Meeting a group of new people that know eachother.

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Ooooooranges posted...
Sounds like she's being very unreasonable and they didn't try to include you very much.

I feel like the mother was trying. Like, she seemed to be the only one that actively asked me things to add to a topic or something.

It not her job too, but I do wish my gf tried to steer topics to things I could contribute too or something. I felt like I had to do it solo tbh.

Kitt posted...
Man it, really depends. Some people will happily accept you into their folds.

Then you have some groups that are so tight-knit, they won't even give you the time, no matter how friendly you try to be with them. At least in a group setting.
What works for me is to befriend some of these people individually, somewhere away from their typical group of friends. Get on good terms with a decent amonof of them (not all), I say. Next thing you know, you've wormed your way into their circle.

Yea, I am hoping to try and again and maybe focus on one family member at a time. Obviously not ignore the group, but do it in pieces.

It just sucks because my gf said I did fine when we left even though I felt like I didnt. But then this morning she sends a text saying I need to put more effort in.

I asked folks at work and my friends and have been trying to search Youtube vids on charisma. So figured Id ask Gfaq too.
A show of kindness may not do much help, but a show of cruelty may do much harm.