Commuity outraged after Strong police officer bodyslams skinny high school girl.

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Current Events » Commuity outraged after Strong police officer bodyslams skinny high school girl.
Was the cop wrong to do this?

Video of a police officer from La Mesa, California, who allegedly slammed an arrested high school student to the ground has sparked outrage, with community members calling for the officer's removal.

The incident took place at Helix Charter High School at about 1:30 p.m. The interaction between the student and the officer is what has been captured in the 30-second video. The clip shows only part of what happened. This video has been widely shared on social media.

Angry students, parents and community members planned to protest against this incident at the campus of the school on Monday morning. Officers were called into the school when a 17-year-old student, who had been suspended, refused to leave, the chief of the La Mesa police, Walt Vasquez said in a statement.

When a school resource officer tried to make the girl leave on her own, and then ordered her to leave, she refused to comply and would not cooperate with the resource officer. The officer then handcuffed the girl and began escorting her to the schools office, said Vasquez.

As they were walking, the student became noncompliant on two separate occasions and made an attempt to free herself by pulling away from the officer, said the chief of the police. To prevent the student from escaping, the officer forced the student to the ground.

In the video that captured the incident, the officer is seen throwing the girl over his shoulder onto the concrete sidewalk. Then, he can be seen using his body weight to pin her down to the ground.

The police said the student suffered minor abrasions because of the incident. She was evaluated by paramedics at the police station where it was determined that she didnt require any treatment for the injuries.

On behalf of the girls family, Aeiramique Blake said the incident had been portrayed inaccurately by the police. The girl was reportedly believed to have been high on drugs, but when the teacher searched the girl's bag, she found pepper spray. Pepper spray is not allowed on campus and is considered a weapon.

When she refused to hand over the spray to the person in charge, the disagreement escalated and the police became involved. Blake went on to say that, as per the girl, it was her sister, who is also a student of the same school, made the video of the entire incident.

No matter what was done or not done, that was not the appropriate way to handle a young lady, said Blake, the community is completely outraged.

Students, parents and other community members are expected to ask that the police officer not be allowed to patrol any other schools in the future.

Police investigators will also be checking the video as a part of their review of the incident.

As a protocol with all incidents involving use of force, the La Mesa Police Department will be conducting a detailed review of the force used and of the entire incident. Helix High School officials are also fully aware of the facts surrounding the incident, said Vasquez.

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Do you think the cop was in the wrong? Or just doing his job?

What would you do if this was your daughter?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
It looks like she bit him or tried to bite him in the video. Im declining an answer cause conveniently we cant see or hear everything going on in that crappy from the rear cell phone video.
Cal12 posted...
It looks like she bit him or tried to bite him in the video.

I don't think she was or else the cop would have said so.

According to the cop she just tried to pull away twice.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
UnfairRepresent posted...
17-year-old student, who had been suspended, refused to leave

say no more. fair next. instantly know shes a bad egg and whatever shes done, she deserved it
Post a video??
In 2000, Norad had 67 Intercepts, 100% accuracy. On 9/11 they failed 4 times in 1 day. In 2015 over 162 000 refugee's entered Sweden, 494 of them got a job.
spincr posted...
Post a video??

^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
fair, next etc
hey, at least he didn't shoot her.
You have the right to remain silent. anything you post will be misquoted, then be used against you.
That doesn't look fair, next lol
I may not go down in history, but I will go down on your sister.
UnfairRepresent posted...
spincr posted...
Post a video??

She really doesnt speak to any cause. She even says the girl just had some scratches. I love that the students are using this as an excuse for a BS walkout. Also, big lols for We are blurring out the parts where you can see the students underwear.
Topic tagged.
Never give up, never quit, never surrender.
Lol, this is my city. La mesa is like East County for San Diego.
Typical gameFAQers are "Complainers that always complain about those who complain about real legitimate complaints."-Joker_X
Zeeak4444 posted...
Lol, this is my city. La mesa is like East County for San Diego.

