Bummer I need to point this out, but vote -not- for Biden is a vote for Trump.

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Current Events » Bummer I need to point this out, but vote -not- for Biden is a vote for Trump.
I'm sorry it works this way, but it does.

Let's look at it this way, you have four people. Adam, John, Betty, and Amy.

Adam and Amy both want to vote with their conscience, but John and Betty are both budding fascists. Adam abstains from voting for Biden because he doesn't like how he's handled Israel, and votes third party. Amy pinches her nose and understands that Trump could only ever handle the situation worse. John and Betty both vote for Trump even though Trump raped Betty.

You now have 1 Dem vote, 1 third party vote, and two Trump votes.

Thank you coming to my topic.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
What about in my case, where I live in one of the deepest red stats in the country that Trump is 100% going to win

Which is more useful: Voting for Biden or voting for a third party on the small, small chance that they get 5% of the national so that they can actually get funding which would actually give an alternative to the two?
David Bowie
Kain_Highwind posted...
What about in my case, where I live in one of the deepest red stats in the country that Trump is 100% going to win

Which is more useful: Voting for Biden or voting for a third party on the small, small chance that they get 5% of the national so that they can actually get funding which would actually give an alternative to the two?
I live in a deep blue state that Biden is 100% going to win.

I'm absolutely voting 3rd party, as I do for every presidential election. The two party system has been broken for a long time and we need more voters to break away from both parties. We should all be Independent voters with no ties any corrupt poticial parties.
Post #4 was unavailable or deleted.
Well I believe I will vote for a 3rd party candidate!
More to do with the humidity than heat
Not voting for Biden is a vote for Trump. Period.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
Biden is ass so I guess that's a no go
No, it doesn't work that way. Go back to elementary school and learn basic math.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
Voting 3rd party in 2024 essentially tolerates this:


And also this:
Advice from a dryer: Open the door to amazement. Don't shrink from your true calling. Accept life's wrinkles. Avoid overload. Reach into mystery!
Trump lost Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin because of third party voters.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
Would you say that this is The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetimes?
Yum, yum eat 'em up
Were_Wyrm posted...
Trump lost Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin because of third party voters.
In 2016 Trump won WI because people voted 3rd party
Advice from a dryer: Open the door to amazement. Don't shrink from your true calling. Accept life's wrinkles. Avoid overload. Reach into mystery!
Voting Third Party.
i7-13700K, GIGABYTE Z790, EVGA XC3 3070, 64GB G-SKILL DDR5, LG 32" 165hz 1440p
Android/iPhone/Mac/PS5/Series X/Switch, Oculus Rift S, Quest 2
leex0 posted...
Would you say that this is The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetimes?
Every election is, this is the most recent.

That said, I doubt Biden is winning my state. I'll still likely vote but...I have to see how things are going. I don't trust the people in my state to not do stupid shit if Trump doesn't win.
Samurai_Man posted...
Voting Third Party.

Will_VIII posted...
Voting 3rd party in 2024 essentially tolerates this:


And also this:

Advice from a dryer: Open the door to amazement. Don't shrink from your true calling. Accept life's wrinkles. Avoid overload. Reach into mystery!
leex0 posted...
Would you say that this is The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetimes?
in hindsight, I think 2016 probably was, because without it, 2020 and now this year would probably not be like this, and there's probably a much higher chance Republicans try to do something about the white supremacist platform Trump got rolling out loud if they lost in 2016.

though Trump outright quoting Hitler is new, you have to remember he was saying "there are fine people on both sides", with one of said sides having Nazis on it, less than a year into his presidency. though I definitely think he has leaned harder into outright fascist garbage over time, quite a bit of that was there from the very beginning.

who the fuck knows. in 2016 Trump already had a fucking cult. would they try him again in 2020 anyway? I don't fucking know.
Born to lose, live to win!
It is a vote for the orange idiot. Splitting the votes only helps him.
The Official Odin of the Shin Megami Tensei IV board.
"You know how confusing the whole good-evil concept is for me."
Trump can commit another 91 felonies, divorce Melania and marry a male model from Russia and his cult be like "oh, we're being tested by god, this is fine".

Absolutely voting blue down the line.
Im not impressed with any political figure. I did not vote last time, and I may not this time either.
Voting 3rd party is like bidding 1 dollar as the first player on The Price Is Right. It's absolutely something you can do, but you've fundamentally misunderstood how the game is played.

And you're going to lose every time.
In simplicity, utility. Through utility, simplicity.
The terminally online left is determined to help see Biden lose all because they didn't get everything they wanted.
Miss the old GameFAQs politics board? Then come here to discuss it with us: https://www.reddit.com/r/gamefaqs261/
boomgetchopped3 posted...
Well I believe I will vote for a 3rd party candidate!

Go ahead, throw your vote away! Either way, your planet is doomed. Doomed!

End communication.
Post #24 was unavailable or deleted.
Will_VIII posted...
And also this:

If the Republicans don't take the white house in 2025, they'll just rename it to Project 2029. If I remember right that project was initially developed for 2021 but Trump lost in 2020.

