Just failed a 385 lb bench press (video)

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Pow_Pow_Punishment posted...
It took me about 5 years to bench 315, then another 6 or 7 to bench 350, and probably another 5 to hit 370.

I'm a very slow gainer and sometimes focus on martial arts or boxing over powerlifting, so my progress is probably not typical. At least I have consistency.
5 years to 315 is very good. Better than 95% of the population. Took me a while to get to 225.

I got a request. Play this in your next video XD

@STEROLIZER Do you still lift seriously? What's your big 3 lift stats.
You guys live pretty close to each other. Would like to see you guys box. heh
Less is more. Everything you want, isn't everything you need.