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George Santos Was Charged In 2017 With Stealing Puppies From Amish Dog Breeders

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Current Events » George Santos Was Charged In 2017 With Stealing Puppies From Amish Dog Breeders

According to Politico, Santos was charged with theft by deception in 2017 in Pennsylvanias Amish Country after a series of bad checks totaling $15,125 were written in his name to dog breeders in the area.

But while the truth-challenged congressman was charged with the crimes, it was later expunged from Santos record after he claimed his checkbook had been stolen.
Attorney Tiffany Bogosian, who was a middle school classmate of Santos and reconnected with him in 2020, told Politico that the then-future congressman told her the checkbook had gone missing in 2017 and blamed someone he knew for its disappearance.
He also told her that he canceled the checkbook with TD Bank as soon as he had noticed it was gone.
In February 2020, Bogosian sent an email to Trooper Adams arguing Santos case using the information he gave her.

As such no checks were ever cashed or presented against his account due to his cancellation of all checks linked to this account. The account was closed on March 3, 2018, for personal reasons unrelated to any alleged fraud on his account (banking preference), Bogosian wrote.
The message included copies of nine canceled checks to eight different people and corresponding bank statements from Santos account showing a negative balance of $690 on Nov. 4, 2017, and another negative balance of $349 on Dec. 3, 2017.
Bogosian told the trooper that the signatures were different on each of the checks and attached Santos New York State drivers license to show the signature on that ID didnt match any of the ones on the checks.
She also said that Santos was clearly a victim of fraud but hadnt realized it until he was served with a warrant because he had already closed the account and canceled the checks.
But Bogosian told Politico she now doesnt believe her former classmates claim after he tried to get one of her personal injury clients to invest with a Florida firm that the Securities and Exchange Commission later said was a Ponzi scheme.

I did think it was so weird at the time that his checks didnt have his address or phone number listed on them, she said. To be honest, even at the time I questioned it.
The news of Santos being charged with stealing puppies comes weeks after a disabled veteran accused him of fundraising for his service dogs lifesaving surgery and then disappearing with the money.
George Santos is powered by sheer ad-libs.
Who is? I am!
Yup, just heard that on the local news a few moments ago. At this point I wonder what this guy hasn't done. Probably a shorter list too.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
Part of me honestly wishes that all the chuds in our government were this colorful. As opposed to falling almost exclusively into the archetype of 'loud aggressive moron.'
Simple questions deserve long-winded answers that no one will bother to read - by DB_Insider - by Wii_Shaker
George "probably not real name" Santos does <insert random despicable thing here>
New York Rangers [2004-2008]
How did this not show up on basic background search by the media or politicians until now.
"We'll never see Day-Lewis and Kubrick, or Kurosawa and Eastwood, but we have seen Bale and Nolan, a cinematic dream pairing come to life!"
The GOP is pulling out all of the stops to get him out.
MelbuFrahma4 posted...
How did this not show up on basic background search by the media or politicians until now.
New York Dems have a lot of dinos that are more interested in fighting the progressive wing of their own party than they are about fighting Republicans.
Who is? I am!
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Master_Bass posted...
Yup, just heard that on the local news a few moments ago. At this point I wonder what this guy hasn't done. Probably a shorter list too.

Everything he said he did, he didn't do. Everything he says he didn't do, he definitely did. Everything he didn't say anything about, he probably did.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
Current Events » George Santos Was Charged In 2017 With Stealing Puppies From Amish Dog Breeders