Someone takes 11 days to respond to your text.

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Tom_Joad posted...
If it's important enough that you want a response... call.


A text with an 11-day wait... or a phone call that gets an immediate response. Which is more time efficient?

Often times if I dont want an actual conversation, I just text a question for an update.

And honestly, it wouldnt bother me much if folks didnt address the lack of responding with My bad! I was busy!.

Like, you were busy for 264 hours?

FL81 posted...
No, that's about how long it takes me to respond to someone's text.

jeffhardyb0yz posted...
im the worst texter of all time. i will take days to get back to someone. there's a hinge girl i met at a party a few weeks ago and we're supposed to get drinks. She last texted me about 8 days ago and i have yet to respond even though im into her. The fucking worst lol

Ill let it go if its not too bad then. Ig Im thinking too much on it.
A show of kindness may not do much help, but a show of cruelty may do much harm.