Are there still people who think Light Yagami was the good guy?

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Current Events » Are there still people who think Light Yagami was the good guy?
Because if so, lol.
I don't hold grudges. Let's vehemently argue today and casually have a beer together tomorrow.
Garrosh Hellscream did nothing wrong
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
There are still sociopaths yes
See profile pic
I have a friend who does and I cringe every time.
Usually these same people are the ones with Punisher profile pics that say shit like im not racist, i h8 evry 1 equally.
You, take a bump. Flatback.
There are people who think fucking Homelander and Rorschach are good guys, what do you think?
pegusus123456 posted...
Garrosh Hellscream did nothing wrong
Except exist
Dynamite with a laser beam
Homelander and Rorschach are quite a bit opposite
See profile pic
If anything though, it wasn't ultimately his fault.
The "Deathnote" is a corrupting influence on any mortal.
Without it, he'd have just been a dedicated detective, like "L".
knightmarexx posted...
If anything though, it wasn't ultimately his fault.
The "Deathnote" is a corrupting influence on any mortal.
Without it, he'd have just been a dedicated detective, like "L".
The only corrupting influence the Death Note has is the power to anonymously murder. Light would have been a bad person regardless, the Note just gave him the ability to act on it.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
Many of the folks on MAL defend Light even to this day and insist that he did the right thing by killing criminals, completely ignoring the fact that he killed dozens of innocent people as well, either directly by writing their names down in the notebook himself or indirectly by using proxies (Misa, Mikami, etc.).
Did I think he was a good guy? No.
Did I want him to win instead of the most clichd thing possible happening? Yes.
Console war in a nutshell:
People thought Marche was the bad guy in FFTA
Don't like it? Don't watch it. It's that simple
Dictator of Nice Guys
People tend to look at his ideal outcome (a world with no criminals) rather than the actual world he created, and the actual things he did.

It's not bad to want a world without crime, but it's bad to kill everyone who gets in your way.

L did nothing wrong.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
knightmarexx posted...
If anything though, it wasn't ultimately his fault.
The "Deathnote" is a corrupting influence on any mortal.
Without it, he'd have just been a dedicated detective, like "L".

Lmao no. Light is scum from the jump, the Note just gives him power.
pegusus123456 posted...
The only corrupting influence the Death Note has is the power to anonymously murder. Light would have been a bad person regardless, the Note just gave him the ability to act on it.
He's pretty normal when he forgets, so it seems only having access to a god-like ability is what corrupts him.
pegusus123456 posted...
The only corrupting influence the Death Note has is the power to anonymously murder. Light would have been a bad person regardless, the Note just gave him the ability to act on it.

Without the Death Note he may have said to himself "the world was crap", and "It deserves a re-do", but he'd have been powerless to intercede without great cost and detriment to his life, unlike with The Death Note. Light would have been powerless to intercede, and thus would not have; as he was quite pragmatic.

Without it being so easy, he'd have done literally nothing except complain in his head, about the state of the world.

Sure, his character (and I mean in the metaphorical sense) would have still been not great, but he'd have been innocent of any murders.

Like Robert G. Ingersoll said "If you want to find out what a man is to the bottom, give him power. Any man can stand adversity only a great man can stand prosperity."
I mean Links the bad guy in Links Awakening....
When it rains, it pours.
Lairen posted...
I mean Links the bad guy in Links Awakening....

See profile pic
knightmarexx posted...
Without the Death Note he may have said to himself "the world was crap", and "It deserves a re-do", but he'd have been powerless to intercede without great cost and detriment to his life, unlike with The Death Note. Light would have been powerless to intercede, and thus would not have; as he was quite pragmatic.

Without it being so easy, he'd have done literally nothing except complain in his head, about the state of the world.

Sure, his character (and I mean in the metaphorical sense) would have still been not great, but he'd have been innocent of any murders.

Like Robert G. Ingersoll said "If you want to find out what a man is to the bottom, give him power. Any man can stand adversity only a great man can stand prosperity."
I'm not sure why you posted like you're disagreeing with me and then made my argument for me lol.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
pegusus123456 posted...
The only corrupting influence the Death Note has is the power to anonymously murder. Light would have been a bad person regardless, the Note just gave him the ability to act on it.

Actually, the show supports the opposite. When he loses memory of the Death Note, he seems to lose his whole egomaniacal behavior, and he also had no problem cooperating with L to catch Kira. I think the Death Note may have help Light realize some deep-seated justice fantasy, but without it, he might have very possibly pursued an honest career in law enforcement or as a prosecutor like Mikami.
This sentence has five words. This sentence has eight words. Only one sentence in this signature is true.
VideoboysaysCube posted...
Actually, the show supports the opposite. When he loses memory of the Death Note, he seems to lose his whole egomaniacal behavior, and he also had no problem cooperating with L to catch Kira. I think the Death Note may have help Light realize some deep-seated justice fantasy, but without it, he might have very possibly pursued an honest career in law enforcement or as a prosecutor like Mikami.
That's because the Death Note still influences him, it just does so by giving him the power to kill people. It doesn't affect anyone else the way it does Light, Light is just a normal egotistical asshole that thinks he's better than everyone else and then he gets a power that proves it.

