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NY Democratic Party Cancels their primary for Biden

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Current Events » NY Democratic Party Cancels their primary for Biden

Cool stuff here. If they keep this up Biden might have a chance.
Anything else would have been...moronic.
Except that the DNC nor Biden's campaign asked them to do this. This was all Cuomo to prevent challengers in downballot by dampening turnout and it's disgusting. Bernie needs to unsuspend to keep his name on the ballot, not because there's any chance of winning but to keep some leverage at the convention.
COVxy posted...
Anything else would have been...moronic.
Why do you not care about literally any non presidential race?
Maybe I'm missing something but hasn't Biden already all but won the primary ?

And with Corona virus, having voting right now would mean deaths
When the going gets tough, the tough go have a little cry in the corner.
"Your mustache is crooked" ~ R.I.P Randy Savage.
Bold Strategy Dems, let's see if it pays off for them...

Lmao its because its NYC Bernie might actually win as a write in
If only Bernie Sanders had not suspended his campaign.
In Belichick we Trust
Anyone having an in-person primary election at this point in time is a terrible idea.
Butterfiles posted...
Why do you not care about literally any non presidential race?

All other candidates dropped out, and there's a pandemic ravaging the city...
Bananana posted...
Anyone having an in-person primary election at this point in time is a terrible idea.

But that's why NY has expanded absentee balloting.
kin to all that throbs
COVxy posted...
All other candidates dropped out, and there's a pandemic ravaging the city...
"non presidential"
Post #13 was unavailable or deleted.
Let's not pretend like the outrage here is not any more performative than voting in the NY primary would be.
Post #15 was unavailable or deleted.
Lmao. That's melodramatic.
People have a right to vote*

*unless we decide you don't
Clean Butt Crew
Isnt this the type of shit Dems said Trump would pull?
Charles Stanley Deuces Esq.
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
shockthemonkey posted...
Now this is performative. You came into this topic unaware of why Sanders still wants the primary and now youre looking for ways to dismiss legitimate reasons for holding the primary via mail in ballot.

Explain to me the primary out come of holding this race. What realistically changes?
Post #21 was unavailable or deleted.
I thought Bernie suspended his campaign, because it was unsafe to continue (ie., like Biden), this means he's just not running anymore?
shockthemonkey posted...
More delegates = more influence on the official Democratic Party platform and the DNC rules

I understand that rationale. That wasn't my question!

Do you expect Bernie to win enough delegates in NY to actually make a difference in that end process?

Let's see the math. How many delegates does might he win based on projections? How does that many delegate difference effect the end result?
Post #24 was unavailable or deleted.
shockthemonkey posted...
If you understood that then you wouldnt be acting like the primary is inconsequential.

What is gained by disenfranchising New York voters? Argue in favor of something for once.

I notice you didn't answer my questions.
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Post #27 was unavailable or deleted.
I'm in favor for focusing on things that matter, like dealing with the most heavily hit state in this pandemic. Figuring out the logistics of holding an election that very likely doesn't change any outcome seems silly.

If anyone could provide a clear argument for how it would realistically change anything, I'm all ears and will be ready to say I was wrong.
running an election in the middle of a pandemic for a race that only has one real candidate that every other candidate has already dropped out and endorsed seems like a waste of time and money
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
Voter suppression is dope
Clean Butt Crew
Smashingpmkns posted...
Voter suppression is dope
if it were like an actual race

like in wisconsin

i could see the logic behind it

but i don't get it

new york running a primary rn will not make bernie the nominee
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
Doom_Art posted...
but i don't get it

That was all you had to say. Supporting voter disenfranchisement isn't it.
Doom_Art posted...
Smashingpmkns posted...
Voter suppression is dope
if it were like an actual race

like in wisconsin

i could see the logic behind it

but i don't get it

new york running a primary rn will not make bernie the nominee

Imagine being in favor of voter suppression in any situation.
Clean Butt Crew
Proto_Spark posted...
I thought Bernie suspended his campaign, because it was unsafe to continue (ie., like Biden), this means he's just not running anymore?
This is why Bernie suspending his campaign never made any sense if he still wanted to acquire delegates.
In Belichick we Trust
yknow im sure folks could explain it without being holier-than-thou dicks about it but im an evil neolib unperson so fuck me i guess
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
AirFresh - Voted the hottest content creator on The FAQs'
Doom_Art posted...
yknow im sure folks could explain it without being holier-than-thou dicks about it but im an evil neolib unperson so fuck me i guess

shockthemonkey posted...
Sanders explicitly explained that delegates get him more power to set the Democratic platform and has advocated for voting by mail. Since some people here seem confused.

shockthemonkey posted...
Sanders explicitly explained that delegates get him more power to set the Democratic platform and has advocated for voting by mail. Since some people here seem confused.
ah thank you
Then by that logic, real men are pixies.
Post #39 was unavailable or deleted.
cool. fair enough then.
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
Doom_Art posted...
yknow im sure folks could explain it without being holier-than-thou dicks about it but im an evil neolib unperson so fuck me i guess

It's been explained in this thread and you're ignoring it cuz voter suppression is dope
Clean Butt Crew
Post #42 was unavailable or deleted.
Smashingpmkns posted...
Voter suppression is dope

a post for every occasion

Broseph_Stalin posted...
Smashingpmkns posted...
Voter suppression is dope

a post for every occasion

Ah yes wanting to delay a primary due to a pandemic is voter suppression
Clean Butt Crew
Smashingpmkns posted...
Ah yes wanting to delay a primary due to a pandemic is voter suppression

Democrats didn't control when the election would take place and tried to delay it but I understand you need to lie since your hypocrisy has been exposed for the millionth time
would you both just stop
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
shockthemonkey posted...
This is like when you said there will be no difference between a Sanders and Biden presidency because of Congress and I listed all the things Trump has done without going through Congress and you said that doesnt count.

The reason is very clear: the type of systems that people enacted take longer than the time period of a single presidency. There's a reason Trump tried, and failed, to enact healthcare reform through legislation.

shockthemonkey posted...
And the Democratic Party platform is what they will try to enact under a Biden presidency so it is very important.

But I don't understand the function that links delegates to power in this. Like, how many delegates makes a difference? I want to know, realisically, what you could expect the actual effect of a primary in NY to yield for progressive policy. It seems you just don't know that and are simply hoping that it would help.
Broseph_Stalin posted...
Smashingpmkns posted...
Ah yes wanting to delay a primary due to a pandemic is voter suppression

Democrats didn't control when the election would take place and tried to delay it but I understand you need to lie since your hypocrisy has been exposed for the millionth time

Joe Biden did not in anyway push for a delay.
Clean Butt Crew
Smashingpmkns posted...
Joe Biden did not in anyway push for a delay.

It was decided by the Wisconsin supreme court you clown, he had zero control over it. Both Biden and Bernie's campaigns encouraged people to vote after a delay was made impossible.
He didn't even call for a delay when others were! He was encouraging people to vote prior to the WI supreme court decision lmao you cant rewrite what literally just happened.
Clean Butt Crew
Current Events » NY Democratic Party Cancels their primary for Biden
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