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Hello everyone, I am starting a new weight loss journey and I would love to have your support and encouragement. I have tried to lose weight before, but I did not succeed. This time, I am determined to stick to my plan and reach my goal. I hope you will join me and share your progress and challenges here. So we can call get support and encouragement.

My current weight is 261 lbs and my goal weight is 225 lbs. I have an event in May that I want to look my best for. That gives me about 8 months to lose 36 lbs. So that is a little more then a pound a week. While that is the bottom I hope I can do more.

My diet plan is to cut out fries, which are my weakness, and eat more rice and chicken, which are easy to cook and filling. I have a Ninja Speedi that helps me prepare my meals quickly and conveniently. However, I also want to be realistic and flexible, so I will allow myself to have fries on the days when I have to travel for work, which is about three days per week. I think this will help me avoid feeling deprived and bingeing later.

I would appreciate any tips, advice, or feedback from you. Lets motivate each other and celebrate our achievements. Together, we can do this!

What is your goal, and plan.

PS: Also I am going to try to take care of everything else. Work on my skin care. Like right now I use just lava soap and that can't be good for my skin. I am losing my hair so I am going to do something with that . Either Find away to save it or cut it.

"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
i heard rice isn't that good for weight loss and it's better to focus on meat+veggies

Big Apple, 3 A.M.
i support weight loss! however, eating meat is not the way.

you love fries; don't deny yourself something you love. life is for living.

on that note, your desire for chicken is easily replaced with beans and tofu. im not saying you have to stop eating meat, but dont think it's healthy.
I'm currently at 328 or so, wanna get below 300 before the end of the year.

I'm doing daily gym/exercise and stopping eating after supper, as that eating is almost exclusively bad for me.
trying to go off pop right now. i'm so susceptible to addictive behaviors
ddpyoga. I'll be attempting it again in the coming week, but I'm so focused on trying to find work I keep forgetting to exercise lol.
if you drink a lot of soda, like I do, flavored carbonated water can help.
Don't you agree, Zach?
Thanks for all the input so far. I don't drink soda. And I too and doing DDP Yoga.

I am not ready for Tofu and beans are nasty.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
I'm stuck in a hell of a rut right now.

At my peak in 2017, I was 350 lbs. I managed to get myself down to 180 by early 2020, and I maintained that until 2022. Over the last year though, I just ran out of steam, my diet went to crap. and my motivation has been in the shitter. I'm back up to 250 ish and that scares the crap out of me, but I just can't muster up the will to go back to the gym, and every time I go outside I'm just overwhelmed by the temptation to eat some crap.

My depression has been flaring up a lot lately, which probably isn't helping. I'm also a stress eater, and between two cross country moves, getting married, sime financial troubles, and a career change in the last year, it's safe to say my stress level has been sky high.

Also doesnt help that my wife is a religious vegetarian, and having meat in the house is a huge No, because of it; my diet used to be so regimented, and went up in flames as soon as I moved in. Huge carb uptick, too. I just really wish I could shake this feeling of being stuck in tar and get MOVING again.

Any advice you guys have would be helpful; I'm already in therapy, but it hasn't really been helping in this arena.
Haven't had a good sig idea since 2006
No breakfast today beyond some sunny D . Today I am going to start on my rice and chicken kick. I don't have any vegetables in the house. I guess I am going to pick up some on Wednesday . I am looking at spinach since I can mix it with other stuff easier.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
ill be hitting the gym directly after work

gonna try not to hog out on everything i can get my hands on today
Last month I was 215-217. Right now Im leaner and 207.

coincides with my going back to the gym and snacking way less.

http://i.imgur.com/Rqk1DYV.gif - Super Bowl XXI/XXV/XLII/XLVI Champions - NY Giants
Eli Manning SB tracker: 2/2 Superbowls 2/2 SBMVP's
Just came in to say good luck with your weight loss.
When money talks for the very last time, and nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race, and that's mankind, then we shall be free
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
Post #15 was unavailable or deleted.
How tall are you?
I think that dude was a dude, dude!
5'8.5 or 9 depending on when my height is taken
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
Sunday is supper at my sisters place so I don't really worry about my diet (general diet, not a specific diet) on Sundays.

