Does the left suck at talking to young men?

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It's a really awkward topic to dance around IMO. There's definitely male-specific problems in society, just like there are female-specific problems in society, and a lot of the "progressive" spaces don't really put much effort in addressing things beyond like, an abstract generalization about it existing. I don't think it's a specific attack against men so much as it's like, indifference? It's generally some sort of hand-wavy ignorance of the topic because they don't want to talk about it.

Add to that that there also seems to be backlash for some reason any time this topic is actually addressed, like progressive spaces don't want to care about male-centric issues. This is like the 6th time Vaush has faced drama for this one tweet.

Shadow_Don posted...
Yup. Thats the issue.

When people like JP clarify and dive deeper what you start to notice is that courting young men actually means tossing women back into the kitchen.

This is how people like JP are taking advantage of this vacuum. The young boys have problems that aren't being acknowledged, and guys like JP jump in and tell them the answer is this and that, and builds up to the incorrect conclusion of "get women back into the kitchen". Because it's often the only answer these boys are being given, they'll accept it from someone who has all the qualities you're told makes someone "successful". And you're probably 12-16 and don't know any better about how to actually question these conclusions, and won't be able to until guys like JP have had their hold over long enough for the conclusions to really sink in.

The_Apologist posted...
Three key components, as I see it.

1) Acknowledge the unique difficulties of being a man, with an emphasis on liberating men from them.
2) Affirm a conception of positive masculinity (and femininity) that rejects traditional gender roles as oppressive to men (and women).
3) Don't blame men for their plight, or for the state of society re: gender, and stand up against those who do blame men for these things.

This, or something like it, is the way forward.

I like these.