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40 y/o Man who called 17 y/o Chloe Kim a HOT PIECE OF ASS has been FIRED!!

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Current Events » 40 y/o Man who called 17 y/o Chloe Kim a HOT PIECE OF ASS has been FIRED!!
Do you think it's creepy for 40 year olds to be talking about teens this way?

40 y/o US Radio Host and Pig, Patrick Connor has been FIRED at Barstool's new Sirius XM Talk show after he called 17 y/o Gold Medalist, Chloe Kim a "Little Hot Piece Of Ass"!!

He made the creepy remarks on Tuesday after the teen won the gold medal in the women's halfpipe in South Korea.

He was talking to ex pitcher, Dallas Braden and comedian Brody Stevens when he called Kim "fine as hell" and more vulgar sexual comments and then said "the countdown is on" until her 18th birthday in 2 months!!

He apologized on twitter calling it "inappropriate" but program director Jeremiah Crowe said in a statement that he was let go as he said that their network sometimes misses the mark with humour but "crybabies" will not dictate his actions"

The trio joked about Chloe's name sounding similar to the Kardashians but then Patrick shockingly made sexual comments about the teen as he compared himself to Matthew McConaughey's character in Dazed and Confused.

He said "She's fine as hell! Her 18th birthday is April 23rd and the countdown is on baby because i got my wooderson going. That's what i like about them high school girls..they've got tight ******.., if she was 18, you wouldn't be ashamed to say that she's a little hot piece of ass. She is adorable..i love them youngins. I just wanna f*** her"

Deadpin reported these comments on their site only for Patrick to reply to them with "Deadspin still exists? What red blooded american doesn't want a young girl"

Chloe became the youngest woman to win a gold medal on snow at the Winter Games and first born in the 21st century to win a gold medal. She put up a near perfect score of 98.75 on her last run but didn't need it as her 93.75 would be enough to win against her Chinese challenger.

Do you think it's creepy for 40 year olds to talk this way about underage girls?

Patrick - Beggar

Chloe - Gold Medalist

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call me mrduckbear, sweater monkeys. Everytime a GFAQS User Steps On A Bug, I'll Stop Posting for 24 HOURS
I'm an Asian Liberal. RESIST The Alt-Right
Imagine being such a shitbag that Barstool fires you.
The poster formerly known as Kakarot181: July 2, 2002 - March 14, 2012.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
Def doesnt look 17 to think if he would have waited a couple months no one would have cared.

PC culture costing a man his job smh
[Your sig sucks]
He should have been fired for lying. She's kind of rank.
I love beautiful White, Asian, Arab, and Hispanic women.
literally no pics of her ass
whats cat up to
Renault posted...
literally no pics of her ass

literally no pics of your ass
Men are not allowed to have a sexual drive anymore.
I'll defend any man's Funbazooka!
She's ugly though. Her face looks like a moth.
Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
Post #10 was unavailable or deleted.
He called a hot chick hot and got fired for it lol...fuck this country.
Living is naturally hell, you have to work to put a smile on.
Need more pics to judge imo
I've worked in a bar before and what he said is pretty typical middle-aged guy talk. Saying that on the radio in this age of twitter mobs was pretty dumb though.
Check out my funny youtube channel I guess...
K181 posted...
Imagine being such a shitbag that Barstool fires you.
CEs_EFG posted...
Need more pics to judge imo

Listen to my story... This... May be our last chance...
Current Events » 40 y/o Man who called 17 y/o Chloe Kim a HOT PIECE OF ASS has been FIRED!!