Devil's Plan on Netflix, Korean Puzzle Escape Room Reality Show (spoilers)

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Current Events » Devil's Plan on Netflix, Korean Puzzle Escape Room Reality Show (spoilers)
I dunno if anybody's watching this show. There are both dub and sub options.

It's a pretty entertaining competitive brain teaser competition. They're given various games with rules that basically promotes colluding and betraying.

It's pretty emotionally charged and... well it's an escape room like scenario. If you think it's mostly about playing the game, there are many early hints that hint to something a bit more on the surface.

They gathered several notable people here and there. There are some famous gamers, some youtubers, 2 actors.

The male actor Ha Seok Jin is actually a fairly popular person. He emcees a show called Problematic Men, a show with Mensa members, is a far less competitive show about solving really difficult logic/math puzzles. They change the theme of the puzzles based on their guests, and it makes for a pretty well watched and fascinating talk/variety show. I'll just say it right now... that guy might be a legitimate genius. The biggest thing is that he's so goofy a lot of times. I feel like he's gonna get a lot of fans after this.
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Current Events » Devil's Plan on Netflix, Korean Puzzle Escape Room Reality Show (spoilers)