Xbox strategy documents have leaked

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Current Events » Xbox strategy documents have leaked
New Xbox Series X model. Digital only.
New controller

Bethesda and third party game list

A Fallen Mascot
ARM for next gen
A Fallen Mascot
..... Project Platinum?

Are they really doing it?

Edit: oh shit they're making a thin client
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Tyranthraxus posted...
..... Project Platinum?

Are they really doing it?

Edit: oh shit they're making a thin client

The list is Bethesda though so I don't think it's that. Weird coincidence though lol

Wonder what the other licensed IP is. Indiana Jones is already listed separately.

What a massive fuck up of a leak lol. Some of these games may never see the light of day and people will always be waiting and/or wondering.
A Fallen Mascot
Elder Scrolls 6 in 2025? Fat chance
Wrestling fans are the worst thing about being a wrestling fan.
Thats interesting, but I dont see any reason to change from the Series X any time soon
Fact: Nintendo is the best, there is no point denying it.
Dark_twisted posted...
Elder Scrolls 6 in 2025? Fat chance

Yeah these docs are from either 2019 or 2020 I reckon. Doesn't have the Starfield or Redfall delay.

I can't be bothered to check if those years are supposed to be Financial or not.
A Fallen Mascot
This looks interesting. I can buy this for myself, and give my sister my Series S.
--I understand your opinion. I just don't care about it. ~Jedah--
Oh shit Dishonored 3
ChrisTaka's not-alt

A Fallen Mascot
Tubular SX

What's Ellewood? Is that the new version of the SS?
So! You want to hear a story, eh?
Stopped reading at all digital.

Unless they're gonna have multiple marketplaces, they can suck it
"All I have is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for anyone!"-Tony Montana
tag for later
Neon >_>
Too much reliance on TES
So they believe they can buy Nintendo, but thought buying tiktok was impossible.
(edited 2/30/2023 10:51:12 AM)
new fallout is just a fallout 3 remaster, boo
boo this plan, booooo

Disclaimer: There's a good chance the above post could be sarcasm.
Die-hard Oakland A's fan --- Keep the A's in Oakland!
Tsukasa1891 posted...
So they believe they can buy Nintendo, but thought buying tiktok was impossible.

Nah Phil Spencer is basically saying Nintendo is impossible in that email as well. In a polite way to another executive who probably asked about it in relation to TikTok.
A Fallen Mascot
what's the point when there's nothing to play on it?
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Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
Tsukasa1891 posted...
So they believe they can buy Nintendo, but thought buying tiktok was impossible.
why did they believe that buying tik tok was impossible?
TwoDoorPC posted...
what's the point when there's nothing to play on it?


They're going to have to do a hell of a lot better than Starfield to get out of the hole they've built for themselves. A lack of games for the better part of a decade means that your gamebox is little more than a paperweight until MS invests enough into it to have a better library than the Wii U/PS Vita.
There's only one way to end this!
The vibrator of consequences often arrives unlubed
Should be noted that this was prior to the Zenimax acquisition. The dates of the games have already changed and projects may have been cancelled.
...I think I'm done here...
Microsoft straight up making routers as gamepass consoles is totally on brand for them.

Love how those assholes teased Hexen/Heretic and Commander Keen remakes but according to this, just the same ol IPs, the ones made by Arkane possibly in limbo now.

New York Rangers [2004-2008]
Hayame_Zero posted...
Should be noted that this was prior to the Zenimax acquisition. The dates of the games have already changed and projects may have been cancelled.

Yeah this is all really old stuff. Looking at it now it's mostly just depressing thinking how way off target they were.

Starfield in FY21 lmao
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Playstation fanboys- "lol xbox has no exclusives"

Also Playstation fanboys- "wtf why are you buying companies and making their games exclusive!? Also, those games are shit anyway so it totally 100% doesn't matter!!" *huffs the bottle of copium
Ryzen 3800x, 6900XT, 32 gig, 970pro, Asus Strix x570-E
FC: SW-8431-3263-1243
Xbox still doesn't have exclusives
See profile pic
Oh shit Licensed IP game.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
Lol Microsoft
Let's all please just get along.
Post #29 was unavailable or deleted.
DoomsSD posted...
Nintendo would be basically impossible to acquire.

The document doesn't really say they're trying to acquire Nintendo, just purchase shares to get influence on the board.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Post #31 was unavailable or deleted.
Cool, might get it. Was thinking about getting a Series X, guess that's out. Still might not bother with Xbox though, building a PC would be a better investment of both time and money.
A digital only console becoming mainstream is the death of video games that PC gaming began. That's the last fucking thing we need is more loss of ownership on products. Microsoft can fuck themselves, this leak should blow a sizeable hole in their operations
3DS Friend Code: FC: 0318-7199-1150
DoomsSD posted...
Trying to influence Nintendo is probably equally as futile. If ever there was a company absolutely determined to do things it's own way, it's Nintendo.

Nah. Investors have strongarmed Nintendo before like when they got forced to make Mario Run and FEH on Mobile phones. FEH at least is successful enough that they can probably do it again.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
hereforemnant posted...
A digital only console becoming mainstream is the death of video games that PC gaming began. That's the last fucking thing we need is more loss of ownership on products. Microsoft can fuck themselves, this leak should blow a sizeable hole in their operations
I've had enough bad luck with physical media, that this kind of thing doesn't phase me. It's a nice feeling to have a physical collection of games. It's nice to look at on a shelf, it's cool. But eventually your console will fail in some way, even if you treat it like gold. Either it will die completely, or in my case, two of them just stopped being able to read discs for no reason. I can still use the consoles, but the physical games I have are useless pieces of polycarbonate plastic unless I replace the entire console or at least the disc drive.

