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CE_gonna_CE posted...
So Ive been hanging around 190 for the last, oh, month or so. I eat better, no loss. I eat worse, no gain.

I guess this is my plateau?

If you're comfortable there, cool. But if you're trying to lose more weight you'll probably just need to find somewhere where you can lower your calories again. The amount of calories you can consume and lose weight change based on your body weight and you might have gotten to a point where you're at "maintenance" I think it's where I'm at too because I've been hovering between 230-235 from 280
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doing 10k steps a day at a minimum (often more, but never lower than 10k on my laziest days) has helped me a lot. I've lost about 10 pounds over the last two months with no real changes to my diet
Now that the weather is better I am going to start walking. However I have mobility issues. So I am going to give it a try and hope for the best. I guess I will start with a half a mile on Monday
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
cjsdowg posted...
Now that the weather is better I am going to start walking. However I have mobility issues. So I am going to give it a try and hope for the best. I guess I will start with a half a mile on Monday

How'd it go?

Make sure to buy yourself good supportive shoes. My god walking consistently can be hard on your joints if you don't have supportive shoes.
Im 510, weighed 181 after I did an intense workout at the gym today.

Goal is 165, back when I was in the military I was that weight.but its so hard.

I do a fast every other day, eat 2500 calories one day, 0 calories the next. But I still platued at 180 its crazy. Maybe Im lying to my self and Im eating too much on my eat days.
Antcipated Games- Lies of P, Dragon Quest Infinity Stratch, Granblue Fantasy Relink, FFVIIRebirth, Elden Ring DLC, FFXVI DLC
Jeff_AKA_Snoopy posted...
How'd it go?

Make sure to buy yourself good supportive shoes. My god walking consistently can be hard on your joints if you don't have supportive shoes.

I had a late work meetings so I could not get too it , and it was shame because the weather was kind of great.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
I got a new motivation; I made my self in WWE23 but buff and I liked what I saw so I going for it. But honestly I don't know if I can do it. I keep saying I will start, but being on the road all the time is really killing me.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil

Pretty good video from one of the best fitness youtubers out there, Renaissance Periodization, on dieting. Has a lot of good tips and tricks in there that aren't based in a bunch of fads.
Hello world!
AngelsNAirwav3s posted...

Pretty good video from one of the best fitness youtubers out there, Renaissance Periodization, on dieting. Has a lot of good tips and tricks in there that aren't based in a bunch of fads.
Dr Mike is great. He's one of my favorite fitness nerds. His advice is often a little boring because it's mostly well established studies and stuff, but he's really good in these types of videos.

I very much agree with what he presents here. He says it in a nice way, but there's a lot of stuff about essentially using your lazy habits in positive ways. Like don't have Oreos at the house because then if you want them, you need to go all the way to the store. Also all of the stuff about taking the decision making out of your life and just meal prep is an aspect that works well for me. Personally, I just make super quick meals but it's the same concept. I already know what I'm eating well in advance.

Jeff Nipard is my favorite fitness nerd because he gets into the studies a bit more and will submit his own theories, but Renaissance Periodization is great too. Also Dr. Mike has a much more soothing voice
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
2.1 miles on the treadmill today, felt good.
319 this morning. Feels good!
making progress

Games: http://backloggery.com/wrldindstries302 \\ Music: http://www.last.fm/user/DrMorberg/
TheGoldenEel posted...
making progress




"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
I'm still at the same weight but my clothes are hanging more loosely on me and I've gotten some positive comments from co-workers, so I'm okay with everything. I know if I stay on track I'll see the "whoosh" eventually. It has happened many times.
Spongebob is not a contraceptive.
Post #165 was unavailable or deleted.
I've gained a little happy weight in the past year. I'm 6'2 and weighed in at 204 this morning, which is about 10 lbs more than last year
Advice from a dryer: Open the door to amazement. Don't shrink from your true calling. Accept life's wrinkles. Avoid overload. Reach into mystery!
Just weighed in. Down 10lbs in 9 weeks. This is probably the most healthy pace for a cut that I've ever done. I'm not really doing it to prepare for anything, which helps a lot. For my build, this is still a really solid pace though.

