has an actual case for being offended about the show. Took a minor, mostly dead joke and made it worldwide popular.
My fate was the grandest, most brilliant of them all.
Link_of_time posted...
They are legit like the only group that has an actual case for being offended about the show.
There is more than just gingers that have the ability to be legitimately offended.
"A shouted order to do something of dubious morality with an unpredictable outcome? Thweeet! "
My FC is in my profile.
Im only offended by the lack of new episodes.
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site. -CJayC
Cartman does with his attitude and prejudice behavior, yet I still watch the show anyway. I just hate Cartman though.
Not changing this signature until I think of a better one. Stated 8/26/2021
Join the unknown:
Tegridy Farms got old. I don't like new Randy.
"I sung of chaos and eternal night, taught by the heav'nly muse to venture down the dark descent, and up to reascend...
Whatever, Cartman does what he wants whatever. It's weird to think I was watching episodes where he actually had a girlfriend.

"A lesser talent couldn't have pulled it off. But I'm willing to bet on BoJack Horseman. Are you?"
~~Cuddlywhiskers on the new show
Current Events » Does South Park offend you?
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