Rate my Gunpla haul CE! USA gundam store was having a 20% off sale Thursday.

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LordFarquad1312 posted...
For panel lining, if you wanna use the Tamiya stuff you gotta gloss varnish the model first. If you wanna do it on bare plastic use acrylic washes or the pour type Gundam panel liners.

If you want to get into painting, I suggest investing in an airbrush and an air compressor. A good airbrush is more important than an expensive compressor.

He got some acrylic in that first pic.

Panel lining was a kind of experiment for me though. At first, I tried using Gundam markers, usually black. Didn't really like the results of it. Tried air brushing the panel lines, hated that even more. Then I went with the dab method with the dark gray and rust brown panel liner mixed with a little more alcohol mixed in. I believe that gives a softer visual than black would.

If you want to air brush and you never used one, I would practice on cheap models first. Get a feel with using the brush. Again, as LordFarquad mentioned, the airbrush is more important than the compressor. Start out cheap and work your way up to a nice double-action air brush.
Intel 486, Integrated videocard, 16MB RAM, 64MB HD, 3 1/4 inch floppy