Johnathan Majors got arrested today for allegedly assaulting a woman

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Current Events » Johnathan Majors got arrested today for allegedly assaulting a woman
There's an actual video of this event(modern taxi/ride shares duh), so him getting cleared speaks volumes along with the hearsay vultures tucking their dicks and running. The driver also supports Majors.
Oh_Boy_ posted...
There's an actual video of this event(modern taxi/ride shares duh), so him getting cleared speaks volumes along with the hearsay vultures tucking their dicks and running. The driver also supports Majors.

If this is true...uh why are the police arresting him?

It's sad how the best case scenario here is that nobody was assaulted, but the police rushed and arrested an innocent black man.
WBC_Injury posted...
why are the police arresting him?

It's sad how the best case scenario here is that nobody was assaulted, but the police rushed and arrested an innocent black man.
someone a few posts back said it's NY policy. i guess if you get a complaint filed against you in a case like this, you have to be arrested and processed regardless

i have a hard time believing that's true but other people follow this stuff far more closely than i do so they're probably right
St. Louis Battlehawks (3-2)
WBC_Injury posted...
If this is true...uh why are the police arresting him?

It's sad how the best case scenario here is that nobody was assaulted, but the police rushed and arrested an innocent black man.
The woman reported it the next day so neither the driver, witnesses or any recordings would have been available to the police at the time.
Moustache twirling villian Kerbey
WBC_Injury posted...
If this is true...uh why are the police arresting him?

It's sad how the best case scenario here is that nobody was assaulted, but the police rushed and arrested an innocent black man.

  1. CE obsessed with race
  2. It's POLICY to arrest men every time for any type of domestic disturbance call, been that way for years all over America.
EDIT: To be clear, the arrest is mandatory period. Even if she recants on the spot, even if a third party made the complaint and they both deny it, even if there's no visible injury to anyone. Domestic violence call = automatic man gets arrested, period.

Another sad fact is that despite any evidence or recanted statement, the district attorney can still choose to proceed charging and putting him on trial if they want to, so nothing said or done against him so far is meaningful at all in determining the facts.
WBC_Injury posted...
If this is true...uh why are the police arresting him?

It's sad how the best case scenario here is that nobody was assaulted, but the police rushed and arrested an innocent black man.
NYPD law is they must make mandatory arrests for any domestic violence calls.
Oh_Boy_ posted...
2. It's POLICY to arrest men every time for any type of domestic disturbance call, been that way for years all over America.
EDIT: To be clear, the arrest is mandatory period. Even if she recants on the spot, even if a third party made the complaint and they both deny it, even if there's no visible injury to anyone. Domestic violence call = automatic man gets arrested, period.

It's true. Many, if not all, American police departments still operate on the extremely sexist and draconic "Duluth Model" which basically translates to: when responding to a DM call involving a female person, ALWAYS presume she is innocent and the victim by default. ALWAYS presume a male person (men and teen boys) accused of violence are guilty by default. Female persons are granted the benefit of the doubt and do not require witnesses to corroborate innocence or accusations (Believe All Women). Male persons do not receive these privileges.

No joke, that's basically how the policies rooted in the Duluth Model function and have for decades. They're long overdue for repeal for a variety of reasons, some of which were present the days of it's institutional application. Even some feminists (typically center left) have come forward pointing out the inequality of the model and laws birthed from it's implementation. I state that to note the irony because many other feminists have incentive to uphold the practice, not repeal it, and they're not a minority among the figurehead organizations of today's movement. Feminists who actually seek equality out of principle (rather than political pandering), however, have spoken over the years that the Duluth Model needs to be buried.

If a man is the victim of DM by a female perpetrator and calls the police for help, there is still a significant possibility in the US he will get cuffed and taken into custody due to practice of the Duluth Model policies. The reverse is NOT true. Female accused are often not arrested. Even if the guy has witnesses stating he was the victim and shows clear signs of being physically attacked...the woman's word legally bears more weight than his (regardless of truth). She has a very real chance of walking away scot free. Seriously. It's why witnessed incidents of male DM victims getting arrested instead of an violent girlfriend/wife (who the cops allow to stay in the man's residence) are not rare. And it's a big reason some male victims don't trust American police in these scenarios.
Let them eat cake.
Pastryarchy posted...
It's true. Many, if not all, American police departments still operate on the extremely sexist and draconic "Duluth Model" which basically translates to: when responding to a DM call involving a female person, ALWAYS presume she is innocent and the victim by default. ALWAYS presume a male person (men and teen boys) accused of violence are guilty by default. Female persons are granted the benefit of the doubt and do not require witnesses to corroborate innocence or accusations (Believe All Women). Male persons do not receive these privileges.