I was 333 about 10 days ago, 328 this morning. Not bad.
I've gone from 280 to 230 this year after many failed attempts to lose weight I've finally found some success because I stopped doing the kind of thing you're gearing up to do. You like fries and they bring you joy right? Don't get rid of them. Instead, cut back on the portion size and replace the missing portions with like some veggies or a protein shake. Eventually you'll find that you crave them less and less but if you go cold turkey you'll drive yourself insane thinking about them and you'll slip and feel like you failed and your depression flares up and you end up back where you started.

The main thing you wanna focus on strictly for weight loss is being in a calorie deficit (just Google calorie calculator). You don't have to be super precise but just be generally aware.

Protein is good to help make you feel satisfied for longer, I recommend looking at some protein shakes and having some jerky around for snacking when you have a craving. Try to exercise some more, any kind is fine even if it's just adding a 20 minute walk to your day (the best exercise is one you'll consistently do).

Try to avoid raid drastic changes and instead focus on one small goal at a time and a lot of the things you wanna do now will start coming to you naturally.

Good luck to you though dude and if you find success in what you're doing that's awesome, just be careful and don't be too hard on yourself, you got this!
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Whats your alcohol intake look like

Cutting booze can make a huge difference for some people
I lost like 20lbs just from going sober a few months
(But i was binge drinking craft beer so)
These old bones live to learn her wanton ways:
(I measure time by how a body sways).
cjsdowg posted...
No breakfast today beyond some sunny D . Today I am going to start on my rice and chicken kick. I don't have any vegetables in the house. I guess I am going to pick up some on Wednesday . I am looking at spinach since I can mix it with other stuff easier.

The sunny D is probably a really bad choice from a calories perspective, but I understand many people like sweet drinks. I'm glad I don't have a vice for juice and sweet drinks in general.

Regarding vegetables, have you thought about incorporating stir Fry's? Stay light on the sauces, and you should be able to eat a lot while still being relatively low in calories.

And I don't know if you like eggs or not, but I found egg whites to be very helpful from a calorie perspective. Much lower calories, while still being high in protein, so you able to make a lot and eat it with other stuff.
haters gonna hate
Hell yeah, TC. I know this is cliche as hell but you really don't fail until you stop trying. I've been in weight loss spaces for a long time now and you've got the attitude of the people I've seen succeed. You can do this.

As for my goals, I don't know if it's my ADHD or if lifting just isn't for me but I've decided to ditch that and pivot back to running and calisthenics, though I will still do some lighter lifting here and there. I'm just not going to do the intense (for me) sessions I had done for over a year.

My goal is to make it to 199 by April of next year. I haven't been under 200lbs since like, 5th grade or something, and I feel like I have to do this. I also need to get to as close to my final weight as possible before having skin removal surgery and I think that's going to be it.

Anyway, I went for a run first thing this morning. It was only a mile and a half but I'll try to increase it by a quarter mile every session. The weather should be more cooperative soon and I can't wait to get out there and get back to the three or four mile runs I was doing a couple of years ago, then improve past that.

I'm also going to start DDP yoga next week. Back in the spring, I was three weeks away from finishing the intermediate program (I use the old YRG dvds) when I had to stop for medical reasons. I usually do at least one run of that a year and I really don't want to miss it.

SSJGrimReaper posted...
i heard rice isn't that good for weight loss and it's better to focus on meat+veggies
I've eaten 2-3 servings of rice daily for more than 5 years now. I've lost over 150lbs during this period and the only time I've gained any back was when I started lifting because I was intoxicated by the feeling of lifting while in a surplus. I got carried away and packed on more fat with the muscle than is ideal.

It's all about balancing calories and deciding not just what's worth fitting into the budget but what is sustainable. I love rice, so I'd rather have a serving of that than anything else, and I make sure to have some fiber, fats, and protein with it to maximize satiety.