This is a really silly and esoteric comparison, but there's an NPC in Dimension 20's first D&D campaign calledGorthalax the Insatiable. As you might expect from the name, he's a demon lord and his entire job was to do exactly this:
Basically, what I do when I collect souls is I go around, there's wicked people in the world, and a lot of wicked people live in very comfortable countries and have very boring lives, so they go through their whole life and kinda backdoor their way into heaven.

They were bad the whole time, but they were just comfortable, and they never had a shot to do something wicked. So what devils like me do is kinda just give people a shot to show their true colors, you know what I mean? Think like the harmless guy at the bar who's just got a big mouth and everyone's like, oh, that guy's a crank, you know, he's harmless? Well, if he was prime minister, he'd be a fuckin' war criminal, right? He'd be a monster.

I remember thinking of Light and Walter White when I saw that bit.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
I thought he was the good guy in the same way Dexter is the good guy
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
thronedfire2 posted...
I thought he was the good guy in the same way Dexter is the good guy
Neither are the good guys, but at least Dexter didn't deliberately kill innocent people (and the one he did kill was only innocent of the crime he thought he committed, he absolutely deserved to die)
See profile pic
Irony posted...
at least Dexter didn't deliberately kill innocent people (and the one he did kill was only innocent of the crime he thought he committed, he absolutely deserved to die )

Which person was this, again?
Bosses are immune to the eat command so it won't be possible to end the final boss fight of the game by eating it.
PraetorXyn posted...
Did I think he was a good guy? No.
Did I want him to win instead of the most clichd thing possible happening? Yes.

The most clichd thing possible would have been for L to beat him. Light killed L, ruled the world for 6 years, and then FINALLY got his comeuppance.
I don't hold grudges. Let's vehemently argue today and casually have a beer together tomorrow.
Advice from a dryer: Open the door to amazement. Don't shrink from your true calling. Accept life's wrinkles. Avoid overload. Reach into mystery!
MisterPengy posted...
Which person was this, again?
Farrow the photographer. He wasn't guilty of murder like Dexter thought, but he was a rapist.

I don't count Logan because Dexter didn't mean to.
See profile pic
superman_2000 posted...
The most clichd thing possible would have been for L to beat him. Light killed L, ruled the world for 6 years, and then FINALLY got his comeuppance.
That would certainly have been shittier, but that doesnt redeem the existing shit ending.
Console war in a nutshell:
I don't actually remember the issues with the conditions he created. I just remember "crime is way down".
evening main 2.4356848e+91
His issue was his ego. He went in with good intentions, but he couldn't accept that there could be a better or different way to how he did things. The moment he went after L, he crossed the line and just got worse from there. He went from wanting to make the world better to furthering his own ambitions.
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PraetorXyn posted...
That would certainly have been shittier, but that doesnt redeem the existing shit ending.

Light winning would have been subversive, but would it have necessarily been good? Kinda boring to just watch a bad guy constantly get away with his crimes and never face comeuppance. The ending at least showed us how pathetic Light would become in the face of defeat, and gave him a LONG overdue reality check as well as showing the aftermath of a world no longer ruled by Kira's influence. We already got to see how the world would operate under his thumb, so I don't see how him winning would have served a purpose other than shocking the audience.
I don't hold grudges. Let's vehemently argue today and casually have a beer together tomorrow.
I always thought it was fucked up killing all those prisoners. Isn't that the point of prison. People commit crimes so they go there as punishment but still killed a lot of them.
Hey now.
superman_2000 posted...
Light winning would have been subversive, but would it have necessarily been good? Kinda boring to just watch a bad guy constantly get away with his crimes and never face comeuppance. The ending at least showed us how pathetic Light would become in the face of defeat, and gave him a LONG overdue reality check as well as showing the aftermath of a world no longer ruled by Kira's influence. We already got to see how the world would operate under his thumb, so I don't see how him winning would have served a purpose other than shocking the audience.
There shouldnt have been a second half at all. It ruined the series. Should have ended with Ls death .
Console war in a nutshell:
PraetorXyn posted...
There shouldnt have been a second half at all. It ruined the series. Should have ended with Ls death .

Nah that's stupid, Light needed to get his comeuppance and he did, in gloriously pitiful fashion.

