Trump Trials General Part 7

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Current Events » Trump Trials General Part 7
ImAMarvel posted...
They're going to fire her aren't they?

Why wouldn't they? They've been looking for a pretext to kill the case (read: protect Trump from the consequences of his crimes). This is as close as they're going to get, and they have no shame, so I can't see them going this far if they didn't mean to follow through.
ImAMarvel posted...
They're going to fire her aren't they?
There isnt a shred of evidence to support anything theyve claimed.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
chris1001_the_sequel posted...
Wasn't the deadline for trump appealing the immunity argument at noon today? Did they remember to do that?

They have asked the Supreme Court to stay the case because they plan to file for certiorari. More attempts at delay on Trump's part as he should have included the request with the appeal.
I wish I was over yonder with my cronies
The above sig was made so I could put yonder and cronies in a sig
Cemith posted...

I guess they're having a hearing where they determine if Willis is out as DA?

I listened to a bit of today's hearing and it seems it'll be an evidentiary hearing where they'll have to prove their case to disqualify them. I really hope this all turns out to be nothing, but I have no clue how it's gonna go.

As expected, Trump appeals to SCOTUS in the January 6th case
CableZL posted...

As expected, Trump appeals to SCOTUS in the January 6th case

Wait so was this him submitting the appeal? Or saying he wants time to submit the appeal?
Ruvan22 posted...
Wait so was this him submitting the appeal? Or saying he wants time to submit the appeal?
He's asking them to effectively block the DC trial from proceeding until after SCOTUS has ruled on immunity.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Ruvan22 posted...
Wait so was this him submitting the appeal? Or saying he wants time to submit the appeal?

From what I can tell:
  • He's upset about how fast the DC Court of Appeals made their ruling denying presidential immunity
  • He still argues he has presidential immunity and that SCOTUS should reverse the DC Court of Appeals' ruling
  • He's still arguing that he's being indicted for official acts

And I've run out of motivation to read the rest of the garbage in this filing.
I don't see the USSC ruling on ending their power by granting the President immunity from any prosecution.

But we will see.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
Dontcha just love the endless appeals system?

At this point, a President could nuke the moon, and it would take a decade worth of trials to determine if it happened or not. It's a very poor deterrent for Presidents to act correctly when you can gum up the justice system forever.

mystic_belmont posted...
I don't see the USSC ruling on ending their power by granting the President immunity from any prosecution.

But we will see.
I mean, it would then apply to Biden, opening up Pandora's box. If nothing else, the Cons don't want that.
PotD's resident Film Expert.
Oath Keeper Kelly SoRelle found competent to stand trial. I had forgotten about her.
CableZL posted...
Oath Keeper Kelly SoRelle
Parents must have been high AF when they named her lmao
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Tyranthraxus posted...
Parents must have been high AF when they named her lmao
Probably should have said Oath Keepers member Kelly SoRelle
I think the stuff in Atlanta probably has gotten this far because McAfee wants less things they can appeal after the trial. Much better to get it out of the way now.

That being said I do think McAfee needs to go ahead and divide everyone into the groups for trial, set trial dates, and also give a deadline for plea deals. It would likely lead to the end of a lot of this garbage.

If I was doing the groups I would set them up so that a lot of the smaller fish take deals so it can eventually get down to one trial. For instance if group 1 includes Trump, Meadows, Eastman, and Kutti. While group 2 includes Giuliani, Clark, Roman, and Floyd it would give the rest, people that they don't want to be on trial with meaning they are more likely to take deals.
I wish I was over yonder with my cronies
The above sig was made so I could put yonder and cronies in a sig
CyborgSage00x0 posted...
Dontcha just love the endless appeals system?

At this point, a President could nuke the moon, and it would take a decade worth of trials to determine if it happened or not. It's a very poor deterrent for Presidents to act correctly when you can gum up the justice system forever.

I mean, it would then apply to Biden, opening up Pandora's box. If nothing else, the Cons don't want that.

If nothing else, Trump is illustrating jusf how truly broken our justice system is.

If it were any one of us, we'd be sitting in a prison already.
I have nothing else to say
Tyranthraxus posted...
Parents must have been high AF when they named her lmao

when they named her...Kelly?
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
mystic_belmont posted...
I don't see the USSC ruling on ending their power by granting the President immunity from any prosecution.

But we will see.
A couple are just that bad. But yeah, I can't see the majority backing it. It seems too far even for them.
River Song: Well, I was off to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I thought 'Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think i'll kill the Fuhrer'

Special counsel Jack Smith in a recent court filing cited case law that Judge Aileen Cannon, the MAGA-appointed federal judge overseeing Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago classified documents case, previously worked on as a way of reminding her why she should rule against the former president.