DarkBuster22904 posted...
I'm stuck in a hell of a rut right now.

I would recommend looking into a therapist who specializes in weight management. If that's not possible, give a 12 step program like Overeaters Anonymous a shot. If you're anything like me five years ago, you probably recoiled at that suggestion but Alcoholics Anonymous helped me a bunch in dealing with the stress and other triggers that caused me to cope via alcohol and food. It's also free <_<

I may have some recommendations for diet but I would need to know specifics about her vegetarian diet. Does she eat a lot of fresh fruit and veg or does she do what is basically the Western Pattern Diet of high processed food, high fat, low fiber, and low nutrient?

You're definitely dealing with a lot but it is possible to find positive coping mechanisms and forge healthy habits. Stay strong.
Spongebob is not a contraceptive.
Robot2600 posted...
on that note, your desire for chicken is easily replaced with beans and tofu. im not saying you have to stop eating meat, but dont think it's healthy.

From a taste perspective? As someone who has drastically reduced his meat intake over the last few years, meat just fucking tastes good man.

I think we should eat less meat, purely from a moral animal rights perspective, but it's difficult man. I can make some good tofu at times, but it's still nothing compared to some good chicken.

In regards to health, ehh. I think that just depends. Nutrition science is not an exact thing.
haters gonna hate
Thanks everyone for the added replies, and good luck to the people who have spoken about their journeys . We will all do this.

g980 posted...
Whats your alcohol intake look like

Zero I don't drink.

See I should not be as fat as I am . No mammal,no pop,no booze , and I am still closer to 300 pounds then 200. And I don't pig out.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
cjsdowg posted...
Thanks everyone for the added replies, and good luck to the people who have spoken about their journeys . We will all do this.

Zero I don't drink.

See I should not be as fat as I am . No mammal,no pop,no booze , and I am still closer to 300 pounds then 200. And I don't pig out.

What is your activity level? I found that when I started lifting more regularly, I would lose fat but gain muscle mass so I wouldn't see a loss in pounds somewhat often.

I'm 328 pounds as of this morning but I am also strong. I have a belly from when I was 415 pounds so it's not like all that is gone, but it can be strange to increase your exercise and not see a lot of weight loss.
Right now Nil, but that is going to change.
"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
cjsdowg posted...
Thanks everyone for the added replies, and good luck to the people who have spoken about their journeys . We will all do this.

Zero I don't drink.

See I should not be as fat as I am . No mammal,no pop,no booze , and I am still closer to 300 pounds then 200. And I don't pig out.

Might be worth getting some blood work done, I did that and they found my thyroid hormones were way off and that's made a huge difference for me
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Bump for support

I have plateaued at 180 the last few weeks, trying to get down to 165. For me it is the binge drinking on weekends, lots of extra calories plus being hung over means instead of going to the gym and eating healthy, I sit around and eat a whole pizza lol

Cutting out alcohol for the next few weeks to hopefully get my weight loss back on track
Hello world!
Doe posted...
trying to go off pop right now. i'm so susceptible to addictive behaviors

When I stopped drinking sugary sodas I swapped to juices and drinks with artificial sweeteners. They've gotten really good and much safer lately too - honestly safer than putting several grams or ounces of refined sugar into your body!
If what you believe is truthful and just, you shouldn't have to posture as someone or something else.
AngelsNAirwav3s posted...
Bump for support

I have plateaued at 180 the last few weeks, trying to get down to 165. For me it is the binge drinking on weekends, lots of extra calories plus being hung over means instead of going to the gym and eating healthy, I sit around and eat a whole pizza lol

Cutting out alcohol for the next few weeks to hopefully get my weight loss back on track

I know they aren't anything special to taste, but have you tried ultra-lights like Michelob Ultra or Corona Premiere?

Honestly, they have the same alcohol content as normal mass produced beer, and if you drink socially for the buzz it's a good option.

