What's your opinion on rubber banding in racing games?

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Current Events » What's your opinion on rubber banding in racing games?
What's your opinion on rubber banding?

I liked it in Burnout 3 cause I could fuck em up some more
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It's bad.
kin to all that throbs
It's why I more or less stopped playing Mario Kart games after Double Dash.
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Bad and a lazy way to do things in the name of "keeping the game fun and challenging". Can I not have my fun being a badass at a game anymore?

Who in the hell actually likes that crap?
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If it's done right and you don't even really notice it then it's fine. It kinda sucks to get so far ahead where you're just waiting for it to finish and it also sucks when you make a minor mistake early on and you have absolutely no chance of catching back up.
"You need to lay off the peanut-butthurt and u-jelly sandwiches" - Neon Octopus
I love it in multiplayer games. Mario Kart is a perfect example.

I owned both MKWii and MK8. When I visited friends, I would bring the games along. I had an obvious experience advantage, but MKWii was a much better experience. The other friends could steal a race here and there. With MK8, it was nearly impossible for those comebacks to happen. As a result, MK8 did not see nearly as much playtime.
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For multiplayer it's obviously dumb as hell.

Single player, I don't see the need if there's an adjustable difficulty setting.
TheRealDill2000 posted...
I love it in multiplayer games. Mario Kart is a perfect example.

I owned both MKWii and MK8. When I visited friends, I would bring the games along. I had an obvious experience advantage, but MKWii was a much better experience. The other friends could steal a race here and there. With MK8, it was nearly impossible for those comebacks to happen. As a result, MK8 did not see nearly as much playtime.

MKWii had the most cheating AI out of any of the MK games and it pissed me off so much. I'm glad they dialed it down a ton for MK8 and let skill be more prominent.
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I don't mind the mario kart version of giving the people farther back better items, since items are fun to use and can be dodged and stuff. Things like giving the people in the back a flat speed boost may be effective but is pretty boring
TheRealDill2000 posted...
I love it in multiplayer games. Mario Kart is a perfect example.

I owned both MKWii and MK8. When I visited friends, I would bring the games along. I had an obvious experience advantage, but MKWii was a much better experience. The other friends could steal a race here and there. With MK8, it was nearly impossible for those comebacks to happen. As a result, MK8 did not see nearly as much playtime.

I'm really mixed on if it's good for multiplayer games or not. I never play online with those games because there's people who are either just so much better than me I can't complete or just assholes that just try to ram everyone around and everything. Rubber banding sounds dumb as hell for multiplayer, that should be 100% equal and balanced in terms of being solely about your vehicle choice, tuning, and skill, or however many of those things are applicable for that specific game. Having something that slows you down or speeds up other players depending on position seems stupid. Like part of me gets that nobody wants to feel like they're in the lead with no chance of losing it, and nobody wants to be in the back and feel like they have no chance of coming back, but I'm not sure how I'd really feel about rubber banding for that...

I played MK online on Wii and that's the only one I've done that with, honestly the multiplayer seemed like a complete game of chance half the time. Like you're either going to get fucked over by a random blue shell at the end and go from first to last or you're going to get lucky and make it. When I'd win I never really felt like it was because I was the best racer, I just felt like I got lucky with the items and everything.
"You need to lay off the peanut-butthurt and u-jelly sandwiches" - Neon Octopus
Worst was in NBA Jam and NFL Blitz. You got up by 2 TDS in blitz and youd fumble all the fucking time.
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I have two definitions of "rubber-banding" as video game terms and clearly there must be a third because I can't make sense of this topic.

I've always known it to be the phenomenon of being flung back to your previous position and having significant difficulty moving because of lag, or the act of putting a rubber band around your joystick to bypass an online game's inactivity detection.
weapon_d00d816 posted...
I have two definitions of "rubber-banding" as video game terms and clearly there must be a third because I can't make sense of this topic.

I've always known it to be the phenomenon of being flung back to your previous position and having significant difficulty moving because of lag, or the act of putting a rubber band around your joystick to bypass an online game's inactivity detection.

when the person in the lead is slowed down, and/or the person behind goes faster.

it makes comebacks possible, and helps keep games competitive. it also allows someone who does not perform as well over the whole race to win (if they get rubber banded to get close, then other person makes one mistake, and loses)
weapon_d00d816 posted...
I have two definitions of "rubber-banding" as video game terms and clearly there must be a third because I can't make sense of this topic.

I've always known it to be the phenomenon of being flung back to your previous position and having significant difficulty moving because of lag, or the act of putting a rubber band around your joystick to bypass an online game's inactivity detection.

In racing games it also applies to when the AI will only let you get so far ahead of them before being able to catch up to you no matter what or if you get far behind the AI slowing down for you to catch up.
The idea is to keep the race competitive from start to finish but when it's implemented badly it can feel like a middle finger that discourages skill and actually getting good.
"You need to lay off the peanut-butthurt and u-jelly sandwiches" - Neon Octopus
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
Worst was in NBA Jam and NFL Blitz. You got up by 2 TDS in blitz and youd fumble all the fucking time.

Fucking NFL street. I never shut a team out because fucking ridiculous gamebreaker touchdowns
MrResetti posted...
KiwiTerraRizing posted...
Worst was in NBA Jam and NFL Blitz. You got up by 2 TDS in blitz and youd fumble all the fucking time.

Fucking NFL street. I never shut a team out because fucking ridiculous gamebreaker touchdowns

Yeah that fucking sucked in an otherwise great game.
"You need to lay off the peanut-butthurt and u-jelly sandwiches" - Neon Octopus
Current Events » What's your opinion on rubber banding in racing games?