This 36 y/o Christian Man RAPED 13 y/o Girl gets NO PRISON because he's BLIND!!

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Current Events » This 36 y/o Christian Man RAPED 13 y/o Girl gets NO PRISON because he's BLIND!!
Do you think this was fair because he of his disability?

36 y/o Pig, Benjamin Lawrence Petty from Oklahoma, a legally BLIND man has been sentenced to PROBATION and NO PRISON after he RAPED a 13 y/o Texas Girl at CHURCH CAMP!!

Prosecutors cited his disability in agreeing to a plea deal that spares him from prison after he plead guilty to attacking her in 2016 while attending Falls Creek Church camp.

He was a cook at the camp who tied a rope around the girl's wrists and raped and threatened to hurt her if she ever told anyone!

D.A David Pyle said a major factor in his decision not to imprison him was because he was legally blind but a group that works to prevent and eliminate sexual assault said this sentence sends a wrong message!!

He will be required to wear an ankle monitor for 2 years and register as a sex offender and obtain treatment

The Falls Creek Church Camp is owned and operated by the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma and is the largest youth camp in the nation

Oklahoma Republican, Senator James Lankford was director at this camp for 13 years

Do you think this was fair because of his disability? let's see what people think

Benjamin - Rapist

Church Camp -
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Current Events » This 36 y/o Christian Man RAPED 13 y/o Girl gets NO PRISON because he's BLIND!!