Edit: Also, yeah the drunk binge eating can be problematic...try a bag of beef jerky or something with less carbs and some non-sugary juice or tea. Peanut butter on whole wheat is another good substitute for something like pizza, it fills you up quick, it's satisfying, with less fat and carbs.
If what you believe is truthful and just, you shouldn't have to posture as someone or something else.
Mix in a serving or two of oatmeal (watch the sugar, use fresh fruit) a day. It's filling and will get stuff moving by day three.
Putin delenda est
AngelsNAirwav3s posted...
Bump for support

I have plateaued at 180 the last few weeks, trying to get down to 165. For me it is the binge drinking on weekends, lots of extra calories plus being hung over means instead of going to the gym and eating healthy, I sit around and eat a whole pizza lol

Cutting out alcohol for the next few weeks to hopefully get my weight loss back on track

I'm around that weight too. I've lost 8lbs in about a month. I didn't cut out alcohol completely but I did switch to a light beer and also cut down on wine. I don't go to the gym but I do have an exercise bike. I do stretching and bike riding for a bit in the morning and go for a 2 mile walk around my neighborhood in the evening.
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
Torgo posted...
I know they aren't anything special to taste, but have you tried ultra-lights like Michelob Ultra or Corona Premiere?

Honestly, they have the same alcohol content as normal mass produced beer, and if you drink socially for the buzz it's a good option.

Edit: Also, yeah the drunk binge eating can be problematic...try a bag of beef jerky or something with less carbs and some non-sugary juice or tea. Peanut butter on whole wheat is another good substitute for something like pizza, it fills you up quick, it's satisfying, with less fat and carbs.

Yeah I pretty much only drink coors lights, seltzers, low calorie drinks, the issue is I just drink too much and get wasted then really hung over. Ruin a whole weeks worth of healthy eating w/ a weekend of drinking and cheat meals
Hello world!
I've been doing keto since the start of the year. Probably down 40-50 pounds but still have so much more to lose.
Cover your knees up if you're gonna be walkin' around everywhere.
I've been tracking my weight since basically the middle of the month.

August 16 - 333
August 17 - 330.6
August 18 - 330.0
August 19 - 328.6
Aug 20 - 327.7
Aug 21 - 328.7
Aug 22 - 328.6
Aug 23 - 331.5 (cheat day)
Aug 24 - 329.6
Aug 25 - 327.2
Aug 26 - 325
Aug 27 - 326.3 (despite a really healthy day?)
Aug 28 - 329.3 (after Sunday supper)
Aug 29 - 325.9
Howdy man. I was 252 last may, down to 216 this morning. Hoping to be 200 or under by April. It really came down to portion control and choosing better foods, as well as cutting out soda and alcohol almost entirely. I was getting to the point where I am plateauing (220ish) so I just recently added 3-5 miles walks and a gym membership to keep losing weight.

Ultimate goal is 160, but I have a ways to go still. Slow and steady is the key.

TheLiarParadox posted...
Hell yeah, TC. I know this is cliche as hell but you really don't fail until you stop trying. I've been in weight loss spaces for a long time now and you've got the attitude of the people I've seen succeed. You can do this.

As for my goals, I don't know if it's my ADHD or if lifting just isn't for me but I've decided to ditch that and pivot back to running and calisthenics, though I will still do some lighter lifting here and there. I'm just not going to do the intense (for me) sessions I had done for over a year.

My goal is to make it to 199 by April of next year. I haven't been under 200lbs since like, 5th grade or something, and I feel like I have to do this. I also need to get to as close to my final weight as possible before having skin removal surgery and I think that's going to be it.

Anyway, I went for a run first thing this morning. It was only a mile and a half but I'll try to increase it by a quarter mile every session. The weather should be more cooperative soon and I can't wait to get out there and get back to the three or four mile runs I was doing a couple of years ago, then improve past that.

I'm also going to start DDP yoga next week. Back in the spring, I was three weeks away from finishing the intermediate program (I use the old YRG dvds) when I had to stop for medical reasons. I usually do at least one run of that a year and I really don't want to miss it.

