Baten Kaitos Active Board Anywhere? Help Please

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Current Events » Baten Kaitos Active Board Anywhere? Help Please
Can anyone give me a link to gaming discussions on Baten Kaitos Origins in any language that is active. Or to a guide on getting 100% of the Achievement Medals?

Nintendo released the Remaster in September for Baten Kaitos I and II with Baten Kaitos Origins being BK II.

It was originally released for GameCube.

I beat all achievements except for "All Letters Read". I collected all of the known mail(in the same playthrough) without triggering the achievement.

1) There is mail no one on gamefaqs or reddit knows about.
2) All Letters Read refers to some other messages than mail or includes something else.
3) The achievement is really all chests opened and got mistranslated.

If I had a link to a popular discussion board for Baten Kaitos Origins I might be able to find the solution.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
Don't think a niche RPG is going to have any real popular location for that. Maybe a subreddit? - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Kaldrenthebold posted...
Don't think a niche RPG is going to have any real popular location for that. Maybe a subreddit?

Try that. And god damn 100% baten kaitos is impressive with all the time restrictions

This probably your best bet. Not sure if there's one specifically for Origins or what. - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
Kaldrenthebold posted...

This probably your best bet. Not sure if there's one specifically for Origins or what.

Thank you. I am aware of the subreddit.
It is not active. No one there has bothered to get this achievement.

I am hoping for a link to an active Asian board which has a guide on how to get 100% completion.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
You can look up completion runners and see what they had. This board also had a guide that I used to go through this game. It's definitely a niche.
Above all things, never be afraid. The enemy who forces you to retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment.
Oh I didn't realize the remaster got released. Might need to check it out. Never played the originals.
Sorry if my posts make you feel emotional. It is not my intent.
Make America Nazi-Free Again. #NoMoreNazis #Wolf2
Scardude posted...
You can look up completion runners and see what they had. This board also had a guide that I used to go through this game. It's definitely a niche.

This board has a completion guide for I but not II. For II there are guides for some of the achievements and video runs for some of the achievements. No guides for letters or for hard mode.

A link to a completion runner for Baten Kaitos Origins would be nice.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
CobraGT posted...
This board has a completion guide for I but not II. For II there are guides for some of the achievements and video runs for some of the achievements. No guides for letters or for hard mode.

A link to a completion runner for Baten Kaitos Origins would be nice.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
KajeI posted...
Thank you but those are speedruns not completion runs.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
CobraGT posted...
Thank you but those are speedruns not completion runs.
It has both. The excel files are very detailed
Above all things, never be afraid. The enemy who forces you to retreat is himself afraid of you at that very moment.
No, I fucked up and didn't realize it put me on the default page instead of the 100% one like I searched for. There aren't 100% runs uploaded there.

I didn't realize the game is so difficult to speed run. I'm too lazy to look up documentation on how to do it.

Wait, is that just normal Baten Kaitos and not Origin? Jesus christ, what a rabbit hole.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
Carljank posted...
Oh I didn't realize the remaster got released. Might need to check it out. Never played the originals.
Fantastic games and Eternal Wings has one of the best twists in gaming. The remasters unfortunately have Japanese-only voice acting, whereas the originals had English. The voices in Eternal Wings were hilariously awful, but Origins had superb voice acting. I'd honestly suggest trying to find a way to play the GameCube versions of the game. The real benefits of the remasters are quality of life changes, like speeding up battles (or even ignoring battles and OHKO enemies including bosses, which kinda defeats the purpose of battling anyway) and New Game + on Eternal Wings, which didn't exist before and made the game pretty impossible to 100%.

Honestly love these games so much. Don't look for guides unless you really get stuck because you totally do not want to spoil yourself on the story.
Without truth, there is nothing.
KajeI posted...
No, I fucked up and didn't realize it put me on the default page instead of the 100% one like I searched for. There aren't 100% runs uploaded there.

I didn't realize the game is so difficult to speed run. I'm too lazy to look up documentation on how to do it.

Wait, is that just normal Baten Kaitos and not Origin? Jesus christ, what a rabbit hole.
Yeah, it's because one Magnus Card, the Shampoo, takes 336 in-game hours to mature into the Splendid Hair. So most of the 100% is just waiting for that.

Also, from the wiki:
If Shampoo is in one of your characters' decks when it ages into Splendid Hair, it cannot be retrieved from their deck because it is not considered a Battle Magnus. Splendid Hair must be in your inventory for the final six tracks of the Soundtest to be unlocked, and they will not be available if the Magnus is trapped in someone's deck. The only way to remove Splendid Hair from your deck is to drop it, in which case you will lose the Magnus completely. It appears in your Gathering normally.
Without truth, there is nothing.
GeminiDeus posted...
Fantastic games and Eternal Wings has one of the best twists in gaming. The remasters unfortunately have Japanese-only voice acting, whereas the originals had English. The voices in Eternal Wings were hilariously awful, but Origins had superb voice acting. I'd honestly suggest trying to find a way to play the GameCube versions of the game. The real benefits of the remasters are quality of life changes, like speeding up battles (or even ignoring battles and OHKO enemies including bosses, which kinda defeats the purpose of battling anyway) and New Game + on Eternal Wings, which didn't exist before and made the game pretty impossible to 100%.

Honestly love these games so much. Don't look for guides unless you really get stuck because you totally do not want to spoil yourself on the story.
Awesome. Thanks for the info.
Sorry if my posts make you feel emotional. It is not my intent.
Make America Nazi-Free Again. #NoMoreNazis #Wolf2
My reasoning for suspecting that

' All Letters Read'

........... Is a mistranslation of ' All Chests Opened'

Is that many completionists get all of the chests and thus would never notice that collecting all mail is irrelevant.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
"I am a man of somewhat retiring, and I might even say refined, tastes, and there is nothing more unaesthetic than a policeman."
Strand posted...

I have all known mail. This given link is about missing the mail from the Coliseum. I have mail for each of the rank-ups.

1- 2

I have these. Thank you anyway.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
I would like to hear from someone who got this Record.

A Password FAQ for Golden Sun
I posted this topic out of desperation.

Enough people have played BKO that someone knows how to get this achievement.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
Carljank posted...
Oh I didn't realize the remaster got released. Might need to check it out. Never played the originals.
It is really buggy without patches so IMO you should wait until digital gets a significant price drop.
still salty about the lack of a dub for this
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
KajeI posted...
I didn't realize the game is so difficult to speed run. I'm too lazy to look up documentation on how to do it.

It's real time waiting. Like if you wanted to speed run winning the lottery in Pokemon you're going to be there for a long time because the lottery gets disabled if you fuck with the clock so you just have to wait.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Your best bet is to find a YouTuber who recently beat the game you can find people in the comments as well
Hot Girls Message Board
Aztex posted...
Your best bet is to find a YouTuber who recently beat the game you can find people in the comments as well

Maybe if I go to YouTube Japan and search, I will find something.
GoldenSun/Crossbone Isle diagrams/ 18 teams known
Current Events » Baten Kaitos Active Board Anywhere? Help Please