As Trump's team of attorneys continues to paint his criminal case as a Biden-administration-led, politically motivated "witch hunt," they've also asked the Cannon mandate Smith and his team of prosecutors to turn over the trove of evidence they have against Trump, despite the fact that the defense team has already received more than a million pages of evidence, per The Daily Beast.

As Trump's legal team's strategy to delay the trial becomes increasingly apparent, Smith's filing pointed toward a case from Cannon's past, recalling how she worked to establish boundaries around such tactics.

The Daily Beast noted that Cannon, while serving as a federal prosecutor for the Department of Justice in South Florida in 2015, worked on a sting operation in which two men were convicted after trying to loot a phony stash house. One of the men appealed his conviction, arguing that he was the victim of "unfair prosecution" because the majority of stash house sting operations see Black and Hispanic people apprehended. In 2021, Cannon's former team won the case when the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals emphasized the need for a "demanding burden" to make such a claim. Though she was already acting as a judge, Smith's citing of the aptly named U.S. vs. Cannon is meant to underscore Trump's own claim of "selective prosecution" in his documents case. A request to discover such material is, instead, governed by well-settled and binding precedent in [Armstrong] and [Jordan,] prosecutors wrote.

Though lawyers often cite past cases, as The Daily Beast pointed out, Smith's "decision to point Cannon to her own case also sends a message and not one meant for Trumps lawyers or even the American public paying close attention to the historic case."

"Smiths choice to cite case law that Cannon actually worked could be viewed as a reminder to the judge that she knows better than to side with Trump on this especially on such a narrow topic as bias-alleging document requests," The Daily Beast's Jose Pagliery wrote.

She worked on almost no cases. She had very little courtroom experience. To find a case that actually she worked on and that resulted in a published opinion is in itself improbable, Catherine Ross, a professor emeritus at George Washington University Law School, told the Daily Beast. Its a brilliant maneuver, and particularly with a judge who had so little trial background, she said.

Its not quite the same as confronting a judge with an opinion they wrote or joined, Ross added. I dont think selective prosecution comes up often. There are very few people who can pass the laugh test on claiming that. I think they have her locked in a pretty tight spotif she were a normal judge.

Smith's team last week accused Cannon of making a "clear error" by granting Trump's motion to unredact portions of their motions in discovery despite the Justice Department's concern about the safety of witnesses in the case.

Smith's filing claims that "discovery material, if publicly docketed in unredacted form as the Court has ordered, would disclose the identities of numerous potential witnesses, along with the substance of the statements they made to the FBI or the grand jury, exposing them to significant and immediate risks of threats, intimidation, and harassment." The filing adds that threats have already happened to witnesses, law enforcement agents, judicial officers, and Department of Justice employees whose identities have been disclosed in cases in which defendant Trump is involved.

Former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman warned that Cannon put herself "in a box of her own making" with the order.

"Remember, we have this ongoing drama with her," Litman told MSNBC of Cannon's odd rulings seeming to push Trump's trial until after the 2024 presidential election. "She's been slow-walking the case and she had these early sort of debacles that the 11th Circuit reversed."

"We've been wondering will she make another clear misstep that would give Smith the wherewithal to say maybe it's time to recuse her," he added.

Former federal prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, who served on special counsel Bob Mueller's team, likewise claimed that Cannon could be facing an imminent recusal by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.

"So now there is this issue, with respect to divulging the name of someone who is under investigation, which could interfere with a criminal investigation. We don't know about the underlying facts of that so it is somewhat guesswork," Weissmann told MSNBC.

"What I can tell, you as a I have been in a prosecutor for many years that does not get disclosed when you are doing an investigation," he added. "To me, it is so reminiscent of the same problem she had during the investigation. So, if she continues this route, it will be interesting to see whether Jack Smith gets to the 11th Circuit and whether they sort of politely recuse her, essentially, which happens when the circuit hears the case and basically says 'When we send this back, we think that the better course is for a different judge to hear it.'"
Miss the old GameFAQs politics board? Then come here to discuss it with us:
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I was unaware that presiding over ones own election was considered an official duty of the President.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
mystic_belmont posted...
I was unaware that presiding over ones own election was considered an official duty of the President.

Yeah. I must had missed when that amendment was passed. Weird.
Narutaki was right. This is all Decade's fault.
The world is waiting, Judge Engoron
GregsMedley posted...
Miss the old GameFAQs politics board? Then come here to discuss it with us:

Ooooooh, buddy
The "alleged" duty to follow the law.

That's right:

This is now a literal legal argument used by Trump's team.

It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
So if no President can be prosecuted for crimes while President...
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
mystic_belmont posted...
So if no President can be prosecuted for crimes while President...

Somebody really needs to hammer this home for all relevant parties.