To the people who want to vote third party, pressure your state to change the way voting is done so we're not just stuck with Democrats and Republicans. When brother party has a majority then maybe they'll be more willing to listen
[insert signature here]
Humble_Novice posted...
The terminally online left is determined to help see Biden lose all because they didn't get everything they wanted.
This is such a strange boogeyman to be obsessed with. Like in the first place the demographic that has demonstrably had the largest shift from "definitely voting Biden" to "undecided/no" is Arab Americans. And the reason for that shift is because they consider Biden to literally be abetting a genocide.

Yet instead of being concerned about Biden doing that and turning away previously captured voters, you want to complain about the "terminally online left". Which exists in a superposition of "not worth listening to because they don't vote ever" and "all powerful voting block that will swing the election by whether they get in line". And getting in line is accepting their taxpayer dollars to be used to continue the total demolition of Gaza.
Will_VIII posted...
Voting 3rd party in 2024 essentially tolerates this:

Posting propaganda you found on Twitter isn't going to win people over. Stop trying to bully people into voting for what you deem to be the "correct" choice. People have every right to vote 3rd party to make this country better and you can fuck off if you have a problem with that.
Were_Wyrm posted...
Trump lost Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin because of third party voters.
this lol
https://i.imgur.com/TGkNCva.gif https://i.imgur.com/8mWCvA4.gif
Humble_Novice posted...
The terminally online left is determined to help see Biden lose all because they didn't get everything they wanted.

Let's say that's true

Why do Democrats choose to continue to ignore this group, then? When MAGA threatens to destroy the GOP, Republicans take it seriously. When "the terminally online left" threatens to destroy the Democratic party, they refuse to change plans and then whine about the results.

Sounds like a skill issue.
Stop it. Get some help.
Voting 3rd party to outsmart the two big parties is like thinking you got a hot stock tip on CE. I promise, everyone whose job it is to be ahead of you is ahead of you. All of the options you're being sold are based on their strategic value to the big parties, not just their own two candidates.

Not that it's a bad impulse! You can affect the direction of a bigger party by working on smaller campaigns. Elect someone to the state legislature so they're a plausible Congressional candidate so they have a shot at the presidency. Or you can make 3rd parties matter as more than vote sinks by changing how voting happens. I think proportional representation is several steps away, but ranked choice voting is probably more doable than electing a third party president in the current system.
"Like you're standing in front of them with your hands behind your back, and then present a small ribbon-wrapped gift to them."
Duskmon on the colon
there is a chance you will never again be able to vote for third party if you do now.

Kain_Highwind posted...
What about in my case, where I live in one of the deepest red stats in the country that Trump is 100% going to win

You mean like in deep red Georgia that flipped Senate seats because people bothered to go out and vote?

Kain_Highwind posted...
Which is more useful: Voting for Biden or voting for a third party on the small, small chance that they get 5% of the national so that they can actually get funding which would actually give an alternative to the two?

That is going to do nothing to the actual issues that cause the 2 party system.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Heavy_D_Forever posted...
People have every right to vote 3rd party to make this country better

That's not what it does.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Cemith posted...
That's not what it does.
It's better than continuing a system where two corrupt parties have full control.

In fact I'd rather have a system with zero political parties and no letters next to anyone's name. Vote for candidates based on their views and plans instead of being aligned with a group that you've been tricked into blindly following.
Heavy_D_Forever posted...

And another thing, I already have you tagged so this may be a waste, but-

Propaganda =! Comparing fascist to rhetoric to other famously fascist rhetoric.

EmbraceOfDeath posted...
No, it doesn't work that way. Go back to elementary school and learn basic math.

Yes it does. I explained it. Trump voters are voting Trump no matter what. If you do not vote for Biden you are voting for Trump and are just as culpable.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Rai_Jin posted...
there is a chance you will never again be able to vote for third party if you do now.
If this is actually true then it's probably not something that can be just voted away in the first place. I'm not endorsing voting for a third party, but we need to get real. A democracy where the vote going one way any election year ends democracy, is a dying democracy.
Heavy_D_Forever posted...
People have every right to vote 3rd party to make this country better

You're not doing that though.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Heavy_D_Forever posted...
It's better than continuing a system where two corrupt parties have full control.

Tag checks out, nice.

Dems aren't great but comparing the two is apples to oranges. One party thinks rights are a cool thing to have. One party is actively voting in a fascist.

Heavy_D_Forever posted...
In fact I'd rather have a system with zero political parties and no letters next to anyone's name. Vote for candidates based on their views and plans instead of being aligned with a group that you've been tricked into blindly following

Damn if only humans were 100% honest all the time that'd be crazy.

If you think I'm "blindly tricked" into believing to vote D, I kindly ask you fuck off and read a book. Or, in this case, a wiki page:

Will_VIII posted...
And also this:

But yes please keep comparing the two. You looking foolish is good for my skin.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Heavy_D_Forever posted...
instead of being aligned with a group that you've been tricked into blindly following.

