Ya'll see this alien craft story? Top of the UFO subreddit baby.

Current Events


I mean whatever it's probably hogwash, but reading all that and the article and comments, I did sort of get a freaky feeling for a moment where it was totally real in my head. And it wasn't a good feeling. I don't think I want aliens to be real. I think they're a terrifying concept when you really sit and think about it and they probably don't have good intentions.

Just imagine for one moment that they are real. If they actually do exist, they've been hiding all this time because they value their secrecy.

What happens once the entire world knows they are real?

What if they do something then?

This particular comment thread got me feeling pretty spooky. It's how they said they needed to whistleblow because the world needs to be prepared for mass contact soon:


Here's a spooky comment from the thread:

I saw an interview with Leslie Keen a couple of months ago where she basically said she was taking some time off and just trying to enjoy her life for the moment, because of knowledge she had that she couldn't elaborate on beyond "geo-political things." It was quite jarring actually, and makes some more sense now given she's had this info for a few months and was probably just doing all of her due diligence to confirm it at the time of this interview. It didn't sound like the usual "tune in next week!" kind of hype, she really didn't want to talk about it at all and seemed genuinely concerned.

It's just like...what if, guys. What if.