Ending was great.
PraetorXyn posted...
There shouldnt have been a second half at all. It ruined the series. Should have ended with Ls death .
I haven't watched the anime after that point. Probably should jump back in to see how it ends.
Murphiroth posted...
Nah that's stupid, Light needed to get his comeuppance and he did, in gloriously pitiful fashion.

Ending was great.
Youre in the vast minority. The second half of Death Note is one of the most widely hated arcs of all time.
Console war in a nutshell:
2nd half was good, first half was one of the greatest creations in the history of media let alone anime
BlueTigerLion posted...
I always thought it was fucked up killing all those prisoners. Isn't that the point of prison. People commit crimes so they go there as punishment but still killed a lot of them.

I knew he was fucked as soon as he tried to kill the fake L on television. It showed that even just publicly challenging Light on his sense of morality was, apparently, punishable by death. The fact that he took sadistic pleasure in ending the lives of people he knew were good/well-intentioned (Raye, Naomi, etc.) confirmed how twisted he truly was. Had he at least been remorseful when killing decent people, I'd be a bit more sympathetic towards his character. Hell, even Thanos had a better attitude about wiping out populations. xD
I don't hold grudges. Let's vehemently argue today and casually have a beer together tomorrow.
PraetorXyn posted...
There shouldnt have been a second half at all. It ruined the series. Should have ended with Ls death .

Most people don't like bleak endings. Even those who say it should have ended with L have in mind that he should have been the one who defeated Light.
I don't hold grudges. Let's vehemently argue today and casually have a beer together tomorrow.
PraetorXyn posted...
Youre in the vast minority. The second half of Death Note is one of the most widely hated arcs of all time.


Ending was still great and just letting Light win at the midpoint would have been fucking awful.

Showing him for the pitiful loser he really is? Perfection.
superman_2000 posted...
Most people don't like bleak endings. Even those who say it should have ended with L have in mind that he should have been the one who defeated Light.
It wouldnt have been bleak, but original and interesting. Not every story ever has to end the same way.
Console war in a nutshell:
didn't crime go down by the millions when he was active?
If you read this signature, then that meant that I had control of what you read for 5 SECONDS!!
PraetorXyn posted...
It wouldnt have been bleak, but original and interesting. Not every story ever has to end the same way.

I kinda see where you're coming from but at the same time, it just wouldn't have been cathartic/satisfying IMO for Light to get away scot-free with everything he had done by the time he killed L. I do think Near could have been a more original character than just L Jr., but I appreciate that the series had the balls to actually let Light win for a while (6 years) before finally catching his ultimate L (no pun intended). I feel Light is inherently a character whose sins should eventually catch up to him in spectacular fashion, especially considering how smug and self-righteous he is. He deserved the cruel, unforgiving fate that awaited him.
I don't hold grudges. Let's vehemently argue today and casually have a beer together tomorrow.
refmon posted...
didn't crime go down by the millions when he was active?
Global crime did plummet, but at the cost of freedom.
Fan of metal? Don't mind covers? Check out my youtube and give me some feedback
refmon posted...
didn't crime go down by the millions when he was active?
So I think people are conflating 2 different things into one.

Crime going down doesn't make him a good person.

If the question was, do you think what he did was effective; then an argument can be had. As crime did go down, although through fear. So a debate can be had on how effective it was.

But to the discussion of him being a morally good person, that's a joke. Light very early showed he cared more about his frail ego and was willing to kill innocent people who dared to challenge him while taking great pleasure in it. To the point it ended up being his downfall because he just couldn't stop.
Edgelords will always exist so yes
I have nothing else to say
Light is an agent of the ruling class. He enforces existing socioeconomic hierarchies and never even imagines using his unlimited killing ability to create a more equitable world.

Light is not WOKE
Doe posted...
Light is an agent of the ruling class. He enforces existing socioeconomic hierarchies and never even imagines using his unlimited killing ability to create a more equitable world.

Light is not WOKE

All of this is actually true.

Light uses his power to kill low-level crooks and criminals, but never targets corrupt politicians, businessmen, law enforcement, etc.,

It's what makes me think that, at a bare minimum, Light's view of injustice is just very immature. Like he's incapable of thinking of people beyond the labels of "good" and "evil". All crime is "bad" and therefore all criminals (and people who protect them) are "bad", and trying to stop crime is "good" and anyone trying to stop crime is also "good".
I have nothing else to say
RchHomieQuanChi posted...
It's what makes me think that, at a bare minimum, Light's view of injustice is just very immature. Like he's incapable of thinking of people beyond the labels of "good" and "evil".
Yep and in fact L diagnoses him early in the series as possessing a "childlike" understanding of right and wrong. And to think he was son of a cop and projected to be chief of police one day lol
Current Events » Are there still people who think Light Yagami was the good guy?
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