Finished Invincible the comic (SPOILERS). It was terrific... but

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Revisited posted...
I'd love to discuss it with you but havent read it yet. When the show came out I was torn between wanting to read the comic to instantly know what happens next/how it all ends and waiting for the show to experience the show version so as not to get spoiled in case it changes my perception of the show.

But after seeing it takes them 3 years just to make an 8 episode season, I'm doubting the show coming close to the ending any time this decade since it seems like there's a large universe and world and story to be explored.
Since the first volume is around 20-30 issues length, it'll take them 6~10 seasons to actually do the whole story. I doubt it'll happen, or they'll like heavily curtail the last few arcs.

It's really long, but goddamn it, it's one of the best experiences in my recent memories
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo