Honest Anonymous Poll: Political affiliation and length.

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Current Events » Honest Anonymous Poll: Political affiliation and length.
Anonymous poll.
You, take a bump. Flatback.
Length of what? Your political affliction? My political affliction must be 3 inches.
My maid will hear about this.
BloodMoon7 posted...
Length of what? Your political affliction? My political affliction must be 3 inches.

That sounds about right.
You, take a bump. Flatback.
You're telling me the average CEman is average?
I like how none of the Conservatives are in the normal range yet
Currently Streaming: Homeland, Travelers, Dark, Ahsoka, Jack Ryan, ST: Lower Dekcs
So far we have a hung daddy on both sides.

Sword fight!
You, take a bump. Flatback.
I've never measured or even seen my political affiliation so it must be pretty small
KainWind posted...
I've never measured or even seen my political affiliation so it must be pretty small

Dont worry man, its not the size of the vote, its the motion of devotion.
You, take a bump. Flatback.
is "average anarchist" a thing?
So far the majority of liberals are between 4-6 inches and the majority of conservatives are between 0-3 inches.
You, take a bump. Flatback.
Post #11 was unavailable or deleted.
Socialist, 7 inches
I pray god will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in truth
Current Events » Honest Anonymous Poll: Political affiliation and length.