BREAKING - Russell Brand pre-empts multiple allegations.

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Current Events » BREAKING - Russell Brand pre-empts multiple allegations.
I cant read too much into how he goes about the denial. Its the multiple accusations that matter, which are credible and have corroborating evidence.
Innocent people don't get a ton of sexual assault allegations levied against them.
shockthemonkey posted...
Thats not true at all.

Is that why the first amendment outright says there will be no state religion?
"The US is not a single country. It is ~20 developed countries being held hostage by ~25 developing countries and ~5 failed states." -Calintares
Dark_Arbron posted...
Is that why the first amendment outright says there will be no state religion?
Well as Bill O'Reilly said (very condescendingly) Christianity isn't a religion, it's a philosophy . So obviously it's not bound by the first amendment. Also Islam isn't a religion either, it's a legal system. So that enjoys no first amendment protections and Muslims can totally be discriminated against. Obviously. /s
"Bothering people when they're shopping or going to work or whatever because you find them attractive makes you scum of the earth."
Post #105 was unavailable or deleted.
shockthemonkey posted...
I misread the post as colony, not country, for some reason. Real brain fart on my part.

Ah, I see.
"The US is not a single country. It is ~20 developed countries being held hostage by ~25 developing countries and ~5 failed states." -Calintares
friend find, look behind

The people defending him probably believe the allegations but also think he should be unpunished and are super frustrated that they can't just come out and say it.
"Kill everyone now! Condone first degree murder! Advocate cannibalism! Eat <poop>! Filth is my politics! Filth is my life!" - Babs Johnson
MistyKnight posted...

These people are fucking gross.
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
MistyKnight posted...

The right wing talking heads are so very, very fucking stupid.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Post #111 was unavailable or deleted.
I watched the documentary and wow, that's pretty damning. The interview he did with Jimmy Savile was mind blowing. You have these two predators talking to each other about sex and no-one at all thinks it's slightly strange?

Heineken14 posted...
The right wing talking heads are so very, very fucking stupid.
the right will always defend their own
shockthemonkey posted...
Just like that case where it was proven that Trump raped E Jean Carroll sure isnt a good defense

Or the fact he cried about Tara Reade when there's so much evidence against her story. Like I think one of the incidents she claimed happen Biden wasn't even in the state and that's proven with where he actually was, perhaps not even the country. Also the fact she abandoned the country for literal Russia for her "freedom", or whatever she said, is a huge red flag.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
It's ridiculous that people who wouldn't even like his comedy come out of the woodwork to defend him just because

And we're perpetuating the fucking problem by broadcasting their fucking opinions

Shame on us all. Fuck everyone looking for likes, retweets, and fifteen minutes. fuck trying to post argumentative shit for a chance at 500 posts.

God damn us all.
MrResetti posted...
It's ridiculous that people who wouldn't even like his comedy come out of the woodwork to defend him just because

And we're perpetuating the fucking problem by broadcasting their fucking opinions

Shame on us all. Fuck everyone looking for likes, retweets, and fifteen minutes. fuck trying to post argumentative shit for a chance at 500 posts.

God damn us all.

Damn it you guys, you upsetti Resetti
It's a luscious mix of words and tricks, that let us bet, when we know we should have folded.

ClayGuida posted...


At least he owned up to being wrong. That's honestly mind-blowing coming from someone with "FJB" in their handle.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
EndOfDiscOne posted...
Isnt he alt right now?

Is there a name for the phenomenon where previously left-aligned folks got chaos warped by the pandemic, and came out right win conspiracy theorists? Like, it was easy to say "they were always secretly right wing" or whatever, but this guy was quite involved in decriminalization activism for several years. Then after the pandemic, BAM, pro Russia.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Guide posted...
Is there a name for the phenomenon where previously left-aligned folks got chaos warped by the pandemic, and came out right win conspiracy theorists? Like, it was easy to say "they were always secretly right wing" or whatever, but this guy was quite involved in decriminalization activism for several years. Then after the pandemic, BAM, pro Russia.

