Got $150 free credit on Amazon. What should I buy?

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Current Events » Got $150 free credit on Amazon. What should I buy?
I really dont need anything in particular
A sex toy
"All I have is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for anyone!"-Tony Montana
pp enlarger the pump kind
You aren't even really reading my posts; you're just staring at your e-mail client and fondly reminiscing about that hobo you stabbed to death. :P
Save it to buy Xmas presents if you celebrate.
"It was so ridiculous and I have so many feelings about it."
-Virtual Energies
Blow it all on light novels.
A bidet
"While you were wasting your time castrating a priceless antique, I was systematically feeding babies to hungry mutated puppies!" -The Monarch
Don't know if you like board games but you could get quite a few games. I prefer solo only games myself because I can't get a group together often enough.

Under Falling Skies

And likely have money to spare.
RIP BigAirDay aka Bill.
Not changing this signature until the Carolina Panthers win the Super Bowl. Signature started 10/30/11
get some gift cards to a bunch of places you can diversify how you spend the money
Give it to Jesus, that guy always needs money.
Moderated for telling people not to commit illegal acts of assault and murder.09/2/23
Also moderated for not responding to obvious bait. - 10/03/23
Current Events » Got $150 free credit on Amazon. What should I buy?