LANL publishes a report on preliminary findings of COVID-19 mutations

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From where I stand, the outlook has always been grim regarding a vaccine. There has never been a vaccine for coronavirus. The ones tried for SARS caused the immune system to overreact to the actual virus and the test subjects died. Another recent viral vaccine attempt, swine flu, has a checkered history and has done far more harm than good.

If the virus really mutates as fast as they say to the point where not even natural immunity is possible, I don't see how they can do anything other than a shittier version of the flu vaccine where they just try to guess which strains will be most widespread throughout a region during each season.

They will most likely end up going with something that's never been done before and pushing past most safety regulations, as well as having no liability levied against them during this time of dire need. So maybe we all end up sterile or struck down by aggressive cancer or even dead in 5-10 years. That's not a good look for something that's going to be mandatory to rejoin society.
"We know things can move faster than the speed of light because liberal tears are on the ground before something offensive even happens" - Coffeebeanz