I'm trying to go more by how my clothes fit than numbers on a scale. I've increased some of my lifts slightly while decreasing my waistline. So, that's pretty awesome.

I'm considering one of the Zozofit suit things that I've seen ads for. It's like a snug star trek uniform that takes your measurements and then also from your curves and folds takes a good guess at your body fat percentage. They're like $100 which is fine if it actually works, but I don't want to throw my money away.
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
Jiek_Fafn posted...
Just weighed in. Down 10lbs in 9 weeks. This is probably the most healthy pace for a cut that I've ever done. I'm not really doing it to prepare for anything, which helps a lot. For my build, this is still a really solid pace though.


Good job.

"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
Review of that suit ..

"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
Just walked a mile. Now that summer is over I plan to do this every weekend day.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
cjsdowg posted...
Just walked a mile. Now that summer is over I plan to do this every weekend day.

Good job!

I would also recommend getting some dumbbells. I have some 8 pounders. Even if I'm feeling kinda lazy, I can sit there and watch TV while I lift some weights. Every little bit counts
Jeff_AKA_Snoopy posted...
Good job!

I would also recommend getting some dumbbells. I have some 8 pounders. Even if I'm feeling kinda lazy, I can sit there and watch TV while I lift some weights. Every little bit counts

I have bands and dumbbells I just stop using. I think I will start using my bans again since I have no clue where my dumbbells are. But would that help us lose weight ?
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
cjsdowg posted...
I have bands and dumbbells I just stop using. I think I will start using my bans again since I have no clue where my dumbbells are. But would that help us lose weight ?

If you aren't going HEAVY into building muscle, lifting weights consistently helps you drop body fat for sure. You will notice maybe you aren't dropping weight as much, but you will lose inches
Jeff_AKA_Snoopy posted...
If you aren't going HEAVY into building muscle, lifting weights consistently helps you drop body fat for sure. You will notice maybe you aren't dropping weight as much, but you will lose inches

cool I will add that on non running days.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
Fighting off hunger. And can't sleep. Overall I think I need well today. Like I came in at around 1000 cals for the day. Going to listen to a wrestling podcast cast.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
Don't starve yourself. The more nutritious foods generally are lower in calories, which means you can eat more and feel better.
PSN: LoveLikeJazz
Today I had a footlong subway sub, and a slice of cake, anywhere around 1100-1200 calories
I went to the gym and burned about 300

Im definitely thinking about starving myself a little. I legit plateu'd in my 240s for an actual month. Only today did i finally break down into my 230s
MSI B360-A PRO|EVGA FTW3 8Gb Rtx 3070ti DDR4 2400 32Gb G.skill| i5 8600K 3.6Ghz
Steam: That Hero Luka "Fact and fiction, where do you draw the line?"
coolpal23 posted...
Today I had a footlong subway sub, and a slice of cake, anywhere around 1100-1200 calories
I went to the gym and burned about 300

Im definitely thinking about starving myself a little. I legit plateu'd in my 240s for an actual month. Only today did i finally break down into my 230s

I know I did it the other day, but Jazz is 100 % correct. Starving ourselves is not the day to go. The thing with weight lost is making sure to keep it off. It will be harder to keep doing what we do if just go right to starving ourselves. But if you do go that rout, please do it in safe manner .
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
cjsdowg posted...
I know I did it the other day, but Jazz is 100 % correct. Starving ourselves is not the day to go. The thing with weight lost is making sure to keep it off. It will be harder to keep doing what we do if just go right to starving ourselves. But if you do go that rout, please do it in safe manner .

You can't just put on blinders and chase that number on the scale without any mind for your health and quality of life. Even if you reach your goal, if you do it unhealthily you likely won't feel good or maintain that number. It's what the number is made of that's important.
PSN: LoveLikeJazz
LoveLikeJazz posted...
It's what the number is made of that's important.