I've eaten 2-3 servings of rice daily for more than 5 years now. I've lost over 150lbs during this period and the only time I've gained any back was when I started lifting because I was intoxicated by the feeling of lifting while in a surplus. I got carried away and packed on more fat with the muscle than is ideal.

It's all about balancing calories and deciding not just what's worth fitting into the budget but what is sustainable. I love rice, so I'd rather have a serving of that than anything else, and I make sure to have some fiber, fats, and protein with it to maximize satiety.

I would recommend looking into a therapist who specializes in weight management. If that's not possible, give a 12 step program like Overeaters Anonymous a shot. If you're anything like me five years ago, you probably recoiled at that suggestion but Alcoholics Anonymous helped me a bunch in dealing with the stress and other triggers that caused me to cope via alcohol and food. It's also free <_<

I may have some recommendations for diet but I would need to know specifics about her vegetarian diet. Does she eat a lot of fresh fruit and veg or does she do what is basically the Western Pattern Diet of high processed food, high fat, low fiber, and low nutrient?

You're definitely dealing with a lot but it is possible to find positive coping mechanisms and forge healthy habits. Stay strong.
Ah hell yeah, good luck on under 200. It sounds like we have the same goal in terms of time frame.

What was your start weight? I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to have loose skin by the time I hit 150-160ish.
Ive been back at the gym for about a month. 4-5 times a week.

using supplements and I saw differences in 2 weeks and even more now.

whenever I stop and start I panic about not seeing results whether its the weight going up or my body not reacting and right now Im trending towards my best shape since 14 years ago.
http://i.imgur.com/Rqk1DYV.gif - Super Bowl XXI/XXV/XLII/XLVI Champions - NY Giants
Eli Manning SB tracker: 2/2 Superbowls 2/2 SBMVP's
I do paleo, for skin care not weight loss, but went from 150 to 142 pretty quickly at 5'9. Basically eat as much as you want as long as it's meat, vegetables, fruit, or fat. Kinda eat the same thing every day, 3-4 eggs for breakfast, make a peanut butter + banana + frozen fruit smoothie for lunch, dinner is mostly baked vegetables tossed in olive oil and garlic + whatever chicken dish I made for the week. When I'm lazy it's a sweet potato with hummus. Snack on pickles, olives, apples.

I find it's pretty easy to follow because there's no portion control involved. Without refined sugars, bread, pasta, etc you'll just fill up space wise before overeating calories wise.
Jeff_AKA_Snoopy posted...
I've been tracking my weight since basically the middle of the month.

August 16 - 333
August 17 - 330.6
August 18 - 330.0
August 19 - 328.6
Aug 20 - 327.7
Aug 21 - 328.7
Aug 22 - 328.6
Aug 23 - 331.5 (cheat day)
Aug 24 - 329.6
Aug 25 - 327.2
Aug 26 - 325
Aug 27 - 326.3 (despite a really healthy day?)
Aug 28 - 329.3 (after Sunday supper)
Aug 29 - 325.9

Just some friendly advice but you're gonna drive yourself crazy getting on the scale everyday. Your weight is gonna fluctuate one or another naturally and it's not always very clear why some days you might have gained a pound even after eating well or whatever.

Just focus on staying in a calorie deficit and check the scale on a limited basis for info but don't use it to necessarily mark your success. Everyday your clothes will start fitting better or differently and you'll start feeling the weight loss rather than seeing it on the scale.

Good luck to you though dude, you got this
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Jeff_AKA_Snoopy posted...
I've been tracking my weight since basically the middle of the month.