All the digital games I have? Oh no, I don't actually "have" them. I don't technically own them, whatever that really means. But I can still play them.

Look upon my physical games collection, ye mighty, and despair.
Apparently it was by MS and not the FTC lol.
Capcom is the best developer ever!
Steam ID: SocialistGamer92
gasgpmo posted...
I've had enough bad luck with physical media, that this kind of thing doesn't phase me. It's a nice feeling to have a physical collection of games. It's nice to look at on a shelf, it's cool. But eventually your console will fail in some way, even if you treat it like gold. Either it will die completely, or in my case, two of them just stopped being able to read discs for no reason. I can still use the consoles, but the physical games I have are useless pieces of polycarbonate plastic unless I replace the entire console or at least the disc drive.

All the digital games I have? Oh no, I don't actually "have" them. I don't technically own them, whatever that really means. But I can still play them.

Look upon my physical games collection, ye mighty, and despair.

I'll refer you to Mutahar to explain more so I don't have to type as much, but I just have to say that anecdotally your cases don't really matter. I have a PS2 & GameCube that are old enough to be my children now that both still read & write to discs & function. Physical media let's you retain ownership over it, regardless of if you have a disc drive or not. Because you could always emulate those discs to a PC later on with the right know how & software as time goes on. PS4 emulation is starting to kick off now, in another few years you'll probably be able to play series X or PS5 games on a good rig too
3DS Friend Code: FC: 0318-7199-1150
I have a PS2 & GameCube that are old enough to be my children now that both still read & write to discs & function.
Same here. I also have a Wii and PS4 that can't read discs. And I have a PC that (digitally) plays games from any generation. I don't care about "owning". I don't care about owning things. I care about the experiences I get from playing video games. I care about the memories and feelings, those are the things that I really own. Those are the things that are really mine. The cheap piece of plastic that the code is written on, has always been devoid of any real worth.
Old or not this is embarrassing for Microsoft and possibly damaging. Imagine being Phil going into a meeting with Nintendo for whatever reason after this. All those convos and plans just out in the open now.
hereforemnant posted...
A digital only console becoming mainstream is the death of video games that PC gaming began. That's the last fucking thing we need is more loss of ownership on products. Microsoft can fuck themselves, this leak should blow a sizeable hole in their operations
A digital only console is perfectly viable if the entire country has great internet, but it doesn't it and probably won't for a while still.
Wrestling fans are the worst thing about being a wrestling fan.
Dark_twisted posted...
A digital only console is perfectly viable if the entire country has great internet, but it doesn't it and probably won't for a while still.

Most of the country's Internet is good enough for a digital only console. It's the streaming that it can't handle.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Dark_twisted posted...
A digital only console is perfectly viable if the entire country has great internet, but it doesn't it and probably won't for a while still.
Well this is both true & not true. Like 99.2% if the number is right, of Americans have access to at least one high speed provider. But the problem is that *at least having access* doesn't mean it's reliable or at all affordable. Source said that less than 2 million have no access which is the lowest it's ever been here & good, but there's no competition, & we don't know how many of these rural areas can afford or get that one high speed provider. Digital only consoles mean you're always going to be having to download the information for titles online, & you can't just pop in a disc & play.

There are a lot of current gen titles that you can just pop the game in & play, skipping downloading patches & such. I absolutely detest the standard being digital because you'll always have to be online to finish installation, & a lot of games only have the minimum on discs requiring online to finish. That's a shitty trend I don't want to see
3DS Friend Code: FC: 0318-7199-1150
cool design, but digital only is a no thanks for me. i'll just stick with the disc version.

that new controller tho i'll gladly buy.
Grim Reaper: "Your time has come"
Xsquader: "sir whats your badge number?"
Oblivion remaster is the only thing I care about in this leak
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness; that is life.
hereforemnant posted...
A digital only console becoming mainstream is the death of video games that PC gaming began

what a ridiculous take
TwoDoorPC posted...
what's the point when there's nothing to play on it?

That's weird because I own an Series X and play games on it every night.

Sony fans are just the absolute worst type of shit liars.
Posted under Ellesarian in a past life.
The fact that buying Nintendo and Valve is legitimately discussed here is so gross. And MS fanboys were saying there's no monopoly attempts...
1 line break(s), 121 characters allowed
I don't know why people still swear by discs when it literally doesn't need to be a disc anymore.

By the time a game is released, that disc is not even usable anymore. It's just a key at that point and maybe some textures or audio that you don't mind being limited by the speed of your Blu-ray drive.

You'll have to download patches regardless and they will quickly make that disc worthless for just popping in and playing.

If you're going to advocate for discs, start talking about cartridges or SD cards instead.
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and xbox dvd drives are notoriously shitty.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
Inohira posted...
The fact that buying Nintendo and Valve is legitimately discussed here is so gross. And MS fanboys were saying there's no monopoly attempts...
Gaben will never sell Valve and the Japanese ministry of finance will never agree to a majority sale of Nintendo to a foreign company. These are not valid concerns.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Current Events » Xbox strategy documents have leaked
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