You need to trade mark that. That is very good .
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
I'm chock full of (often corny) motivational quips and quotes, relating to fitness and nutrition anyway lol I just try not to use too many at once.
PSN: LoveLikeJazz
I will admit the way I've been losing weight is very unhealthy, I dont really eat any healthy foods these days, but I'll follow you guys' advice and try not to starve myself, it is unhealthy as youve said
MSI B360-A PRO|EVGA FTW3 8Gb Rtx 3070ti DDR4 2400 32Gb G.skill| i5 8600K 3.6Ghz
Steam: That Hero Luka "Fact and fiction, where do you draw the line?"
I've just started working out again and it feels good. I've lost a lot of strength since I stopped doing Crossfit in early 2020, but hopefully I can be consistent with it and build up some strength again.
https://i.imgtc.com/d9Fc4Qq.gif https://i.imgtc.com/BKHTxYq.gif
Ive been doing intermittent fasting for years now, and Ive went down from about 237 to 188-190 with clothes on. With clothes off, its more between 182-184.

I eat a grilled cheese for lunch most days, occasionally a couple of soft tacos at a local Mexican place, and occasionally a cheeseburger I fry myself as we typically buy 8 for burger night and fix 7.

For supper I basically eat whatever, though there are certain things I try to avoid altogether or not have very often.

I need to lose another 30 pounds at least Id say, as I was always a skinny twig growing up until my metabolism fell off a cliff.
Console war in a nutshell:
Good luck all who just joined us.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
PraetorXyn posted...
Ive been doing intermittent fasting for years now, and Ive went down from about 237 to 188-190 with clothes on. With clothes off, its more between 182-184.

I eat a grilled cheese for lunch most days, occasionally a couple of soft tacos at a local Mexican place, and occasionally a cheeseburger I fry myself as we typically buy 8 for burger night and fix 7.

For supper I basically eat whatever, though there are certain things I try to avoid altogether or not have very often.

I need to lose another 30 pounds at least Id say, as I was always a skinny twig growing up until my metabolism fell off a cliff.
How tall are you? 150 seems below average, isn't it?
PSN: LoveLikeJazz
PraetorXyn posted...
Ive been doing intermittent fasting for years now, and Ive went down from about 237 to 188-190 with clothes on. With clothes off, its more between 182-184.

I eat a grilled cheese for lunch most days, occasionally a couple of soft tacos at a local Mexican place, and occasionally a cheeseburger I fry myself as we typically buy 8 for burger night and fix 7.

For supper I basically eat whatever, though there are certain things I try to avoid altogether or not have very often.

I need to lose another 30 pounds at least Id say, as I was always a skinny twig growing up until my metabolism fell off a cliff.

I'll echo the question above, how tall are you? Maybe 15-20ish should be a more reasonable goal to go for. Also if you're still using butter to make your grilled cheese, you might want to try out using olive oil mayo instead. It's healthier and it has the added benefit of giving a really nice crisp to the sandwich.
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
PeteyParker posted...
I'll echo the question above, how tall are you? Maybe 15-20ish should be a more reasonable goal to go for. Also if you're still using butter to make your grilled cheese, you might want to try out using olive oil mayo instead. It's healthier and it has the added benefit of giving a really nice crisp to the sandwich.
510. By the BMI I ought to weigh 156 plus how ever much muscle weight Ive put on by working out, but I was always so skinny I think Ill probably need to weigh less than 156 muscle included.

I do use butter, and honestly probably need the calories considering I only really eat one full meal a day. I dont like mayo at all, as my dad puts it on everything and Ive always hated the smell.

At this point, the holdup is mostly weekend nights. On Friday and Saturday nights, I stay up til around 3 AM, and around 11:30 or 12:00, Ill pop a bowl of popcorn and eat it with a movie or show, then eat far too much peanut butter with a spoon.

For a while, I wasnt doing the weekend night snacking, and after not doing it for a month I didnt get hungry then. But thats the only time of the week I really watch anything, and I like to snack while I watch. So thats my vice at this point. Im still going down despite it, for now at least.
Console war in a nutshell:
Starting my third week of CrossFit. Already dropped a pant size. Feels like short sizes take longer.
Never forget where you came from.
Cool everyone is getting into things.

