Help with a roundabout (pics)

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There is a roundabout that confuses me and makes me nervous when approaching. I got honked at last night while on it.

The first pic shows the markings on the road. It's simple enough, it indicates that the right lane is only used for going straight. If you want to exit to the left of that you use the right lane.

However, the second pic shows where I would be entering (green) and exiting (red) the roundabout. If I enter in the left lane as directed, I would have to cross a lane of the roundabout to exit where the red mark is. It I enter in the right lane, the lane continues all the way to where I am exiting and seems to be safer and make more sense.

I did that yesterday and got aggressively honked at, which I get that I didn't follow the signage.

Is this a normal design for a roundabout? There aren't many in my area, so I'm trying to figure this out and do better for the future. Rams: 7-9