So as a local boy what are your thoughts?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
Fair, next.
You'd think people would have learned by now not to give cops any lip.
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1:21).
This is why we need more cops in schools.
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
Milkman5 posted...
fair, next etc
We make men without chests and expect from them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. - C.S. Lewis
ACAB, vid the pigs at all times
"Kenan & Kel is what made me realize I wasn't racist." ~ NewportBox100s
Fair next
Nom nom
Stop getting physical with cops.
"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice." ~ Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Anarchy_Juiblex posted...
Stop getting physical with cops.

Hard to do that when they are bodyslamming you
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
And he was never seen again
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
Unfair is implying she was trying to do the right thing LOL
Posted with GameRaven 3.4
How'd I know she'd be looking like that?

Time to get over it now. Fighting the cops ain't good for your health.
"I know how the business works because I'm a wrestling fan"-hulkhogan1
If she required no treatment, fair next.
'It's okay that those gangbangers stole all my personal belongings and cash at gunpoint, cuz they're building a rec center!' - OneTimeBen
KillerKhan420 posted...
How'd I know she'd be looking like that?

Look like what?

darkjedilink posted...
If she required no treatment, fair next.


So if she broke her arm the cop would be in the wrong but because she just got bruises and cuts the cop is in the right?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
She tried to pull away from the cop more than once. He threw her to the ground and basically told her that was a stupid thing to try to do. Because it is. You're in handcuffs and you're still resisting and trying to get away? Get rekt.

UnfairRepresent posted...

So if she broke her arm the cop would be in the wrong but because she just got bruises and cuts the cop is in the right?

No, the fact that she only got a couple bruises and scratches meant he didn't actually bodyslam her and have the intent to injure her. He restrained the amount of force he used so as not to cause significant harm. Just look at the size difference. If he had wanted to break her arm he would have easily done so. But you can't just let someone keep trying to get away. You have to do something to get compliance, and if being nice isn't working then a show of force usually suffices.

Fair. Next.
If she were black it would be causing even more of a stir.
I'll defend any man's Funbazooka!
100% fair.

Shit she should be expelled
[Your sig sucks]
Say "Pumpkin" and get a cookie.
made an attempt to free herself by pulling away from the officer

I'd really love to know why people think they can resist arrest or lawful detainment and nothing bad will happen to them. The size difference is irrelevant, if you resist you get laid the fuck out. That's 'Getting Arrested 101'. If by 17 you haven't figured that out, you deserve to learn that the hard way.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
omega cookie posted...
made an attempt to free herself by pulling away from the officer

I'd really love to know why people think they can resist arrest or lawful detainment and nothing bad will happen to them. The size difference is irrelevant, if you resist you get laid the fuck out. That's 'Getting Arrested 101'. If by 17 you haven't figured that out, you deserve to learn that the hard way.

Its almost like in a high pressure enviroment a young girl might not be thinking rationally or something
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
UnfairRepresent posted...
omega cookie posted...
made an attempt to free herself by pulling away from the officer

I'd really love to know why people think they can resist arrest or lawful detainment and nothing bad will happen to them. The size difference is irrelevant, if you resist you get laid the fuck out. That's 'Getting Arrested 101'. If by 17 you haven't figured that out, you deserve to learn that the hard way.

Its almost like in a high pressure enviroment a young girl might not be thinking rationally or something

She is now.
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
UnfairRepresent posted...
omega cookie posted...
made an attempt to free herself by pulling away from the officer

I'd really love to know why people think they can resist arrest or lawful detainment and nothing bad will happen to them. The size difference is irrelevant, if you resist you get laid the fuck out. That's 'Getting Arrested 101'. If by 17 you haven't figured that out, you deserve to learn that the hard way.

Its almost like in a high pressure enviroment a young girl might not be thinking rationally or something

Then they get to become real good friends with the ground. Problem solves itself pretty quickly.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
omega cookie posted...

Then they get to become real good friends with the ground. Problem solves itself pretty quickly.

Thats the thing communties disagree with.

Little girls don't need to be beaten up because you're insecure. She was handcuffed and half the size of the guy.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
Ummm, so he was supposed to let her run away? This is Cops 101
All Hail King Ghidorah, the Monster Zero
GT: KingxGeedorah - Psn: Sin_Ghidorah -
UnfairRepresent posted...
omega cookie posted...

Then they get to become real good friends with the ground. Problem solves itself pretty quickly.