August 16 - 333
August 17 - 330.6
August 18 - 330.0
August 19 - 328.6
Aug 20 - 327.7
Aug 21 - 328.7
Aug 22 - 328.6
Aug 23 - 331.5 (cheat day)
Aug 24 - 329.6
Aug 25 - 327.2
Aug 26 - 325
Aug 27 - 326.3 (despite a really healthy day?)
Aug 28 - 329.3 (after Sunday supper)
Aug 29 - 325.9

If you're going to check your weight every day, you really should do it only in the morning right after you've woken up since you've probably been fasting for 6-8 hours (or longer) at that point. Your weight is going to fluctuate throughout the day and it's only going to put a damper on your spirits as the previous post mentioned if you're checking it at various points in the day.
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
Posting because I just started trying to lose weight a few weeks ago. Mainly I cut out alcohol (was only drinking about 1-2/day but those craft IPAs or whatever are like 200 Cals/can), and have been trying todo 30 minutes on the elliptical 5-6 days per week. We also walk a lot and Ive been trying to get it around 3 miles/day.

just down about a pound or two but people have noticed I look a little leaner. Not trying to lose a ton of weight (started at ~154, trying to get to around 140) but I want to fit into all of my shirts again
Games: http://backloggery.com/wrldindstries302 \\ Music: http://www.last.fm/user/DrMorberg/
ten pounds in two weeks is really good
also - drink nothing but water if you can train yourself to do so.

its benefits to losing weight and flushing your system are severely understated.
http://i.imgur.com/Rqk1DYV.gif - Super Bowl XXI/XXV/XLII/XLVI Champions - NY Giants
Eli Manning SB tracker: 2/2 Superbowls 2/2 SBMVP's
I started this month of August at 232 at 6' 3". I basically did a complete change of my diet by cutting out mostly all soda and changing my lunch habit which involved a lot of eating out.

For lunch now, I started getting meal prepped foods from a local nutritionist that cooks them during the week. I pay about the same as if I went out for lunch, but the health quality of lunches have improved dramatically for me as I do not have the will to meal prep for myself to eat healthy lunches. I am fine paying the little bit extra to get healthy meals hovering in the 500 to 600 calorie ranges. Breakfast I changed to yogurts, granolas, and oats. Dinner was probably the part I didn't change much as I enjoy using an air fryer. Drinks have become mostly water and black or green teas with no sugar added. Also got back going to the gym and have been going three to four times a week. I do allow myself cheat meals once or twice a week where I might get a soda or treat myself to something I desire as to not burn myself out.

I do not know how much weight I have lost as I told myself I would I not weigh myself until the start of September in order to the let the weight number distract me, but I can tell I have been slimming down, especially with how my clothes fits and changing spots on my belt. Even had a few coworkers ask/compliment, so I feel like I am making progress.
I'm kind of passively losing weight atm. I made some lifestyle changes and I'm slowly back on the way down. Losing around 1lb a week for the past 2 months.

I was getting stressed from work all of the time and I'd gorge myself on candy to take the edge off. I started a new job about 2 months ago and the stress has gone away.

In the past, I'd cut much harder and get my abs to pop for like a day and then gain again. I'm more than content to do a slow cut this time. Overall I'm just eating real meals and not ordering out.
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
I'm currently 167 Ibs but my goal is 158 Ibs. Doesn't sound like much but I really struggle with those last pounds...

I have many small injuries lately, which kept me away from exercising regularly.
Like: videogames, peaceful discussions, open-minded people
Dislike: console wars, trolls, haters, review-bombing, bias
I do take it when I wake up after a BM usually.

I'm doing it mostly to keep me accountable and really understand how weight fluctuations happen. More like see the numbers to prove it to myself? Lol
gu-gohan posted...
I'm currently 167 Ibs but my goal is 158 Ibs. Doesn't sound like much but I really struggle with those last pounds...

I have many small injuries lately, which kept me away from exercising regularly.
nah man, all goals are worthy. I really understand the small injuries part. That shit has been the story of my life. They're always just enough to make you second guess exercising, but not enough that you go to the doctor for.
Jeff_AKA_Snoopy posted...
I do take it when I wake up after a BM usually.

I'm doing it mostly to keep me accountable and really understand how weight fluctuations happen. More like see the numbers to prove it to myself? Lol

Just don't let it be the thing that defines your success. Have patience and work on building better habits and you'll get to where you wanna be
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Current Events » Weight Loss Social
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