No joke, that's basically how the policies rooted in the Duluth Model function and have for decades. They're long overdue for repeal for a variety of reasons, some of which were present the days of it's institutional application. Even some feminists (typically center left) have come forward pointing out the inequality of the model and laws birthed from it's implementation. I state that to note the irony because many other feminists have incentive to uphold the practice, not repeal it, and they're not a minority among the figurehead organizations of today's movement. Feminists who actually seek equality out of principle (rather than political pandering), however, have spoken over the years that the Duluth Model needs to be buried.

If a man is the victim of DM by a female perpetrator and calls the police for help, there is still a significant possibility in the US he will get cuffed and taken into custody due to practice of the Duluth Model policies. The reverse is NOT true. Female accused are often not arrested. Even if the guy has witnesses stating he was the victim and shows clear signs of being physically attacked...the woman's word legally bears more weight than his (regardless of truth). She has a very real chance of walking away scot free. Seriously. It's why witnessed incidents of male DM victims getting arrested instead of an violent girlfriend/wife (who the cops allow to stay in the man's residence) are not rare. And it's a big reason some male victims don't trust American police in these scenarios.

My neighbor when I last lived in NY was arrested twice due to domestic violence calls, HIS WIFE was the one doing the violence. She even continued attacking and chasing him in front of the police and they still took him to jail. He was back home by end of the day each time. What happens is she goes berserk and a neighbor calls it in and they haul the husband off. They need to divorce but yea, thats how it goes.

And again, the DA can still press charges on their own and drag him through a trial too.
WBC_Injury posted...
If this is true...uh why are the police arresting him?

It's sad how the best case scenario here is that nobody was assaulted, but the police rushed and arrested an innocent black man.

Cops usually arrest somebody on a domestic abuse call. It's to separate the parties.
Hornswoggled posted...
Cops usually arrest somebody on a domestic abuse call. It's to separate the parties.

Uhh, maybe they should change that then? Why give a potential innocent person an arrest record?
Rumor is Johnathan Majors was cleared of the charges, but he's been canned by Marvel anyway.

And the stuff about the Duluth Model is horribly true. The far right want to keep it in place for "traditional" values. The far left also want to keep it in place for the sake of empowering women at the expense of ironically discriminating against another diverse group. It's a really odd situation where two opposing extremes want the same thing for different reasons.

Either way, it's an outdated oppressive set of standards that really has no place in modern America. Many gay and bisexual men have also been persecuted under those biased rules because it targets men, period, no distinction. A man doesn't have to date or cohabitate with a woman to be a target for said discrimination. He just has to be male and lack the affluence to defend himself against false charges. It's not that all women are innately eager to exploit those biased policies. It's that toxic women can in the US. Talks of gender equality lose merit when stuff like that is allowed to persist at institutional levels.
The funny thing about telling others to take the high road is how often it's hypocritical advice.
Ethnic man arrested because a girl called the cops on him with 0 evidence. Wow color me shocked.
Ask me if I would eat da booty.
Letron_James posted...
Ethnic man arrested because a girl called the cops on him with 0 evidence. Wow color me shocked.

And remember, he can still be charged by the DA despite the evidence and the woman changing her stance. He would have to be judged by twelve white people and an old white man in a case where a white woman said he hit her...

This is one of the few specific scenarios where racial bigotry from racists/conservatives and political zealotry from left leaning "progressives" converge and align perfectly. As you can see from CE representing the left wing ideologues and you can reliably infer from the non changing stance of racists, he's already guilty as far as they're concerned.
The victim is white, his career is over.
When was the last time you heard your boy Nas rhyme?
Never on schedule but always on time
And this is why I don't believe ANYONE when it comes to accusations.
The most relaxing version of Aquatic Ambiance I've ever heard:
dave_is_slick posted...
And this is why I don't believe ANYONE when it comes to accusations.
lol what a horrible post
hockeybub89 posted...
lol what a horrible post
The most relaxing version of Aquatic Ambiance I've ever heard:
dave_is_slick posted...
And this is why I don't believe ANYONE when it comes to accusations.
This is why I like to wait for more information. Hopefully we get to see the video of what happened.
Who is? I am!
dave_is_slick posted...
They want you to doubt all accusations and think false ones are not just frequent, but the norm. Plenty of people, male or female, are shamed and intimidated into recanting or not reporting physical or sexual assault.
dave_is_slick posted...

