Fuck probability tho!

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Current Events » Fuck probability tho!
So I'm using a book in Spanish to study and prepare some classes, and I noticed it's
  1. Poorly redacted
  2. Poorly translated
  3. Contain errors

So after losing my patience with it I decided to check the original English version, and guess what? It's still poorly redacted and it still has errors. Here's a funny pic, if you know you know

No wonder no one knows this shit!
El sexo sucio y el planeta limpio.
"If you are tired of fear from links... Let Kirby's Nightmare protect you."
I don't know what I just read
Confirmed unbiased
Steam Deck Board
BlackOmnimon posted...

Will the little voice in the back of my mind screaming "This is a bad idea" please yield the floor. --Mikey
Chivalry be hanged, and so will you.
Current Events » Fuck probability tho!