Does the left suck at talking to young men?

Current Events

AloneIBreak posted...
I'm not watching that video but yeah, the mainstream/progressive left doesn't spend much time courting the young male demographic, and the right pounces by appealing to the worst in them. I'm not sure what the solution is.

The only thing I can think of is not demonizing them. Like, yes, teaching men such things like consent is king is important...but opening with that line is just a way to make them feel like they're being attacked for being monsters, simply for being men. Or some of the more radical feminist rhetoric making rounds that paints men as trash, or that women feel unsafe around them? I just feel that if the rhetoric was changed it could help immensely.

Why not open with other things first? Why not rope them in with issues that are important to them, *then* move on to other stuff that is important to the movement as a whole, and to women in particular?

The thing that I keep circling back to in my mind is the one we make fun of the right all the time: "the left was mean to me so I became a Nazi". But like...there is some truth to that, no? If you're in a space that makes you feel like shit for existing, you're not going to want to be in that space.
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
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