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Real talk, the McRib is pretty gross.

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Current Events » Real talk, the McRib is pretty gross.
Like, fucking yeesh gross. There's people who actually get excited every year for this dystopian "meat" slathered in sugar sauce.
'Cause you know that I have no fear, ain't gonna walk into the river and disappear. I'm gonna be a powerful man. Red blood running down the broken sand.
You're absolutely right
~~Every day I'm husseling and busseling~~
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Pogo_Marimo posted...
dystopian "meat" slathered in sugar sauce.

I couldn't have said it better.
"Whatever the reason you're on Mars, I'm glad you're there, and I wish I was with you." ~Carl Sagan.
Currently playing: Flight Simulator X.~PC

Now or never.
I actually used to like them back in college and would order it here and there when they were available (there was a McDonald's pretty much on campus so I would go there a lot).

However it hasn't sounded good to me in a long time so I haven't ordered one in years. Just thinking back it doesn't seem appetizing. Maybe I McRib'd myself out all those years ago.
I live in Texas. There are quality barbeque joints EVERYWHERE. I will never eat a mcrib lmao
SMU Mustangs / Jayhawks / Texans / Rockets/Astros
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I work in a nursing home and we get the exact same rib things.

they probably cost McDonald's about 30 cents each
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
ew, pickles.
Boom! That's right, this is all happening! You cannot change the channel now!
In recognition of your overwhelming victory, let's call it a draw.
I had one recently for the first time in years. And it was pretty shitty. Not how I remember it at all. Maybe my taste buds changed
Never had it. Most people I talk to don't have good things to say about it, at best, neutral.
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McDonalds tastes like shit.
Rather a Zoom Thanksgiving than an ICU Christmas.
don't compare games to feces -- if you've an opinion worth mentioning, do so civilly
I don't think it's amazing like some say, I rate it below the Big Mac and McChicken
Ive never had one before. Are they a permanent menu item now?
I had a Big Mac last night in honor of the Don. I hadn't eaten one in about 3 years. It had very good presentation .. training at McDonald's has certainly improved over the years!

I don't eat McRib though or anything with "pig" because pigs have the intelligence of a three-year old human which I consider "sort of sentient".

Cows haven't impressed me yet.
Now or never.
so fucking couldn't pay me to eat that shit
There is no good. There is no evil. There just is.
Joker98 posted...
You're absolutely right

Crono99 posted...
Just because you don't believe in outer space doesn't mean outer space can't believe in you
Yeah it basically sucks
Ten million dollars on a losing campaign, Twenty million starving and writhing in pain. =~=;
Vicious_Dios Original -
I still eat fast food and even McDonald's sometimes, but I can't bring myself to eat a McRib anymore. It's just gross to me.
It's probably been at least two decades since I've eaten a McRib. They changed at all since then?
The sea was angry that day, my friends. Like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli.
DuranOfForcena posted...
i agree completely. it's absolutely disgusting how the patty is shaped to resemble having the rib bones. the purposeful artificial shape is just a reminder of how processed and fake it is.

LOL. Fucking YES dude. Jesus christ, just looking at that picture makes me want to throw up. You can literally see the "bones" in it, like you're supposed to eat the fucking bones with the bread and meat--so fucking gross....lmao.
ASUS B-150 Gaming MoBo| Intel CORE i5 6500k @ 3.5GHz | 32GB DDR4 | 2TB HDD | 600w PSU | nVidia GTX 1080Ti 11GB GDDR5-X
Yeah, I had one the last time they were out in my area. A year or so ago. My brother grabbed us one. It was just as disappointing as I recalled it was beforehand. It's not the worst thing I've ever had, but I know I'll never willingly order one myself ever again.
Holy crap! How have I not set a signature for the message boards yet?
I never aten one.
I just want to restore this world back to the natural. Bring order to this broken reality. To the way it should have been, all those many years ago.
I kinda eat it like a bird, the texture grosses me out but I like the sauce n the rest. Jus kinda choke it down. I feel very conflicted about it
"It's brilliant. It's everything. It's Karamazov."
PSN: m01stpump3r
It's pretty nasty yeah
Ask me if I would eat da booty.
I recognize that it's gross but it still taste good
"People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time"
-Detective Rust Cohle
Current Events » Real talk, the McRib is pretty gross.