I think someone said earlier that they saw where the money was.
"The US is not a single country. It is ~20 developed countries being held hostage by ~25 developing countries and ~5 failed states." -Calintares
I think it's time for some fun awkward videos of Russell
Zonbei posted...
Damn it you guys, you upsetti Resetti
Dark_Arbron posted...
I think someone said earlier that they saw where the money was.
I think it's more just that he's a genuine idiot who thinks he's enlightened and has had so much fauning due to his looks he genuinely thinks he's intelligent.
Let's make biscuits!
Funkydog posted...
has had so much fauning due to his looks he genuinely thinks he's intelligent.

I'm sorry, what? I specifically remember people talking about Brand x Perry as "how did this ugly motherfucker land someone like her?"

Like yeah he's tall, famous, wealthy, and to some even funny, but looks are definitely not something I'd expect anyone to faun over him on.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Guide posted...
Is there a name for the phenomenon where previously left-aligned folks got chaos warped by the pandemic, and came out right win conspiracy theorists? Like, it was easy to say "they were always secretly right wing" or whatever, but this guy was quite involved in decriminalization activism for several years. Then after the pandemic, BAM, pro Russia.
He moved to the right when he realized he was getting outted and decided that by playing the victim trump card, he could play to that base.

It's not a coincidence the same people defending him are the alt right shitheads.
Kradek posted...
I'm sorry, what? I specifically remember people talking about Brand x Perry as "how did this ugly motherfucker land someone like her?"

Like yeah he's tall, famous, wealthy, and to some even funny, but looks are definitely not something I'd expect anyone to faun over him on.
He very much had a big appeal and look at a certain time. 'That look' was big then.

He definitely doesn't have your usual conventional american attractiveness though, yes.
Let's make biscuits!
Funkydog posted...
He very much had a big appeal and look at a certain time. 'That look' was big then.

He definitely doesn't have your usual conventional american attractiveness though, yes.

Is the look a billboard forehead, scraggly hair and beady eyes?

I'm not trying to base it off "American standards", though as an American I acknowledge that perhaps that's hard to escape.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Kradek posted...
Is the look a billboard forehead, scraggly hair and beady eyes?

I'm not trying to base it off "American standards", though as an American I acknowledge that perhaps that's hard to escape.
I dont know what to tell you. He definitely had appeal to a certain crowd who likes that emo/indie druggy look. Coupled with being somewhat funny, or with funny appeal it's easy to see why people fawned over him and inflated his ego.
Let's make biscuits!
Funkydog posted...
I dont know what to tell you. He definitely had appeal to a certain crowd who likes that emo/indie druggy look. Coupled with being somewhat funny, or with funny appeal it's easy to see why people fawned over him and inflated his ego.

Well I guess agree to disagree then. No harm in that.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
BBC News - Russell Brand: YouTube suspends monetisation of star's channel
Trelve posted...
BBC News - Russell Brand: YouTube suspends monetisation of star's channel

Now this is something I do feel weird about. I dont like Brand and its obvious hes a bit of a wrong one regardless of whether he did anything illegal - which he almost certainly did based on some of the allegations. Im sure there will be a lot of people happy hes being demonitized and I completely get that but this just feels like a PR move from YouTube when you realise there are other people who post some utterly vile content that still make loads from their videos.
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SHRlKE posted...
Now this is something I do feel weird about. I dont like Brand and its obvious hes a bit of a wrong one regardless of whether he did anything illegal - which he almost certainly did based on some of the allegations. Im sure there will be a lot of people happy hes being demonitized and I completely get that but this just feels like a PR move from YouTube when you realise there are other people who post some utterly vile content that still make loads from their videos.

Probably getting ahead of the curve for the optics. Acti-Blizz removed some voice files when the actor was in trouble and didnt add them back in even after he was acquitted.

(and yes, the hilarious hypocrisy in Acti-Blizz of all companies trying to make a statement against sexual abuse isnt lost on any of us)

"The US is not a single country. It is ~20 developed countries being held hostage by ~25 developing countries and ~5 failed states." -Calintares
Current Events » BREAKING - Russell Brand pre-empts multiple allegations.
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