Is watching a movie or playing games more productive than browsing GFAQs?

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Current Events » Is watching a movie or playing games more productive than browsing GFAQs?
Is watching a movie or playing games more productive than browsing GFAQs?

Productivity is a a propaganda tool invented by the elite to keep us subjugated.
How quaint.
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Somebody's upset.
Games improve hand eye coordination, problem solving skills and reflexes. So yes
Stay woke.
I'm not really sure. There're so many circumstances that you could take into account here, I wouldn't say that one is necessarily more productive than the other.
Yes, you can actually talk about those things with other people. Even anime, MLP, and porn is more productive than gamefaqs. Exception is if you actually contact gamefaqs posters irl.
Cherish me
WesternMedia posted...
Yes, you can actually talk about those things with other people.

This. Movie's especially. Obviously if you're friends with people who play games you can talk about it, but honestly I've reached the point where I barely discuss playing games with people anymore.

Movies tho certainly, you can talk about it and connect to other people based on your opinions of it.
Games I think. Browsing gamefaqs is mindless.
I am I - you are you. These are irrefutable truths. Possibly.
Current Events » Is watching a movie or playing games more productive than browsing GFAQs?