Is this celebrity A, B, C or D list day 2: Chris Pratt?

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Current Events » Is this celebrity A, B, C or D list day 2: Chris Pratt?
"The got my dick message!"

We all know him. We all love him. He started off in smaller roles in stuff like Wanted, Movie 43 and Jennifer's Body. But nowadays, he shot up to super stardom starring in films like Zero Dark Thirty, Guardians of the Galaxy 1&2, Jurassic World (and it's upcoming sequel), the Magnificent Seven and so on.

Let's not forget his role as Andy in the hit series Parks and Recreation.

CE decided that:
Seth Green is C-List
low A
I feel like hollywood kind of looked at him and went "We need a new A-list male, all our existing ones are too old."

And they just threw a ton of roles at him.
And when the hourglass has run out, eternity asks you about only one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not.
Darkman124 posted...
I feel like hollywood kind of looked at him and went "We need a new A-list male, all our existing ones are too old."

And they just threw a ton of roles at him.

I'm so glad they did.
You guys put Seth Green as a C list. Lol.
gatorsPENSbucs posted...
You guys put Seth Green as a C list. Lol.

Where would you put him?
Guardians of the Bump
With GotG/2 and Jurassic World under his belt at the very least, he's definitely an A-lister now.
Guardians, Jurassic World and Passengers. He's an A now.
Start me, bench Forte
He was hotter with a dad-bod pre movies.

But I'm glad he is a A star anyway
I said B, but he's a high B/low A.
I enjoy Chris, and he's definitely A by now.
You're such a boring characterless entity. Try getting laid once in a while and maybe you'll have friends and find out what a "joke" is. - derrate
He's most certainly A-List. He's one of the highest paid actors now.
Kind Regards,
Anteaterking posted...
I said B, but he's a high B/low A.

Yeah, that's what I went with
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Current Events » Is this celebrity A, B, C or D list day 2: Chris Pratt?