Man who wants to Build Trump's Wall had BOMBED a Mosque AND Abortion Clinic!!

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Current Events » Man who wants to Build Trump's Wall had BOMBED a Mosque AND Abortion Clinic!!
Do you know people irl who have an extreme hate for Muslims??

One of the contractors from Illinois that is on contention to build Trump's Mexico border wall was a man who was just arrested with the connection of BOMBING a Mosque AND an abortion clinic in Minnesota and Illinois!!

47 y/o White Supremacist, Michael B. Hari was arrested after he and 2 others were in connection of the bombings as he wa charged with arson and possession of MACHINE GUNS

This comes just a day after Trump visited the border wall prototypes as Hari's submitted his wall proposal had a pedestrian walkway at the top of a recreation and likened it ot the "Great Wall Of China"

29 y/o Michael McWhorter and 22 y/o Joe Morris were also responsible for the bombing of Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Centre and were accused of attempting to bomb a Women's Health Practice in Illinois

They drove a rented truck to Minnesota to bomb the mosque there where 5 parishioners were in there at the time. Thankfully no one was hurt

The pipe bomb was constructed of polyvinyl chloride known as PVC that exploded causing extensive damage

They said they bombed it to "scare the muslims out of the country because they think they push their belief son non-muslims" as it was a mostly "Hey, you're not welcome her, get the f*** out"

This came just as Trump rallied against Muslims as many like him said they had Trump's APPROVAL to perform such acts

Then Deputy Assistant to trump, Sebastian Gorka DEFENDED Trump's lack of response to the bombing stating all initial reports are FAKE until proven otherwise..especially if "right-wing" individuals are accused

The second failed attack was at a women's health clinic that performed abortions but their bomb failed to denate. They said abortion is EVIL and that they wanted to end the suffering of unborn babies as Trump also said abortions had to end as he suggested revisiting Roe v Wade

The men have a documented criminal history as Hari ran to South America to escape his charges in the past

Hari's company "The Crisis Resolution Security Services" a promotional video called "Make America Great Again" shows a prototype of what kind of wall they think should be built claiming it's the only one that's recreational. They're also linked to World Net Daily, a conspiracy site

Do you know people irl who have an extreme hate for Muslims??

Michael - Terrorist Freak

Their Bombs -

Mosque Attacked -

Hari's ugly wall prototype -
Every time a Gamefaqs User PROVES they Stepped on a Bug, i will STOP Posting for 24 Hours...Beware, this is NOT a good thing to do!!
mrduckbear posted...
Mosque Attacked -

that's not a mosque.
then again, the alt righters was calling it a mosque when they protest it.
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Current Events » Man who wants to Build Trump's Wall had BOMBED a Mosque AND Abortion Clinic!!