Just failed a 385 lb bench press (video)

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Pow_Pow_Punishment posted...
I'm running my own program, an amalgamation of everything that's worked for me before. Just like Jeet Kune Do! One day I might organize it and write a formal program out.

The most structured part in it I can share are 20-rep squats ala the Super Squats program, except that calls for "breathing squats" followed by pull-overs and I don't take the same level of care to breathe deeply between every rep. But progressing with 20-rep squats in general has been awesome for my lower body development.

I alternate every few weeks between doing that and squat strip sets (for example, one workout was squatting 540x1, then 405x5, then 315x10, then 225x10, then 135x10, then the bar x 10, all without any rest.

And yes, still in the bay area.

Thanks, I've been posting more lately with how much downtime I have at work.

He's on my social media and comments every now and then. Dude is still very fit.

oh nice thats awesoome