Why can't we use thoughts and prayers to protect our border?

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Current Events » Why can't we use thoughts and prayers to protect our border?
It's working for schools, right?
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I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
Duh, because Mexico is a more Christian country, so their prayers win.
because the 'concerns' over the border are disingenuous political theater that comes up literally every election year. both sides do it. the right plays the 'tuk ur jerbs' angle to enrage the working class and the left plays the 'poor migrants' angle to engage the sympathies of the their base.

if the right was actually concerned about illegals they would go after the people who give them jobs. remember, jobs cannot be taken, they must be given.
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Because the border is a made up issue I dont give a shit about
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Current Events » Why can't we use thoughts and prayers to protect our border?