Infowars Alex Jones 15 y/o Son Challenges David Hogg to a GUN DEBATE!!

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Current Events » Infowars Alex Jones 15 y/o Son Challenges David Hogg to a GUN DEBATE!!
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Fat Baloo, Alex Jone's 15 y/o Son, Rex is challenging 17 y/o David Hogg to a GUN DEBATE as the far-right infowars founder posted a video of his son in his seat during a monologue blasting the teen for taking part in a public campaign to push for gun control!!

David survived the massacare at Marjory Stoneman Douglas as he and fellow students and millions of others around the country led a nationwide campaign demanding tougher gun laws

But conservatives such as this ugly father and son duo are resisting that call and WARN againnst taking action that infringes on their "Second Amendment" rights

Rex said "Hogg, you claim that the establishment is shaking in its boots in fear of you. No, they love you. They love gun control. They've wanted this for years. It is admitted they want to disarm the American people just as they've done with so many corrupt regimes in the past"

Then he names 20th century dictators who commit mass murder due to strict gun control such as Hitler, Stalin, Mao and NOrth Korea

He said Hogg is a "child human shield" by the "mainstream media" and goes on to say "George Soros and the groups funding your anti-gun march are a clear and present danger to this country"

He ends it by stating "Name a time, name the place, name the venue. I will do it. I challenge you to a duel"

Infowars has come under fire after it played a video of the anti-gun protesters as NAZIS and Hogg's voice was dubbed over with Hitlers.

This just past Thursday advertisers have dropped out of Fox News Hag Laura Ingraham when she criticized Hogg on social media as the right wing host said he was a "whiner" after being rejected by 4 colleges.

Hogg and other protesters have been labeled as CRISIS ACTORS by the right wing media

Do you trust "infowars"?

Rex - Ugly

Alex - Baloo

David -

Infowars -

Laura - Hag
call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
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I thought Alex Jones said David Hogg was an actor?
its funny because David Hogg is LITERALLY an actor
Wut its like den hahmie?
Alex Jones has a child

I feel bad for that kid
And now all the alt-right are gonna back and praise this child, Rex, because they have a child to use to push their agenda now.
isnt this alex jones the guy who said obama was going to invade texas ?
There is no sound, no voice, no cry in all the world that can be heard... until someone listens.
Current Events » Infowars Alex Jones 15 y/o Son Challenges David Hogg to a GUN DEBATE!!