Because its fucking ridiculous to see one person do something and decide to treat every single person ever as if theyre the same.
It's a luscious mix of words and tricks, that let us bet, when we know we should have folded.
OpenlyGator posted...
Rumor is Johnathan Majors was cleared of the charges, but he's been canned by Marvel anyway.
bruh source?
St. Louis Battlehawks (3-2)
hockeybub89 posted...
They want you to doubt all accusations and think false ones are not just frequent, but the norm. Plenty of people, male or female, are shamed and intimidated into recanting or not reporting physical or sexual assault.
I don't care. The fact that false accusations are still a thing means you should never blindly believe anybody.

Zonbei posted...
Because its fucking ridiculous to see one person do something and decide to treat every single person ever as if theyre the same.
Not sure what you mean here.
The most relaxing version of Aquatic Ambiance I've ever heard:
dave_is_slick posted...
And this is why I don't believe ANYONE when it comes to accusations.

Like, you don't believe the accuser you mean?

dave_is_slick posted...
I don't care. The fact that false accusations are still a thing means you should never blindly believe anybody.

I mean, aren't there false accusations for any crime? False accusations will always be a thing, in like anything.
You don't want to blindly believe people, whatever.

But you having that rationale has nothing to do with false accusations being "a thing".
haters gonna hate
emblem-man posted...
Like, you don't believe the accuser you mean?
What part of "ANYONE" do you not understand?
The most relaxing version of Aquatic Ambiance I've ever heard:
I hope he doesn't lose everything like this WWE guy named Enzo did after a women lied about him.
To be a poor man is hard, but to be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.
W.E.B. Du Bois
OpenlyGator posted...
but he's been canned by Marvel anyway.

People who are saying it's normal to arrest for DV in NY are right.

However, they charged him. They don't really do that unless the DA believes there's compelling evidence, and so far that looks like the bruises and marks left on her.

The DA is Alvin Bragg, and I'm sure he knows who Majors is, and he would have avoided charges altogether if there wasn't physical proof of someone with injuries.

JM might be fucked regardless. They would have to prove she hit herself or get her to admit it if he didn't do it.
"Fear cuts deeper than swords."
archedsoul posted...
People who are saying it's normal to arrest for DV in NY are right.

However, they charged him. They don't really do that unless the DA believes there's compelling evidence, and so far that looks like the bruises and marks left on her.

The DA is Alvin Bragg, and I'm sure he knows who Majors is, and he would have avoided charges altogether if there wasn't physical proof of someone with injuries.

JM might be fucked regardless. They would have to prove she hit herself or get her to admit it if he didn't do it.

The DA doesnt need a good reason to charge him. Even if a video shows him not touching her and it comes out she bruised herself(you keep glossing over that she didnt get looked at until way after the cab ride when they were already home for a while) he can still be charged and tried.

You cant infer anything from this. This case is out of both of their hands now.
First Ant-Man 3 flopping hard and now this. Majors must have pissed off a coven.
Bite me like one of your French rolls.
Oh_Boy_ posted...
The DA doesnt need a good reason to charge him. Even if a video shows him not touching her and it comes out she bruised herself(you keep glossing over that she didnt get looked at until way after the cab ride when they were already home for a while) he can still be charged and tried.

You cant infer anything from this. This case is out of both of their hands now.
Alvin Bragg does, since his entire platform is not putting minorities, especially black men, through the system he's trying to change. This is a guy sitting on evidence for Trump and has not charged him yet.

But let's take all of that out of the equation. There is an injured person with bruises and marks consistent with a slap on the face, choking marks on the neck and further bruising and injuries on her arms.

Which is why I said he might still be fucked. It's gonna be really hard for him to prove she did all that if he didn't outside of a confession. His lawyer simply said she recanted. Not that it was false.
"Fear cuts deeper than swords."
St. Louis Battlehawks (3-2)
TaylorHeinicke posted...
The update is that he's been charged with multiple accounts of assault and the girlfriend has been granted a temporary restraining order
There are some things where I just bypass critical thinking. - ROD
Letron_James posted...
Ethnic man arrested because a girl called the cops on him with 0 evidence. Wow color me shocked.
The CNN article I just read that it was in fact Majors who called the police because he was afraid for the "victim's" mental health.

If Marvel cans Majors I'm done with them.
Current Events » Johnathan Majors got arrested today for allegedly assaulting a woman
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