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lol Mr Hulk blocked me for disagreeing with them.

Current Events

Current Events » lol Mr Hulk blocked me for disagreeing with them.
It's ok to be wrong on the internet guys.
My maid will hear about this.
BloodMoon7 posted...
It's ok to be wrong on the internet guys.
CrimsonAngel's alt
Crimsoness posted...
So I can own you for e points and so my e penis feels bigger ofc
My maid will hear about this.
We can discuss the user in this topic

meanie meanie poopy pants
Meow Meow
I have dyslexia so please don't make fun of my writing.
Post #5 was unavailable or deleted.
Mr Hulk? More like Mr Sulk.
My maid will hear about this.
And everyone knows Hulk is the middle name
It's David Bruce Hulk Banner
Meow Meow
I have dyslexia so please don't make fun of my writing.
who dat
"Let the bears pay the bear tax I pay the Homer tax." - Bart Simpson
imagine making a topic over being blocked
VampireCoyote posted...
imagine making a topic over being blocked
I try making other topics but nobody comes. I even set out refreshments and order pizza.
My maid will hear about this.
Post #11 was unavailable or deleted.
Current Events » lol Mr Hulk blocked me for disagreeing with them.