If Trump is "immune", then so is Biden, meaning Biden doesn't need to let an election happen, right?
I have nothing else to say
mystic_belmont posted...
So if no President can be prosecuted for crimes while President...

naturally any kind of immunity would only apply to Trump and no one else
(maybe some other future Republican, on a case by case basis)
Kremlin delenda est
ROBANN_88 posted...
naturally any kind of immunity would only apply to Trump and no one else
(maybe some other future Republican, on a case by case basis)

Wilhoit's law
Wilhoit: Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
Biden has ultimate power so he should make abortion legal,ban guns,arrest jan6th senate and congress traitors

Probably should have thought about that before committing crimes on Trump's behalf
Sorry Trump has the privilege of being rich and of the elite. That makes it much harder for him to be prosecuted. But the average Jan 6th rioter doesn't have that privilege.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
Trump could have pardoned all these idiots and chose not to and they still support him lol
So Friday seems to be the big day for the NY civil fraud trial. I'll be on call, but I'm gonna try to drop everything and read the ruling once it comes out.
CADE_FOSTER posted...
Biden has ultimate power so he should make abortion legal,ban guns,arrest jan6th senate and congress traitors

And rig the election in his favor... or just decide not to allow it to happen. He can do as he pleases.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
I'm sorry I haven't been paying too much attention or otherwise been a shitty-but-still-technically-qualified expert resource. Just got turned down by a friend I caught feelings for and it's opened up some old and deep wounds (she did nothing wrong, just my unfortunate history).

Just ping me if anyone has any questions they'd like to contract out to the guy with a state-subsidized Westlaw subscription.
Party leader, passive-aggressive doormat, pasta eater extraordinaire!
This week is Case-O-Rama for Trump with the major cases all expected to play a role in his week.

Already happened:

-Trump was in court for a pretrial hearing related to the Mar-a-Lago document case. In addition to her obvious bias toward Trump she is also showing just how much she is in over her head when it comes to discovery and classified documents.

-Trump submitted a request for a stay to the Supreme Court related to his D.C. trial.


-Thursday there will be a hearing in the Rico case regarding D.A. Willis having a relationship with a special prosecutor. Defendants are trying to get the charges dropped or Wilis dismissed off the case. There were rumors that Trump would be there but instead he is go to be at...

-Thursday there will be a status hearing in the Manhattan District Attorney's case. At said hearing it is expected to hear whether the March trial is go or may be pushed back.


-Friday the decision in the civil fraud trial will finally be given. This coming after a half a month delay due to potential perjury.

-The Supreme Court has given Jack Smith a week to respond to Trump's request for a stay. However, Smith will almost certainly submit his response sooner than later.

Possible but unlikely:

-The Supreme Court deciding whether to stay the D.C. trial (next week likely)

-The Supreme Court decision on the 14th Amendment (a few weeks away likely)

Plus who knows what else might pop up as well.
I wish I was over yonder with my cronies
The above sig was made so I could put yonder and cronies in a sig
GTA1984 posted...
-Trump was in court for a pretrial hearing related to the Mar-a-Lago document case. In addition to her obvious bias toward Trump she is also showing just how much she is in over her head when it comes to discovery and classified documents.
DrizztLink posted...
maga appointee Cannon to you fella
Jack Smith needs to try to get her removed already, like yesterday.
"Intelligence has no place in Politics" Londo, (Babylon Five)
Best new show of 2023, One Piece live action.
creativerealms posted...
Jack Smith needs to try to get her removed already, like yesterday.

He only gets one shot, if it gets refused she'll get even worse.
"Freedom was meaningless without ownership and control over one's own body" -Tera Hunter 'Joy My Freedom'
[Evil Republican] 3DS FC: 5429-7297-4842
Post #342 was unavailable or deleted.

They're still arresting sooo many people left and right for January 6th. I couldn't imagine living with the dread of the FBI coming after me for 3+ years.
CableZL posted...
They're still arresting sooo many people left and right for January 6th.

i hope they sentence as many as possible relatively quickly
every felony sentence means one less Trump voter ballot
Kremlin delenda est
GregsMedley posted...
New hit single by Jack Smith-'Cuse Yourself.
I hope enough judges have realized by now that not a single one of these people deserve leniency. Every single one has lied to the judges and then come out afterwards being the same kind of garbage they were the day they went in.
I use Google... A lot.... >______>
CableZL posted...

They're still arresting sooo many people left and right for January 6th. I couldn't imagine living with the dread of the FBI coming after me for 3+ years.

They all think Orange Jesus will become king and pardon them and give them money or something
CableZL posted...
They're still arresting sooo many people left and right for January 6th.
Mostly Right, though

this week was Fasching in Germany, where traditionally we have parades with satirical floats
[teep is] an evil genius who will one day kill us all - Choco
teep is a God damn genius - Zodd
Post #350 was unavailable or deleted.
Current Events » Trump Trials General Part 7
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