Why does Star Trek Generations have such meh ratings? Did you like it?

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Medussa posted...
the way they destroy the -D is generally hated.
The sequence or the fact that it happened at all? Because the actual sequence is fucking awesome. I was sad to see it happen but it doesn't bother me.

Medussa posted...
Kirk feels like a pretty wasted opportunity.
I mean, maybe? His contribution worked perfectly for me. He was great.

Flannel_Ninja posted...
^ Disregard that. Somehow I thought TC was talking about DS9.
I just finished the episode of DS9 where Kira has to forcibly remove that guy from a Bajoran moon and feeling super conflicted. I've got to say, as much as I love the characters of TNG, nearly everyone in DS9 has had more character development in a couple handfuls of episodes compared to come characters on TNG with 7 seasons behind them. I thought I wouldn't be as interested in DS9 because parking lot in space, ship no go vroom around galaxy. But it's been great so far.

J03can posted...
I loved generations when I first saw it in like 99. It got me into the star trek movies. After watching all the movies up to insurrection (newest at the time) it was still great, but not the best.
I've been watching all the movies and if I had to show someone new a Star Trek movie, it'd be this one. I think it's my favorite so far, behind Voyage Home. Maybe I'm just riding the TNG wave, idk.
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