She found a 'kitten' abandoned in the dirt, raised it into a Jaguar

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Current Events » She found a 'kitten' abandoned in the dirt, raised it into a Jaguar
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X. Com topic
I still feel and smell your smoke and I can not play, straight with your game!
Im guessing...Russia?
Good kitty.
No more shall man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk.
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what are the chances that jag ends up going crazy and destroys her and that dog one night?

isnt domesticating a big cat a huge risk as they grow and learn?

i mean i think its cool as shit, but man id be sleeping with one eye open.
I may look calm, but in my head, I've just killed you three times.
I guess it harmless if well fed?
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Baldurs Gate 3, Carol Reed Mysteries series, DMC 3:SE (Modded), & Spyro 3.5: Return to the Forgotten Realms
Iirc she didn't "found" a kitten.

She's a zoo employee, and the kitten wax abandoned by it's mother.
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Ratchetrockon posted...
I guess it harmless if well fed?

And fed the right (non-red) meat. And treated well. And given plenty of stimulation. And declawed. Even then, there's still the chance that it'll attack you because it's a wild fucking animal with an ingrained hunting instinct.

All of that said, I love Luna's videos. Especially the ones where she plays with her best friend, that HUGE Rotwiler. Those are always heartwarming and make me realize that big cats are more like small cats than we realize.
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I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
Aww so cute. Even more cute than a pitbull.
Ratchetrockon posted...
I guess it harmless if well fed?
To her and the dog, probably.
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Xenogears15 posted...
And fed the right (non-red) meat. And treated well. And given plenty of stimulation. And declawed. Even then, there's still the chance that it'll attack you because it's a wild fucking animal with an ingrained hunting instinct.

All of that said, I love Luna's videos. Especially the ones where she plays with her best friend, that HUGE Rotwiler. Those are always heartwarming and make me realize that big cats are more like small cats than we realize.

Agree, that last part where they are the same size and end up sitting next to each other on the snow!

You cant declaw a big cat. I mean, you can if you want to torture them. Declawing a house cat is bad enough. But a big cat weighing hundreds of pounds no longer having the third bones of each of its digits can no longer effectively support its weight. It would be like you trying to walk without after having the end bones of all of your toes surgically removed.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
Xenogears15 posted...
And fed the right (non-red) meat. And treated well. And given plenty of stimulation. And declawed. Even then, there's still the chance that it'll attack you because it's a wild fucking animal with an ingrained hunting instinct.
It may not even mean to kill you, it could just get a little rough while playing, like fucking housecats do all the time lol
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itcheyness posted...
It may not even mean to kill you, it could just get a little rough while playing, like fucking housecats do all the time lol

Right, and how do they have fun? By indulging in their hunting instinct. By roughhousing with their littermates and mother.

So they also may think it's okay to do to humans, not knowing just how fragile we are compared to them.
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
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Could be worse, could've found and raised a pibble.
My maid will hear about this.
mobilebloechel posted...
That's Luna, I watch her videos
I thought I recognized, I think I seen some of her YouTube shorts. Pretty cool
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I haven't read a single post in this topic, but ask me anything about big cats.
WalkingPlague posted...
isnt domesticating a big cat a huge risk as they grow and learn?
Domesticating a big cat is impossible. Domestication is a process that involves selectively breeding specific traits and behaviors over generations. You cannot domesticate an individual animal.

You can tame an individual animal, which essentially means you normalize the presence around people/other animals while encouraging specific good behaviors and discouraging bad ones. But that's hardly fool-proof and it's very possible that a tamed animal reverts to its instincts when someone does some triggering action. And when said animal is a fucking jaguar, that can result in extreme harm.
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That's a big kitty
Michigan Wolverines 45 to Ohio state 23: 11/26/22
I Acknowledge The Usos
Ah yes, I've seen this story pop up a few times on IG.

People's fears aren't unjustified, but I've seen other examples of how big cats can actually be quite tame. One video this guy has his back to a charging lion, filming in a selfie angle, and when the lion leaps on him it hugs him and starts licking him instead of what most definitely looks like a normal lion attack.

But then you also have Roy being attacked by their tiger in 2003, so it's probably always a gamble.

They very could easily mistakenly kill your just from playing. There's a guy I follow who has a lot of various animals at his sanctuary, like ostriches, brown bears, black bears, etc. and he often plays with the black bears while mentioning he'll never do it with the brown because they don't know their own strength sometimes.
My metal band, Ivory King, has 2 songs out now - (all of our links there so you can choose which one you'd prefer to use)
Also that is almost certainly a leopard, not a jaguar, which would be a healthy bit larger.
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Thats awesome. It is friends with the dog.
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Compsognathus posted...
Also that is almost certainly a leopard, not a jaguar, which would be a healthy bit larger.