Thats the thing communties disagree with.

Little girls don't need to be beaten up because you're insecure. She was handcuffed and half the size of the guy.

I'll go ahead and bold it for you, since you seem to have forgotten how to read in the midst of your outrage and "argue anything" gimmick.

omega cookie posted...
The size difference is irrelevant, if you resist you get laid the fuck out. That's 'Getting Arrested 101'. If by 17 you haven't figured that out, you deserve to learn that the hard way.

Unless you're trying to argue that subduing someone who is resisting arrest is wrong just because they have tits, in which case I direct you to this picture which I believe adequately describes my stance on that entire argument:
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
S1nharvest posted...
Ummm, so he was supposed to let her run away? This is Cops 101

That Strawman was so huge he could reach the Emerald City in 2 steps.

omega cookie posted...

Unless you're trying to argue that subduing someone who is resisting arrest is wrong just because they have tits,

She was already subdued tho. Thats the point.

And the community doesn't agree with your stance that "Size doesn't matter." Im not sure you would either if you were a young girl or had a daughter or a sick son.

Imagine the girl had handed on her head, cracked her skull and gotten brain damage causing her to slowly die in agony. Instead of the cop just being slightly miffed for a few more seconds as he effortlessly dragged her to the car.

You can see why the other students and their families are concerned.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
UnfairRepresent posted...
S1nharvest posted...
Ummm, so he was supposed to let her run away? This is Cops 101

That Strawman was so huge he could reach the Emerald City in 2 steps.

omega cookie posted...

Unless you're trying to argue that subduing someone who is resisting arrest is wrong just because they have tits,

She was already subdued tho. Thats the point.

And the community doesn't agree with your stance that "Size doesn't matter." Im not sure you would either if you were a young girl or had a daughter or a sick son.

Imagine the girl had handed on her head, cracked her skull and gotten brain damage causing her to slowly die in agony. Instead of the cop just being slightly miffed for a few more seconds as he effortlessly dragged her to the car.

You can see why the other students and their families are concerned.

You give him shit about a straw man and spew this?
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.
If the police had grounds to arrest her, and both the protesters and police seem to agree they did, and she trying to escape it's a case of fair, next. Even from the protesters argument it appears very little force was used.
So was the cop supposed to let her run haha
Will not change this sig until Tommy Wiseau wins an Oscar (Started 12-21-2014)
UnfairRepresent posted...
And the community doesn't agree with your stance that "Size doesn't matter."

Sounds like they should raise their shitty kids better.

UnfairRepresent posted...
had a daughter or a sick son.

They would know better then to resist arrest. Or they would eat the floor and figure that out.

UnfairRepresent posted...
Imagine the girl had handed on her head, cracked her skull and gotten brain damage causing her to slowly die in agony.

Ooh, or what if she countered his bodyslam by rotating her center of mass, landed on her feet, and then unhinged her jaw and swallowed him whole like a fucking snake? You know, since we're talking about things that didn't happen.

You know one sure fire way to prevent yourself from being body slammed, have your brain explode, or anger the snake people because you were resisting arrest? Don't fucking resist arrest . If you don't like that solution, feel free to eat the fucking ground.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
deanshow posted...
So was the cop supposed to let her run haha

He never answered, as this is UR, he never will.
All Hail King Ghidorah, the Monster Zero
GT: KingxGeedorah - Psn: Sin_Ghidorah -
omega cookie posted...

Sounds like they should raise their shitty kids better.

OR they should train cops better.

To protect and serve doesn't work when you're dismissing the people you serve.

omega cookie posted...

They would know better then to resist arrest. Or they would eat the floor and figure that out.

The community disagrees with you that "In a high stress scenario if you do something stupid then it's fair game to dowhatever they fuck they want to you."

omega cookie posted...

Ooh, or what if she countered his bodyslam by rotating her center of mass, landed on her feet, and then unhinged her jaw and swallowed him whole like a fucking snake? You know, since we're talking about things that didn't happen.

Difference is your example is impossible, mine is possible.

The community view it as a dangerous unneeded risk,

omega cookie posted...

You know one sure fire way to prevent yourself from being body slammed, have your brain explode, or anger the snake people because you were resisting arrest? Don't fucking resist arrest . If you don't like that solution, feel free to eat the fucking ground.