Seems this may be more confessional...
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Honestly, this only applies if the state is at-risk of being red. If you live in a solidly blue state, third-party votes wont make a difference.

I felt a little bad about voting for Jill Stein in 2016, but Hillary Clinton still easily won my state. All the Jill Srein and libertarian guy I forgot the name of votes were nothing against the power of my county (which easily plows the rest of the state that may very well be red for all I know).
Cemith posted...
Yes it does. I explained it. Trump voters are voting Trump no matter what. If you do not vote for Biden you are voting for Trump and are just as culpable.
Literally the only way to make the number of votes Trump receives increase to actually vote for him. You can't even argue against this because that's simply how the system works.

Every single person has the right to vote for any candidate they choose, and I support that right.
I have no obligation to vote for anyone.
Me abstaining isn't the same as me voting. Trump supporters say the same thing you're saying, but about their guy. Apparently I'm voting twice by not voting?
He which make friends with scorpion, soon come to find out what a scorpion does - they bite people with its tail --ancient Chinese proverb
Heavy_D_Forever posted...
Literally the only way to make the number of votes Trump receives increase to actually vote for him. You can't even argue against this because that's simply how the system works.

Every single person has the right to vote for any candidate they choose, and I support that right.
these people think the country's gonna be a fascist dictatorship if their side loses.
Cemith posted...
That's not what it does.

Under our current system you are right. There's no way that any third party will gain any traction unless one of the major parties royally fucks up. That's nearly impossible though since they've become really good at spinning fuck ups.

Heavy_D_Forever posted...
It's better than continuing a system where two corrupt parties have full control.

In fact I'd rather have a system with zero political parties and no letters next to anyone's name. Vote for candidates based on their views and plans instead of being aligned with a group that you've been tricked into blindly following.

Change begins at the local and state levels. If you want to have your vote be more meaningful, you need to get your local/state voting laws changed. That way people will feel safer voting for a third party. And even if their candidate loses, their vote can go to another candidate of their choice. Hopefully then the winner will realize that they need the votes that some other candidate initially won and they'll start to adopt more of their policies to get reelected.
[insert signature here]
leex0 posted...
Would you say that this is The Most Important Election Of Our Lifetimes?


It was still the one where everyone including both Obamas were warning us to hold our noses and vote for Hilary or else we were going to lose Roe vs Wade (they didn't say that directly but they might as well have given what eventually happened).

C-Mac posted...
Im not impressed with any political figure.

I'm impressed with William Clinton's ability to play the saxophone, but other than that, I agree. I vote because while its fun to shoot things in Timesplitters, I don't want real life to involve dodging rifle fire and reloading a gun behind cover. (The adversaries will not be dressed like Cyberfairy)

I live in California so my vote doesn't matter, so if he runs I'll just vote for Bernie again.
Unfortunately, your options for November are looking to be Trump or not Trump. You can lament that it's boiled down to that, but it doesn't change your options.
Fan of metal? Don't mind covers? Check out my youtube and give me some feedback
trivialbeing posted...
these people think the country's gonna be a fascist dictatorship if their side loses.
It's like screaming at a brick wall talking to them.

They just keep continually posting the same bullshit propaganda over and over because they've been trained and conditioned to believe they are the only ones who are right and everyone else is their enemy.

When you go out into the world and interact with regular ass people you'll realize that the large majority of us don't give a shit about politics and just want to be able to live a decent life and enjoy being with our friends and families.
Heavy_D_Forever posted...
It's better than continuing a system where two corrupt parties have full control.

In fact I'd rather have a system with zero political parties and no letters next to anyone's name. Vote for candidates based on their views and plans instead of being aligned with a group that you've been tricked into blindly following.

I vote exactly like that. I voted for Jamie Raskin where to this day, he's doing great representing his district. I voted for Governor Wes Green where his is also making progressive moves to better the state of Maryland. I voted for Angela Alsobrooks who has made the county she represents better and stronger.

Democrats have demonstrated they fight for the rights of the people. Now I'll admit, not all Democrats are perfect and some are corrupt (Bob Menendez of New Jersey comes to mind), but nobody or group truly is. But the majority do fight for what's right. Having a majority rule can also them to make more progress for this country than voting 3rd party where it won't make a dent at all or even not voting at all when your be interests can't happen because you choice to be lazy and not do a damn thing about it.
I believe in the Golden Rule and you should too!
http://i.imgur.com/63HCN.gif http://i.imgur.com/aaTUdOx.jpg
Heavy_D_Forever posted...
Every single person has the right to vote for any candidate they choose, and I support that right.

Only 1 party is trying to take that right away.

Heavy_D_Forever posted...

They just keep continually posting the same bullshit propaganda over and over because they've been trained and conditioned to believe they are the only ones who are right and everyone else is their enemy.

When you go out into the world and interact with regular ass people you'll realize that the large majority of us don't give a shit about politics and just want to be able to live a decent life and enjoy being with our friends and families.

Nobody is forcing you to come into a political topic and whine about shit.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Current Events » Bummer I need to point this out, but vote -not- for Biden is a vote for Trump.
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