How much stress do you go through?

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Current Events » How much stress do you go through?

What causes it?
a great deal, and I don't even do a hell of a lot.
I can't even take a shit without freaking out and having a panic attack sometimes. poop time has always been thinking time, and thinking isn't good for me these days.
A lot.
hi there :3
1264-1315-8952 | Anna
I'm at the point where I'm as stressed as humanly possible so things that should be very stressful don't make me feel any extra stress at all
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Zero. I'm a care free kinda guy and can roll through anything. But when I CAN'T! I GET PISSSED!!!
I've learned that life is one crushing defeat after another... until you just wish Flanders was dead. - Homer Simpson
I'd say quite a bit. I'm at school roughly 24 hours week, and I work 32 hours a week.

I'm also a biochemistry major so all of my classes are considered "difficult" classes, and necessary study times range from just a few hours per week of studying to 20+ per week. As of right now I am studying for a physical chemistry II, biochemistry II, physical (quantitative) biology, RNA biology, and molecular genetics midterm coming up within the next week and a half (all senior or graduate level courses). I am also working on a plant related research project with my lab (studying innate immune system mechanism), where I put in 3-5 hours a week.

On top of that I am reviewing for my MCAT coming exam coming up early next year. I'm currently reviewing freshman/sophomore level physics and psychology.

This doesn't even include miscellaneous stress involving bills, my girlfriend, etc. I literally haven't had free time to do anything for more than an hour since the beginning of my semester.
Quite a bit lately. Just a whole bunch of bullshit happening at one time.

1st: Hit by drunk driver on my motorcycle. Grade 2 MCL tear and grade 1 ACL tear. He has no insurance, refuses to pay, trying to get court proceedings going but Thai police are very slow/not very good at their jobs.

2nd: Because of accident, I couldn't go to school to give the exams. Instead of listening to my request of letting me pick up the tests and mark them. They decided they would do it themselves. Let's just say it caused a fuck ton of problems and over involved bored housewives complaining up a storm.

3rd: one of said bored housewives has started a ton of fucking issues at work. Most of the issues were to do with my co-teacher but they bitched about the entire program. The school decided to hire this bitch on as their "curriculum consultant". Now she is on a fucking rampage and has easily added 10-15 hours per week to my work load and most of that time is for completely useless bullshit. I'm going to quit if I can find a permanent online teaching job. Place isn't worth the stress.

4th: Found out last week that they changed the visa laws here. As a teacher, you have to provide police clearance to get a working visa. You have to go to Bangkok and it takes 6 weeks. I have to renew my visa in 3 weeks. I'm going to try using an agent that a friend used that "knows people" at the embassy (people he bribes) and he said he can get it no problem. Will cost about $50 extra.

If it doesn't work I have to get a non-o visa instead which is only good for 3 months. Then I have to go to Bangkok, get the clearance, go back to Malaysia, apply for my visa but by that point I will have less than 8 months on my work permit so I won't be eligible for a 1year visa, only a 3 month visa which means I'd have to go to that fucking place between 4-5 times over the next 12-15 months.

All this because of some fucking American pedophile who was hiding out here from the FBI as a teacher.

Oh and I have to renew my passport which is $260. So a lot of extra money being put out. If I can only get the 3 month visa I'll spend at least $2,500 (likely more) for the visas, trips to Bangkok and Penang, accommodation, etc. All this while in the process of buying a new house and a 17 month old daughter to care for.
How can one person post so much stupid s***?
Current Events » How much stress do you go through?