The cat's name is "Luna the Panther"

(Black variant of the leopard, I know but still)
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
Seeing it play with & cuddle the dog is heartwarming but I'd be scared as fuck having that thing in my home. At the end of the day, it's still a wild animal, no matter how adorable it is or friendly it seems. It's still not domesticated, it's gotta have that wild instinct.
Compsognathus posted...
Domesticating a big cat is impossible. Domestication is a process that involves selectively breeding specific traits and behaviors over generations. You cannot domesticate an individual animal.

You can tame an individual animal, which essentially means you normalize the presence around people/other animals while encouraging specific good behaviors and discouraging bad ones. But that's hardly fool-proof and it's very possible that a tamed animal reverts to its instincts when someone does some triggering action. And when said animal is a fucking big cat, that can result in extreme harm.

This. The cat may very well love you. But all it takes is one move (that youre not even aware that you did) to trigger its instincts and see you as a threat or food.
The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.
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Kradek posted...
Ah yes, I've seen this story pop up a few times on IG.

People's fears aren't unjustified, but I've seen other examples of how big cats can actually be quite tame. One video this guy has his back to a charging lion, filming in a selfie angle, and when the lion leaps on him it hugs him and starts licking him instead of what most definitely looks like a normal lion attack.

But then you also have Roy being attacked by their tiger in 2003, so it's probably always a gamble.

They very could easily mistakenly kill your just from playing. There's a guy I follow who has a lot of various animals at his sanctuary, like ostriches, brown bears, black bears, etc. and he often plays with the black bears while mentioning he'll never do it with the brown because they don't know their own strength sometimes.

Is there anything more known about this incident? For some reason I remember Roy having raised the tiger from a cub...
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I'm surprised she doesn't maul the dog. I got my cat when she was only 2 months old but she still played rough with my roomate's dog and totally would have eaten him if she could. she's always biting his meaty little thighs but he doesn't even care cause she doesn't break the skin lol
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...

I too found a couple kittens.
In simplicity, utility. Through utility, simplicity.
AldousIsDead posted...

I too found a couple kittens.

They look like danger floof to me
This rant was brought to you by your local random thinker.
I'm as Canadian as Wayne Gretzky crashing a snowmobile into a moose. - JIC X
AldousIsDead posted...

I too found a couple kittens.

I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
SaltyWet posted...
I haven't read a single post in this topic, but ask me anything about big cats.

How big is a lion's shits?
(She/Her) I'm a succubus. Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. <3
Video Game IGN: Mystic. Ask me for a joke, I come up with some good ones.
SerperiorThanU posted...
Dude don't use the x url.
thronedfire2 posted...
In simplicity, utility. Through utility, simplicity.
mobilebloechel posted...
He wasn't attacked. The cat thought Roy was in trouble and in an attempt to protect him the tiger tried to get him out of there by grabbing him by the neck as that's how they treat their young, know...human necks are a weak point.

Michigan Wolverines 45 to Ohio state 23: 11/26/22
I Acknowledge The Usos
Some people are confused but let me explain:

I have 4 cats. 1 of them I have 0 fear of ever, ever, ever, ever, harming me. She's just naturally sweet.

The others, can get a little wild.

If my sweet cat was tiger-sized, I wouldn't be scared of her, even a little. If my others were? I'd be hesitant.

Sometimes animals are just totally nice and awesome and you know they _couldnt_ even hurt u. It's why those lion trainers arent scared of their lions: they know they are dealing with the "sweet" personality trait.

edit: as i am typing this one of my cats, not the sweet one, is biting me b/c he says it's food time. i would not be comfortable if he was a lion!
thronedfire2 posted...
That was my thought, I rarely see one around here
And as the people bend, The moral fabric dies, Then country can't pretend to ignore its peoples cries.
Frankly i'd 100% put my life in the hands of a tamed big cat than in the hands of a "tamed" bear.
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Kradek posted...
Ah yes, I've seen this story pop up a few times on IG.

People's fears aren't unjustified, but I've seen other examples of how big cats can actually be quite tame. One video this guy has his back to a charging lion, filming in a selfie angle, and when the lion leaps on him it hugs him and starts licking him instead of what most definitely looks like a normal lion attack.

But then you also have Roy being attacked by their tiger in 2003, so it's probably always a gamble.

They very could easily mistakenly kill your just from playing. There's a guy I follow who has a lot of various animals at his sanctuary, like ostriches, brown bears, black bears, etc. and he often plays with the black bears while mentioning he'll never do it with the brown because they don't know their own strength sometimes.
Lions are a special scenaario due to them being social animals and having fairly good memories. I know the video you are talking about and it should be noted he raised that as a cub.
Current Events » She found a 'kitten' abandoned in the dirt, raised it into a Jaguar