Is this celebrity A, B, C or D list day 3: Christopher Walken?

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Current Events » Is this celebrity A, B, C or D list day 3: Christopher Walken?
"I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell."

Admit it. You've tried to imitate his voice at least once before. Christopher Walken is known for playing in all kinds of movie across all kinds of genre because the man quite literally accepts anything give to him and that's why we love him. It's said that he's been in 200+ and counting!

Such movies like Seven Psychopaths, Pulp Fiction, Joe Dirt, the live-action Jungle Book, Click, Joe Dirt the list goes on!

And who can forget the classic Fatboy Slim video:

CE decided that:
Seth Green is C-List (41.67%)
Chris Pratt is A-List (75%)
He was also in Joe Dirt!
KainWind posted...
He was also in Joe Dirt!

Not one of his better movies, unfortunately.
Just Walken through.
A list or B list, which is it?
Current Events » Is this celebrity A, B, C or D list day 3: Christopher Walken?