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Robert Anton Wilson's quote on extremism in America is rather accurate

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Current Events » Robert Anton Wilson's quote on extremism in America is rather accurate
He claimed,

I've never been afraid of the American Nazi Party, on the grounds that anybody dumb enough to pick a name like that is not a serious threat. Any real fascist movement that's a threat, that's serious and really endangers us, would call itself the Red, White, and Blue Christian American Party, or something like that. They wouldn't be dumb enough to call themselves Nazis.

RS3: UltimaSuende
Also an excerpt from his entirely fictional Schrdinger's Cat Trilogy , published between 1979-1981:

Lousewart V [the president of the totally fictional country of Unistat] was a man born into the right time; his book perfectly reflected all the foreboding of the late 1970s. Its thesis was simply that everything science does is wrong, that scientists are very nasty people, and that we need to go back to a simpler, more natural way of life. The message was perfect for the time; it was simply Hitler's National Socialism redone, with only a few minor changes.

Where Hitler wrote "Jew," for instance, Lousewart wrote "scientist." Nobody but the most backward denizens of Bad Ass, Texas, or Chicago, Illinois, was capable of really getting riled up by the anti-Semitic ploy anymore, and Lousewart had, with intuitive brilliance, picked the one scapegoat capable of mobilizing real fear, rage, and hatred among the general population.

And Hitler's Wagnerian primitivism was altogether too Teutonic for young America in the 1970s, so Lousewart replaced it with a chic blend of Taoist and Amerindian primitivism.

It didn't matter that scholars pointed out that all of Lousewart's arguments were illogical
and incoherent (his followers despised logic and coherence on principle), and it didn't
even matter that he had brazenly lifted most of his notions right out of Roszak's Where
the Wasteland Ends and Von Daniken's Gold of the Gods. It was a package that had a
built-in market. With the collapse of the Republican Party after Nixon and Ford, there
was a void in national politics; somebody had to organize a force to challenge the
Democrats, and the People's Ecology Party moved quickly to capture the turf.

Furbish Lousewart was an expert in Morality and Ideology; he understood that seeking
out and denouncing no-good shits was the path by which one could become leader of a
movement of the anxious and angry. In short, he had the instincts of a politician.

The Lousewart philosophy of asceticism, medievalism, and despair was officially called
the Revolution of Lowered Expectations.

The Revolution of Lowered Expectations had not been invented by Furbish Lousewart.
The whole neurosociology of the twentieth century could be understood as a function of
two variables-the upward-rising curve of the Revolution of Rising Expectations and the
downward-plunging trajectory of the Revolution of Lowered Expectations.

The Revolution of Rising Expectations, which had drawn more and more people into its
Up-thrust during the first half of the century, had led many to believe that poverty and
starvation and disease were all gradually being phased out by advances in pure and
applied science, growing stockpiles of surplus food in the advanced nations, accelerated
medical progress, the spread of literacy and electronics, and the mounting sense that
people had a right to demand a decent life for themselves and their children.

The Revolution of Lowered Expectations was based on the idea that there wasn't enough
energy to provide for the rising expectations of the masses. Year after year the message
was broadcast: There Isn't Enough. The masses were taught that Terra was a closed
system, that entropy was increasing, that life was a losing proposition all around, and that
the majority were doomed to poverty, starvation, disease, misery, and stupidity.

Most of the people who still had rising expectations were scientists. When Furbish
Lousewart realized the political capital to be made from the Revolution of Lowered
Expectations, he also realized-thus demonstrating his political savvy-that having an
opposition meant having a scapegoat group.

The scientists were an ideal scapegoat group because they all spoke in specialized
languages and hardly anybody could understand them.

The Jews had served this function in earlier ages because they spoke Yiddish.

The scientists spoke Mathematics.

RS3: UltimaSuende
Post #3 was unavailable or deleted.
Also, as a related note: it's important to remind everyone that the original Nazis were not unloading train cars of Jews and Romani people into gas chambers the day they formed their party or even on the day they came to power.

It was a gradual ramp up from warning about the foreign invaders weakening the blood of real Germans, or the internal threats poisoning the children's minds and threatening the culture with deviant behavior. That part should sound very familiar by now.
Moderated for telling people not to commit illegal acts of assault and murder.09/2/23
Also moderated for not responding to obvious bait. - 10/03/23
ImAMarvel posted...
I mean, that's basically the modern GOP in a nutshell, though they have been becoming increasingly mask off lately.

Also I really should read some of this dude's work.
He has really outstanding fictional works (like Schrodinger's Cat, but my personal favorite is the Illuminatus! Trilogy). He also has some fun psychology books with even more fun exercises (one is literally to get high [on ginseng!] and go to a spa or sauna. And then to repeat that every week for the rest of your life).

He's also one of the two guys responsible for the modern day Illuminati crap lol.
RS3: UltimaSuende
There is no friend anywhere
there is no enemy anywhere

delete as appropriate
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
Here's another one from the Cat:

Then the Communists set up a front organization, the National Rifle Association, to encourage the wide usage of guns of all sorts, and to battle any attempt to control guns as unconstitutional. Thus, they guaranteed that the murder rate in Unistat would always be the highest in the world. This kept the citizens in perpetual anxiety about their safety both on the streets and in their homes. The citizens then tolerated the rapid growth of the Police State, which controlled almost everything, except the sale of guns, the chief cause of crime.

RS3: UltimaSuende
is that the one with the mouth-breeding fish?
Evil begins when you begin to treat people as things. GNU STP
Current Events » Robert Anton Wilson's quote on extremism in America is rather accurate