Sleeping with PROSTITUTES not considered CHEATING in JAPAN

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Current Events » Sleeping with PROSTITUTES not considered CHEATING in JAPAN
Japan sounds like a wild place. i gotta get there one day if only to see a baseball game.
I watched this last night before going to sleep. He only interviewed 6-8 women (or at least that's what was used), still it was rather surprising how only 2 at most said yes it's still cheating.

The ones who said no seemed far more concerned about their boyfriends having actual feelings for another woman/them meeting a new woman who could replace them as the girlfriend. And since prostitutes = just sex they prefer that scenario. Some of them even said they'd prefer the bf be open about it instead of hiding it.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Current Events » Sleeping with PROSTITUTES not considered CHEATING in JAPAN
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