"You know one sure fire to prevent yourself from being raped? Don't fucking wear sexy clothes! If you don't liek that solution feel free to end up drugged in an alley!"

Your logic is circular. "This is okay because she deserved it and she deserved it because it's okay to do."

So what if this was the exact same scenario but the girl was 6 years old. Would you still support the cop? Or would you agree with the community?
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
UnfairRepresent posted...
"You know one sure fire to prevent yourself from being raped? Don't fucking wear sexy clothes! If you don't liek that solution feel free to end up drugged in an alley!"

That's just a false equivalence.
I'll defend any man's Funbazooka!
UnfairRepresent posted...
The community

Here is just how much I care about what that shitty community thinks, and also my response to your middle school debate class arguments:

You'd think with all the times I've spanked that ass in arguments and made you abandon topics (usually involving you making some sniveling comment about how I feel about my family, where I counter with the fact that my father enjoyed putting cigarettes out on my neck and then you never come back), you would have learned that your "argue everything but suck at doing so" gimmick won't work with me. I'll just start mocking you, because finding inventive ways to convey that you make a fool out of yourself with every post is far more interesting than anything you actually say.

So, you know, fair warning here. Probably time to leave this topic and make another one.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
>comply with the police and nothing bad will happen. If they beat the shit out of you then it's your fault

>the 2nd amendment means I get to fight government tyranny

I'll never understand how one community can hold such conflicting beliefs in regards to the police and guns.
Who is? I am!
A_Good_Boy posted...
>comply with the police and nothing bad will happen. If they beat the shit out of you then it's your fault

>the 2nd amendment means I get to fight government tyranny

I'll never understand how one community can hold such conflicting beliefs in regards to the police and guns.

Oh, that's just some shit tier trolling right there. And some sad fuck will take the bait too.
FFRK: BRKB - Eiko - Guardian Mog
FFBE: 885,063,087 - Orlandeau - 931 ATK
Patchwork posted...
You give him shit about a straw man and spew this?

Didn't you get the memo? Only UR is allowed to strawman.
"Average Joe" is a trolling term since it's completely an opinion. "Overachieving" is also an opinion. - SBAllen (Hellhole: 52458377)
How is that trolling? The overwhelming sentiment on CE is that the 2nd allows you to fight against government tyranny and grabbing guns will render the population defenseless. On the other hand you have topics like this one where people go out of their way to defend the cops bodyslamming little girls and using every excuse possible to justify it.

Just in this topic I'm seeing justifications for the body slam ranging from the girl twitching (but the 2nd allows me to shoot at the government), to mouthing off (but the 2nd allows me to shoot at the government), to being belligerent (but the 2nd allows me to fight the government).

What does this supposed 2Aer dream tyranny scenario look like where you can fight the government with your guns but you won't do it while being belligerent, mouthing off, or twitching unexpectedly?
Who is? I am!
Funbazooka posted...
UnfairRepresent posted...
"You know one sure fire to prevent yourself from being raped? Don't fucking wear sexy clothes! If you don't liek that solution feel free to end up drugged in an alley!"

That's just a false equivalence.

The point is that it is poor logic. You're justifying an action people view as horrible by going "She deserved it, if she didnt do X then horrible thing wouldnt have ever happened to her!" and nothing more. Not explaining why X needs to lead to horrible thing

omega cookie posted...

Here is just how much I care about what that shitty community thinks

And that's why you'd be a terrible cop. A cop's job is to protect and serbe the community. Your own bitterness and hatred towards your family being turned onto the community doesn't justify cops actions,

omega cookie posted...
A_Good_Boy posted...
>comply with the police and nothing bad will happen. If they beat the shit out of you then it's your fault

>the 2nd amendment means I get to fight government tyranny

I'll never understand how one community can hold such conflicting beliefs in regards to the police and guns.

Oh, that's just some shit tier trolling right there. And some sad fuck will take the bait too.

If it's so easy to rebute, why don't you destroy it?

You only evade a point when you can't counter it.
^ Hey now that's completely unfair.
Current Events » Commuity outraged after Strong police officer bodyslams skinny high school girl.
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