IGN complains about survival and mystery instead of dating sim in SMTV

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ssjevot posted...
Mainline SMT was originally a dungeon crawler like Etrian Odyssey. People aren't buying SMT for the visual novel parts. Persona was a spin-off from SMT If... Because people liked the classroom setting. Persona 1 was still a dungeon crawler but then it became very story and character focussed in 2 and was in the modern story and characters first format by 3. SMT has a lot more focus on dungeons and combat and some people like that. It isn't a bad thing to not have constant exposition and character development. I don't want that in every game. Like did you want more story and character development in Mario Odyssey? Would that have made the game better?

There was this time where gamers, reviewers and developers did indeed think adding story, character development and 'mature' themes was something platformers should have lol
A Fallen Mascot