I know this might sound like I am doing too much. But I want to get swimming pool so I can swim. Walking hurt my joints . And I am way too lazy to go 30 mins to the nearest pool. I am posting this before I look into how much they cost lol.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
cjsdowg posted...
Cool everyone is getting into things.

I know this might sound like I am doing too much. But I want to get swimming pool so I can swim. Walking hurt my joints . And I am way too lazy to go 30 mins to the nearest pool. I am posting this before I look into how much they cost lol.
If your plan is to swim for exercise you're going to need a decent sized pool, and they're so much work man lol also expensive upkeep. I'd recommend an exercise bike and some adjustable dumbbells (all this will run you like $200 from Walmart and it will last for years) if a pool is out of the question.
PSN: LoveLikeJazz
LoveLikeJazz posted...
If your plan is to swim for exercise you're going to need a decent sized pool, and they're so much work man lol also expensive upkeep. I'd recommend an exercise bike and some adjustable dumbbells (all this will run you like $200 from Walmart and it will last for years) if a pool is out of the question.

See I mobility issues. So I was thinking about a pool to help with the joints. Since most other stuff hurts. I did a mile on Saturday and tried again on Sunday and my hips were just not having it .
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
cjsdowg posted...
See I mobility issues. So I was thinking about a pool to help with the joints. Since most other stuff hurts. I did a mile on Saturday and tried again on Sunday and my hips were just not having it .

Do you have a physiotherapist? Might be worth it to go chat with one about how to strengthen the joints and ligaments and whatnot. Learn how to strengthen yourself for your own needs.
cjsdowg posted...
See I mobility issues. So I was thinking about a pool to help with the joints. Since most other stuff hurts. I did a mile on Saturday and tried again on Sunday and my hips were just not having it .
Look into some corrective exercises, most don't even require weights. Not every issue can be solved with the right exercise but you might be surprised at how much it can help. For example, some of your mobility issues could have been caused by improper posture which can be corrected over time. If your knees are bad, it could be due to the way you walk (how are your hips, do you walk on the instep of your feet, etc.) It all trickles down.
PSN: LoveLikeJazz
I got a heavy bag. I was using that until I got hurt. I think I might try again. That was a good work out and until I got hurt no joint pain.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
I weighed in at 235 today, guys
I can hardly believe that April of this year, I was 316
Today i'm 235
im putting in the work
MSI B360-A PRO|EVGA FTW3 8Gb Rtx 3070ti DDR4 2400 32Gb G.skill| i5 8600K 3.6Ghz
Steam: That Hero Luka "Fact and fiction, where do you draw the line?"
coolpal23 posted...
I weighed in at 235 today, guys
I can hardly believe that April of this year, I was 316
Today i'm 235
im putting in the work
Hell yeah you are my man, keep it up! Excellent job
PSN: LoveLikeJazz
coolpal23 posted...
I weighed in at 235 today, guys
I can hardly believe that April of this year, I was 316
Today i'm 235
im putting in the work

good job
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
I've been tinkering with my macros. The ratio I had for maintaining weight loss (60/20/20 high carb) just isn't working for me in a deficit. I'm not as satiated and the fats are taking up too much of my calorie budget for not enough in return.

Fortunately, I've adjusted my fat intake downward in favor of more carbs and that has helped a lot. I've been at 70/20/10 the past few days and feel great. Protein seems not to matter much either way for me in this regard, oddly enough. Weight loss can be so funky at times.

Exercise is going great though. I was forced to be sedentary over the summer but it's all coming back together and I'm confident I'll soon reach new levels across all my activity. Been hitting the pavement a lot now that it's cooler. Yoga's great. Lifting has been fun even now that I'm not constantly trying to hit PRs. Shit's good tbh.

coolpal23 posted...
I weighed in at 235 today, guys
I can hardly believe that April of this year, I was 316
Today i'm 235
im putting in the work
Congratulations! Keep up the great work.

Spongebob is not a contraceptive.
316 to 235 is a stunning loss. I'm at 316 currently, down from 333 in August and at my max I was 416.

Nearly 80 pounds in 6 months seems almost impossible. What was the big change?
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